The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 # $FreeBSD$
    2 cloudabi32_vdso.o               optional        compat_cloudabi32       \
    3         dependency      "$S/contrib/cloudabi/cloudabi_vdso_armv6.S" \
    4         compile-with    "${CC} -x assembler-with-cpp -shared -nostdinc -nostdlib -Wl,-T$S/compat/cloudabi/ $S/contrib/cloudabi/cloudabi_vdso_armv6.S -o ${.TARGET}" \
    5         no-obj no-implicit-rule                                         \
    6         clean           "cloudabi32_vdso.o"
    7 #
    8 cloudabi32_vdso_blob.o          optional        compat_cloudabi32       \
    9         dependency      "cloudabi32_vdso.o"                             \
   10         compile-with    "${OBJCOPY} --input-target binary --output-target elf32-littlearm --binary-architecture arm cloudabi32_vdso.o ${.TARGET}" \
   11         no-implicit-rule                                                \
   12         clean           "cloudabi32_vdso_blob.o"
   13 #
   14 arm/arm/autoconf.c              standard
   15 arm/arm/bcopy_page.S            standard
   16 arm/arm/bcopyinout.S            standard
   17 arm/arm/blockio.S               standard
   18 arm/arm/bus_space_asm_generic.S standard
   19 arm/arm/bus_space_base.c        optional        fdt
   20 arm/arm/bus_space_generic.c     standard
   21 arm/arm/busdma_machdep-v4.c     optional        !armv6
   22 arm/arm/busdma_machdep-v6.c     optional        armv6
   23 arm/arm/copystr.S               standard
   24 arm/arm/cpufunc.c               standard
   25 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm.S           standard
   26 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm9.S      optional        cpu_arm9 | cpu_arm9e
   27 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm11.S     optional        cpu_arm1176
   28 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_arm11x6.S   optional        cpu_arm1176
   29 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv4.S     optional        cpu_arm9 | cpu_arm9e | cpu_fa526 | cpu_xscale_pxa2x0 | cpu_xscale_ixp425 | cpu_xscale_81342
   30 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv5_ec.S  optional        cpu_arm9e
   31 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv6.S     optional        cpu_arm1176
   32 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_armv7.S     optional        cpu_cortexa | cpu_krait | cpu_mv_pj4b
   33 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_fa526.S     optional        cpu_fa526
   34 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_pj4b.S      optional        cpu_mv_pj4b
   35 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_sheeva.S    optional        cpu_arm9e
   36 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_xscale.S    optional        cpu_xscale_pxa2x0 | cpu_xscale_ixp425 | cpu_xscale_81342
   37 arm/arm/cpufunc_asm_xscale_c3.S optional        cpu_xscale_81342
   38 arm/arm/cpuinfo.c               standard
   39 arm/arm/cpu_asm-v6.S            optional        armv6
   40 arm/arm/db_disasm.c             optional        ddb
   41 arm/arm/db_interface.c          optional        ddb
   42 arm/arm/db_trace.c              optional        ddb
   43 arm/arm/debug_monitor.c         optional        ddb armv6
   44 arm/arm/disassem.c              optional        ddb
   45 arm/arm/dump_machdep.c          standard
   46 arm/arm/elf_machdep.c           standard
   47 arm/arm/elf_note.S              standard
   48 arm/arm/exception.S             standard
   49 arm/arm/fiq.c                   standard
   50 arm/arm/fiq_subr.S              standard
   51 arm/arm/fusu.S                  standard
   52 arm/arm/gdb_machdep.c           optional        gdb
   53 arm/arm/generic_timer.c         optional        generic_timer
   54 arm/arm/gic.c                   optional        gic
   55 arm/arm/hdmi_if.m               optional        hdmi
   56 arm/arm/identcpu-v4.c           optional        !armv6
   57 arm/arm/identcpu-v6.c           optional        armv6
   58 arm/arm/in_cksum.c              optional        inet | inet6
   59 arm/arm/in_cksum_arm.S          optional        inet | inet6
   60 arm/arm/intr.c                  optional        !intrng
   61 kern/subr_intr.c                optional        intrng
   62 arm/arm/locore.S                standard        no-obj
   63 arm/arm/machdep.c               standard
   64 arm/arm/machdep_boot.c          standard
   65 arm/arm/machdep_kdb.c           standard
   66 arm/arm/machdep_intr.c          standard
   67 arm/arm/machdep_ptrace.c        standard
   68 arm/arm/mem.c                   optional        mem
   69 arm/arm/minidump_machdep.c      optional        mem
   70 arm/arm/mp_machdep.c            optional        smp
