The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 /*
    2  * Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
    3  *
    5  * 
    6  * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    7  * 
    8  * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
    9  * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
   10  * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
   11  * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
   12  * and read it before using this
   13  * file.
   14  * 
   15  * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
   16  * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
   20  * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
   21  * limitations under the License.
   22  * 
   24  */
   25 #include <sys/types.h>
   26 #include <sys/vnode.h>
   27 #include <sys/ipc.h>
   28 #include <sys/sem.h>
   29 #include <sys/socketvar.h>
   30 #include <sys/socket.h>
   31 #include <sys/queue.h>
   32 #include <sys/fcntl.h>
   33 #include <sys/audit.h>
   34 #include <sys/kern_audit.h>
   35 #include <sys/bsm_token.h>
   36 #include <sys/bsm_kevents.h>
   37 #include <sys/bsm_klib.h>
   38 #include <sys/user.h>
   39 #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
   40 #include <netinet/in.h>
   41 #include <netinet/ip.h>
   43 #include <kern/lock.h>
   45 /* The number of BSM records allocated. */
   46 static int bsm_rec_count = 0; 
   48 /* 
   49  * Records that can be recycled are maintained in the list given below
   50  * The maximum number of elements that can be present in this list is
   51  * bounded by MAX_AUDIT_RECORDS. Memory allocated for these records are never
   52  * freed 
   53  */ 
   54 LIST_HEAD(, au_record) bsm_free_q;
   56 /*
   57  * Lock for serializing access to the list of audit records.
   58  */
   59 static mutex_t  *bsm_audit_mutex;
   61 /*
   62  * Initialize the BSM auditing subsystem.
   63  */
   64 void
   65 kau_init(void)
   66 {
   67         printf("BSM auditing present\n");
   68         LIST_INIT(&bsm_free_q);
   69         bsm_audit_mutex = mutex_alloc(ETAP_NO_TRACE);
   70 }
   72 /*
   73  * This call reserves memory for the audit record. 
   74  * Memory must be guaranteed before any auditable event can be
   75  * generated. 
   76  * The au_record structure maintains a reference to the
   77  * memory allocated above and also the list of tokens associated 
   78  * with this record
   79  */  
   80 struct au_record * 
   81 kau_open(void)
   82 {       
   83         struct au_record *rec = NULL;
   85         /* 
   86          * Find an unused record, remove it from the free list, mark as used
   87          */  
   88         mutex_lock(bsm_audit_mutex);
   89         if (!LIST_EMPTY(&bsm_free_q)) {
   90                 rec = LIST_FIRST(&bsm_free_q);
   91                 LIST_REMOVE(rec, au_rec_q);
   92         }
   93         mutex_unlock(bsm_audit_mutex);
   95         if (rec == NULL) {
   96                 mutex_lock(bsm_audit_mutex);
   97                 if (bsm_rec_count >= MAX_AUDIT_RECORDS) {
   98                         /* XXX We need to increase size of MAX_AUDIT_RECORDS */
   99                         mutex_unlock(bsm_audit_mutex);
  100                         return NULL;
  101                 }
  102                 mutex_unlock(bsm_audit_mutex);
  104                 /*
  105                  * Create a new BSM kernel record.
  106                  */
  107                 kmem_alloc(kernel_map, &rec, sizeof(*rec));
  108                 if(rec == NULL) {
  109                         return NULL;
  110                 }
  111                 kmem_alloc(kernel_map, &rec->data, 
  112                            MAX_AUDIT_RECORD_SIZE * sizeof(u_char));
  113                 if((rec->data) == NULL) {
  114                         kmem_free(kernel_map, rec, sizeof(*rec));
  115                         return NULL;
  116                 }
  117                 mutex_lock(bsm_audit_mutex);
  118                 bsm_rec_count++;
  119                 mutex_unlock(bsm_audit_mutex);
  120         }
  121         memset(rec->data, 0, MAX_AUDIT_RECORD_SIZE);
  123         TAILQ_INIT(&rec->token_q);
  124         rec->len = 0;
  125         rec->used = 1;
  127         return rec;
  128 }
  130 /*
  131  * Store the token with the record descriptor
  132  *
  133  */ 
  134 int kau_write(struct au_record *rec, struct au_token *tok)
  135 {
  136         if(tok == NULL) {
  137                 return -1; /* Invalid Token */
  138         }               
  140         /* Add the token to the tail */
  141         /* 
  142          * XXX Not locking here -- we should not be writing to
  143          * XXX the same audit record from different threads
  144          */ 
  145         TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&rec->token_q, tok, tokens);
  147         rec->len += tok->len; /* grow record length by token size bytes */
  149         return 0; 
  150 }
  152 /*
  153  * Close out the audit record by adding the header token, identifying 
  154  * any missing tokens.  Write out the tokens to the record memory.
  155  */
  156 int kau_close(struct au_record *rec, struct timespec *ctime, short event)
  157 {
  158         u_char *dptr;
  159         size_t tot_rec_size;
  160         token_t *cur, *hdr, *trail;
  161         int retval = 0;
  163         tot_rec_size = rec->len + HEADER_SIZE + TRAILER_SIZE;
  164         if(tot_rec_size <= MAX_AUDIT_RECORD_SIZE) {
  165                 /* Create the header token */
  166                 hdr = kau_to_header32(ctime, tot_rec_size, event, 0);
  168                 if(hdr != NULL) {
  169                         /* Add to head of list */
  170                         TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&rec->token_q, hdr, tokens);
  172                         trail = au_to_trailer(tot_rec_size);
  173                         if(trail != NULL) {
  174                                 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&rec->token_q, trail, tokens);
  175                         }
  176                 }
  177                 /* Serialize token data to the record */
  179                 rec->len = tot_rec_size;
  180                 dptr = rec->data;
  181                 TAILQ_FOREACH(cur, &rec->token_q, tokens) {
  182                         memcpy(dptr, cur->t_data, cur->len);            
  183                         dptr += cur->len;
  184                 }
  185         }
  186 }
  188 /*
  189  * Free a BSM audit record by releasing all the tokens and clearing the
  190  * audit record information.
  191  */
  192 void kau_free(struct au_record *rec)
  193 {
  194         struct au_token *tok;
  196         /* Free the token list */
  197         while ((tok = TAILQ_FIRST(&rec->token_q))) {
  198                 TAILQ_REMOVE(&rec->token_q, tok, tokens);
  199                 kmem_free(kernel_map, tok->t_data, tok->len);
  200                 kmem_free(kernel_map, tok, sizeof(struct au_token));
  201         }       
  203         rec->used = 0;
  204         rec->len = 0;   
  206         mutex_lock(bsm_audit_mutex);
  208         /* Add the record to the freelist */
  209         LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&bsm_free_q, rec, au_rec_q);
  211         mutex_unlock(bsm_audit_mutex);
  213 }
  215 /*
  216  * XXX May want turn some (or all) of these macros into functions in order
  217  * to reduce the generated code sized.
  218  */
  219 #define UPATH1_TOKENS   \
  220         do { \
  221                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_UPATH1) {            \
  222                         tok = au_to_path(ar->ar_arg_upath1);    \
  223                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  224                 }                                               \
  225         } while (0)
  227 #define UPATH2_TOKENS   \
  228         do { \
  229                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_UPATH2) {            \
  230                         tok = au_to_path(ar->ar_arg_upath2);    \
  231                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  232                 }                                               \
  233         } while (0)
  235 #define KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS    \
  236         do { \
  237                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_KPATH1) {            \
  238                         tok = au_to_path(ar->ar_arg_kpath1);    \
  239                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  240                 }                                               \
  241                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_VNODE1) {            \
  242                         fill_vattr(&vattr, &ar->ar_arg_vnode1); \
  243                         tok = au_to_attr32(&vattr);             \
  244                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  245                 }                                               \
  246         } while (0)
  248 #define KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS  \
  249         do { \
  250                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_KPATH1) {            \
  251                         tok = au_to_path(ar->ar_arg_kpath1);    \
  252                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  253                 } else {                                        \
  254                         UPATH1_TOKENS;                          \
  255                 }                                               \
  256                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_VNODE1) {            \
  257                         fill_vattr(&vattr, &ar->ar_arg_vnode1); \
  258                         tok = au_to_attr32(&vattr);             \
  259                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  260                 }                                               \
  261         } while (0)
  263 #define KPATH2_VNODE2_TOKENS    \
  264         do { \
  265                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_KPATH2) {            \
  266                         tok = au_to_path(ar->ar_arg_kpath2);    \
  267                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  268                 }                                               \
  269                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_VNODE2) {            \
  270                         fill_vattr(&vattr, &ar->ar_arg_vnode2); \
  271                         tok = au_to_attr32(&vattr);             \
  272                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  273                 }                                               \
  274         } while (0)
  276 #define FD_KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS \
  277         do { \
  278                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_KPATH1) {            \
  279                         tok = au_to_path(ar->ar_arg_kpath1);    \
  280                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  281                         if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_VNODE1) {    \
  282                                 fill_vattr(&vattr, &ar->ar_arg_vnode1); \
  283                                 tok = au_to_attr32(&vattr);             \
  284                                 kau_write(rec, tok);            \
  285                         }                                       \
  286                 } else {                                        \
  287                         tok = au_to_arg32(1, "no path: fd", ar->ar_arg_fd); \
  288                         kau_write(rec, tok);                    \
  289                 }                                               \
  290         } while (0)
  292 /*
  293  * Convert an internal kernel audit record to a BSM record and return 
  294  * a success/failure indicator. The BSM record is passed as an out
  295  * parameter to this function. 
  296  * Return conditions:
  297  *   BSM_SUCCESS: The BSM record is valid
  298  *   BSM_FAILURE: Failure; the BSM record is NULL.
  299  *   BSM_NOAUDIT: The event is not auditable for BSM; the BSM record is NULL. 
  300  */
  301 int
  302 kaudit_to_bsm(struct kaudit_record *kar, struct au_record **pau)
  303 {
  304         struct au_token *tok, *subj_tok;
  305         struct au_record *rec;
  306         au_tid_t tid;
  307         struct audit_record *ar;
  308         struct vattr vattr;
  309         int sorf;
  310         int ctr;
  312         *pau = NULL;
  313         if (kar == NULL)
  314                 return (BSM_FAILURE);
  316         ar = &kar->k_ar;
  318         /*
  319          * Decide whether to create the BSM audit record by checking the
  320          * error value from the system call and using the appropriate
  321          * user audit mask. 
  322          */
  323         if (ar->ar_errno) 
  324                 sorf = AU_PRS_FAILURE;
  325         else
  326                 sorf = AU_PRS_SUCCESS;
  328         if (au_preselect(ar->ar_event, &ar->ar_subj_amask, sorf) == 0)
  329                 return (BSM_NOAUDIT);
  331         rec = kau_open();
  332         if (rec == NULL)
  333                 return (BSM_FAILURE);
  335         /* Create the subject token */
  336         tid.port = ar->ar_subj_term.port;
  337         tid.machine = ar->ar_subj_term.machine;
  338         subj_tok = au_to_subject32(ar->ar_subj_auid,  /* audit ID */
  339                 ar->ar_subj_cred.cr_uid, /* eff uid */
  340                 ar->ar_subj_egid,       /* eff group id */
  341                 ar->ar_subj_ruid,       /* real uid */
  342                 ar->ar_subj_rgid,       /* real group id */
  343                 ar->ar_subj_pid,        /* process id */
  344                 ar->ar_subj_asid,       /* session ID */
  345                 &tid);
  347         /* The logic inside each case fills in the tokens required for the
  348          * event, except for the header, trailer, and return tokens. The 
  349          * header and trailer tokens are added by the kau_close() function.
  350          * The return token is added outside of the switch statement.
  351          */ 
  352         switch(ar->ar_event) {
  354         /* 
  355          * Socket-related events. 
  356          */
  357         case AUE_ACCEPT:
  358         case AUE_BIND:
  359         case AUE_CONNECT:
  360         case AUE_RECVFROM:
  361         case AUE_RECVMSG:   
  362         case AUE_SENDMSG:
  363         case AUE_SENDTO:
  364                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "fd", ar->ar_arg_fd);
  365                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  366                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_SADDRINET) {
  367                         tok = au_to_sock_inet(
  368                                 (struct sockaddr_in *)&ar->ar_arg_sockaddr);
  369                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  370                 }
  371                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_SADDRUNIX) {
  372                         tok = au_to_sock_unix(
  373                                 (struct sockaddr_un *)&ar->ar_arg_sockaddr);
  374                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  375                         UPATH1_TOKENS;
  376                 }
  377                 /* XXX Need to handle ARG_SADDRINET6 */
  378                 break;
  380         case AUE_SOCKET:
  381         case AUE_SOCKETPAIR:
  382                 tok = au_to_arg32(1,"domain", ar->ar_arg_sockinfo.sodomain);
  383                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  384                 tok = au_to_arg32(2,"type", ar->ar_arg_sockinfo.sotype);
  385                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  386                 tok = au_to_arg32(3,"protocol", ar->ar_arg_sockinfo.soprotocol);
  387                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  388                 break;
  390         case AUE_SETSOCKOPT:
  391         case AUE_SHUTDOWN:
  392                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "fd", ar->ar_arg_fd);
  393                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  394                 break;
  396         case AUE_SETAUID:
  397                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "setauid", ar->ar_arg_auid);
  398                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  399                 /* fall through */
  400         case AUE_ADJTIME:
  401         case AUE_AUDIT:
  402         case AUE_EXIT:
  403         case AUE_GETAUID:
  404         case AUE_GETFSSTAT:
  405         case AUE_PIPE:
  406         case AUE_SETPGRP:
  407         case AUE_SETRLIMIT:
  408                 /* Header, subject, and return tokens added at end */
  409                 break;
  411         case AUE_ACCESS:
  412         case AUE_CHDIR:
  413         case AUE_CHROOT:
  414         case AUE_EXECVE:
  415         case AUE_GETATTRLIST:
  416         case AUE_GETFH:
  417         case AUE_LSTAT:
  418         case AUE_MKFIFO:
  419         case AUE_PATHCONF:
  420         case AUE_READLINK:
  421         case AUE_REVOKE:
  422         case AUE_RMDIR:
  423         case AUE_SEARCHFS:
  424         case AUE_SETATTRLIST:
  425         case AUE_STAT:
  426         case AUE_STATFS:
  427         case AUE_TRUNCATE:
  428         case AUE_UNDELETE:
  429         case AUE_UNLINK:
  430         case AUE_UTIMES:
  431                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  432                 break;
  434         case AUE_CHFLAGS:
  435                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "flags", ar->ar_arg_fflags);
  436                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  437                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  438                 break;
  440         case AUE_CHMOD:
  441                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "new file mode", ar->ar_arg_mode);
  442                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  443                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  444                 break;
  446         case AUE_CHOWN:
  447                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "new file uid", ar->ar_arg_uid);
  448                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  449                 tok = au_to_arg32(3, "new file gid", ar->ar_arg_gid);
  450                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  451                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  452                 break;
  454         case AUE_EXCHANGEDATA:
  455                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  456                 KPATH2_VNODE2_TOKENS;
  457                 break;
  459 /*
  460  * XXXAUDIT: Close is not audited in the kernel yet. 
  461         case AUE_CLOSE:
  462                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "fd", ar->ar_arg_fd);
  463                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  464                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  465                 break;
  466 */
  467         case AUE_FCHMOD:
  468                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "new file mode", ar->ar_arg_mode);
  469                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  470                 FD_KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS;
  471                 break;
  473         case AUE_FCHDIR:
  474         case AUE_FPATHCONF:
  475         case AUE_FSTAT:         /* XXX Need to handle sockets and shm */
  476         case AUE_FSTATFS:
  477         case AUE_FTRUNCATE:
  478         case AUE_FUTIMES:
  479         case AUE_GETDIRENTRIES:
  480         case AUE_GETDIRENTRIESATTR:
  481                 FD_KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS;
  482                 break;
  484         case AUE_FCHOWN:
  485                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "new file uid", ar->ar_arg_uid);
  486                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  487                 tok = au_to_arg32(3, "new file gid", ar->ar_arg_gid);
  488                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  489                 FD_KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS;
  490                 break;
  492         case AUE_FCNTL:
  493                 if (ar->ar_arg_cmd == F_GETLK || ar->ar_arg_cmd == F_SETLK ||
  494                         ar->ar_arg_cmd == F_SETLKW) {
  495                         tok = au_to_arg32(2, "cmd", ar->ar_arg_cmd);
  496                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  497                         FD_KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS;
  498                 }
  499                 break;
  501         case AUE_FCHFLAGS:
  502                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "flags", ar->ar_arg_fflags);
  503                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  504                 FD_KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS;
  505                 break;
  507         case AUE_FLOCK:
  508                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "operation", ar->ar_arg_cmd);
  509                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  510                 FD_KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS;
  511                 break;
  513         case AUE_LINK:
  514         case AUE_RENAME:
  515                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  516                 UPATH2_TOKENS;
  517                 break;
  519         case AUE_MKDIR:
  520                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "mode", ar->ar_arg_mode);
  521                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  522                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  523                 break;
  525         case AUE_MKNOD:
  526                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "mode", ar->ar_arg_mode);
  527                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  528                 tok = au_to_arg32(3, "dev", ar->ar_arg_dev);
  529                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  530                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  531                 break;
  533         case AUE_MOUNT:
  534                 /* XXX Need to handle NFS mounts */
  535                 tok = au_to_arg32(3, "flags", ar->ar_arg_fflags);
  536                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  537                 if (ar->ar_arg_text != NULL) {
  538                         tok = au_to_text(ar->ar_arg_text);
  539                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  540                 }
  541                 /* fall through */
  542         case AUE_UMOUNT:
  543                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  544                 break;
  546         case AUE_MSGCTL:
  547                 ar->ar_event = msgctl_to_event(ar->ar_arg_svipc_cmd);
  548                 /* Fall through */
  549         case AUE_MSGRCV:
  550         case AUE_MSGSND:
  551                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "msg ID", ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  552                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  553                 if (ar->ar_errno != EINVAL) {
  554                         tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_MSG, ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  555                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  556                 }
  557                 break;
  559         case AUE_MSGGET:
  560                 if (ar->ar_errno == 0) {
  561                         tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_MSG, ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  562                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  563                 }
  564                 break;
  566         case AUE_OPEN_R:
  567         case AUE_OPEN_RC:
  568         case AUE_OPEN_RTC:
  569         case AUE_OPEN_RT:
  570         case AUE_OPEN_RW:
  571         case AUE_OPEN_RWC:
  572         case AUE_OPEN_RWTC:
  573         case AUE_OPEN_RWT:
  574         case AUE_OPEN_W:
  575         case AUE_OPEN_WC:
  576         case AUE_OPEN_WTC:
  577         case AUE_OPEN_WT:
  578                 /* The open syscall always writes a OPEN_R event; convert the
  579                  * file flags to the proper type of event.
  580                  */
  581                 ar->ar_event = flags_to_openevent(ar->ar_arg_fflags);
  582                 UPATH1_TOKENS;          /* Save the user space path */
  583                 KPATH1_VNODE1_TOKENS;   /* Audit the kernel path as well */
  584                 break;
  586         case AUE_QUOTACTL:
  587                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "command", ar->ar_arg_cmd);
  588                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  589                 tok = au_to_arg32(3, "uid", ar->ar_arg_uid);
  590                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  591                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  592                 break;
  594         case AUE_SEMCTL:
  595                 ar->ar_event = semctl_to_event(ar->ar_arg_svipc_cmd);
  596                 /* Fall through */
  597         case AUE_SEMOP:
  598                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "sem ID", ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  599                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  600                 if (ar->ar_errno != EINVAL) {
  601                         tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_SEM, ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  602                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  603                 }
  604                 break;
  605         case AUE_SEMGET:
  606                 if (ar->ar_errno == 0) {
  607                         tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_SEM, ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  608                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  609                 }
  610                 break;
  611         case AUE_SETEGID:
  612                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "gid", ar->ar_arg_egid);
  613                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  614                 break;
  615         case AUE_SETEUID:
  616                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "uid", ar->ar_arg_euid);
  617                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  618                 break;
  619         case AUE_SETGID:
  620                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "gid", ar->ar_arg_gid);
  621                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  622                 break;
  623         case AUE_SETUID:
  624                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "uid", ar->ar_arg_uid);
  625                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  626                 break;
  627         case AUE_SETGROUPS:
  628                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_GROUPSET) {
  629                         for(ctr = 0; ctr < ar->ar_arg_groups.gidset_size; ctr++)
  630                         {
  631                                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "setgroups",                                                       ar->ar_arg_groups.gidset[ctr]);
  632                                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  633                         }
  634                 }
  635                 break;
  636         case AUE_SHMAT:
  637                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "shmid", ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  638                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  639                 tok = au_to_arg32(2, "shmaddr", (int)ar->ar_arg_svipc_addr);
  640                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  641                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_SVIPC_PERM) {
  642                         tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_SHM, ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  643                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  644                         tok = au_to_ipc_perm(&ar->ar_arg_svipc_perm);
  645                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  646                 }
  647                 break;
  649         case AUE_SHMCTL:
  650                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "shmid", ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  651                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  652                 switch (ar->ar_arg_svipc_cmd) {
  653                 case IPC_STAT:
  654                         ar->ar_event = AUE_SHMCTL_STAT;
  655                         if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_SVIPC_PERM) {
  656                                 tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_SHM, 
  657                                                 ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  658                                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  659                         }
  660                         break;
  661                 case IPC_RMID:
  662                         ar->ar_event = AUE_SHMCTL_RMID;
  663                         if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_SVIPC_PERM) {
  664                                 tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_SHM, 
  665                                                 ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  666                                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  667                         }
  668                         break;
  669                 case IPC_SET:
  670                         ar->ar_event = AUE_SHMCTL_SET;
  671                         if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_SVIPC_PERM) {
  672                                 tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_SHM, 
  673                                                 ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  674                                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  675                                 tok = au_to_ipc_perm(&ar->ar_arg_svipc_perm);
  676                                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  677                 }
  678                         break;
  679                 default:
  680                         break;  /* We will audit a bad command */
  681                 }
  682                 break;
  684         case AUE_SHMDT:
  685                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "shmaddr", (int)ar->ar_arg_svipc_addr);
  686                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  687                 break;
  689         case AUE_SHMGET:
  690                 /* This is unusual; the return value is in an argument token */
  691                 tok = au_to_arg32(0, "shmid", ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  692                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  693                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_SVIPC_PERM) {
  694                         tok = au_to_ipc(AT_IPC_SHM, ar->ar_arg_svipc_id);
  695                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  696                         tok = au_to_ipc_perm(&ar->ar_arg_svipc_perm);
  697                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  698                 }
  699                 break;
  701         case AUE_SYMLINK:
  702                 if (ar->ar_valid_arg & ARG_TEXT) {
  703                         tok = au_to_text(ar->ar_arg_text);
  704                         kau_write(rec, tok);
  705                 }
  706                 KPATH1_VNODE1_OR_UPATH1_TOKENS;
  707                 break;
  709         case AUE_UMASK:
  710                 tok = au_to_arg32(1, "new mask", ar->ar_arg_mask);
  711                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  712                 tok = au_to_arg32(0, "prev mask", ar->ar_retval);
  713                 kau_write(rec, tok);
  714                 break;
  716         default: /* We shouldn't fall through to here. */
  717                 printf("BSM conversion requested for unknown event %d\n",
  718                         ar->ar_event);
  719                 kau_free(rec);
  720                 return BSM_NOAUDIT;
  721         }
  723         kau_write(rec, subj_tok); 
  724         tok = au_to_return32((char)ar->ar_errno, ar->ar_retval);
  725         kau_write(rec, tok);  /* Every record gets a return token */
  727         kau_close(rec, &ar->ar_endtime, ar->ar_event);
  729         *pau = rec;
  730         return BSM_SUCCESS;
  731 }
  733 /*
  734  * Verify that a record is a valid BSM record. This verification is
  735  * simple now, but may be expanded on sometime in the future.
  736  * Return 1 if the record is good, 0 otherwise.
  737  *
  738  */
  739 int
  740 bsm_rec_verify(caddr_t rec)
  741 {
  742         /* 
  743          * Check the token ID of the first token; it has to be a header
  744          * token.
  745          */
  746         /* XXXAUDIT There needs to be a token structure to map a token. 
  747          * XXXAUDIT 'Shouldn't be simply looking at the first char.
  748          */
  749         if ( ((char)*rec != AU_HEADER_32_TOKEN) && 
  750                 ((char)*rec != AU_HEADER_EX_32_TOKEN) && 
  751                 ((char)*rec != AU_HEADER_64_TOKEN) && 
  752                 ((char)*rec != AU_HEADER_EX_64_TOKEN) ) {
  753                 return (0);
  754         }
  755         return (1);
  756 }

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