   71 arm/arm/mpcore_timer.c          optional        mpcore_timer
   72 arm/arm/nexus.c                 standard
   73 arm/arm/ofw_machdep.c           optional        fdt
   74 arm/arm/physmem.c               standard
   75 arm/arm/pl190.c                 optional        pl190
   76 arm/arm/pl310.c                 optional        pl310
   77 arm/arm/platform.c              optional        platform
   78 arm/arm/platform_if.m           optional        platform
   79 arm/arm/pmap-v4.c               optional        !armv6
   80 arm/arm/pmap-v6.c               optional        armv6
   81 arm/arm/pmu.c                   optional        pmu | fdt hwpmc
   82 arm/arm/ptrace_machdep.c        standard
   83 arm/arm/sc_machdep.c            optional        sc
   84 arm/arm/setcpsr.S               standard
   85 arm/arm/setstack.s              standard
   86 arm/arm/stack_machdep.c         optional        ddb | stack
   87 arm/arm/stdatomic.c             standard \
   88         compile-with "${NORMAL_C:N-Wmissing-prototypes}"
   89 arm/arm/support.S               standard
   90 arm/arm/swtch.S                 standard
   91 arm/arm/swtch-v4.S              optional        !armv6
   92 arm/arm/swtch-v6.S              optional        armv6
   93 arm/arm/sys_machdep.c           standard
   94 arm/arm/syscall.c               standard
   95 arm/arm/trap-v4.c               optional        !armv6
   96 arm/arm/trap-v6.c               optional        armv6
   97 arm/arm/uio_machdep.c           standard
   98 arm/arm/undefined.c             standard
   99 arm/arm/unwind.c                optional        ddb | kdtrace_hooks
  100 arm/arm/vm_machdep.c            standard
  101 arm/arm/vfp.c                   standard
  102 arm/cloudabi32/cloudabi32_sysvec.c      optional compat_cloudabi32
  103 board_id.h                      standard                                   \
  104         dependency      "$S/arm/conf/genboardid.awk $S/arm/conf/mach-types" \
  105         compile-with    "${AWK} -f $S/arm/conf/genboardid.awk $S/arm/conf/mach-types > board_id.h" \
  106         no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend                              \
  107         clean           "board_id.h"
  108 cddl/compat/opensolaris/kern/opensolaris_atomic.c       optional zfs | dtrace compile-with "${CDDL_C}"
  109 cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_asm.S                        optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_S}"
  110 cddl/dev/dtrace/arm/dtrace_subr.c                       optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_C}"
  111 cddl/dev/fbt/arm/fbt_isa.c                              optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${FBT_C}"
  112 crypto/blowfish/bf_enc.c        optional        crypto | ipsec | ipsec_support
  113 crypto/des/des_enc.c            optional        crypto | ipsec | ipsec_support | netsmb
  114 dev/dwc/if_dwc.c                optional        dwc
  115 dev/dwc/if_dwc_if.m             optional        dwc
  116 dev/fb/fb.c                     optional        sc
  117 dev/fdt/fdt_arm_platform.c      optional        platform fdt
  118 dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_arm.c           optional        hwpmc
  119 dev/hwpmc/hwpmc_armv7.c         optional        hwpmc armv6
  120 dev/iicbus/twsi/twsi.c          optional        twsi
  121 dev/ofw/ofw_cpu.c               optional        fdt
  122 dev/ofw/ofwpci.c                optional        fdt pci
  123 dev/pci/pci_host_generic.c      optional        pci_host_generic pci fdt
  124 dev/psci/psci.c                 optional        psci
  125 dev/psci/psci_arm.S             optional        psci
  126 dev/syscons/scgfbrndr.c         optional        sc
  127 dev/syscons/scterm-teken.c      optional        sc
  128 dev/syscons/scvtb.c             optional        sc
  129 dev/uart/uart_cpu_fdt.c         optional        uart fdt
  131 font.h                          optional        sc                      \
  132         compile-with    "uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_16[16*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 > font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_14[14*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 >> font.h && uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8.fnt && file2c 'u_char dflt_font_8[8*256] = {' '};' < ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8 >> font.h" \
  133         no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend                           \
  134         clean   "font.h ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x14 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x16 ${SC_DFLT_FONT}-8x8"
  135 kern/msi_if.m                   optional        intrng
  136 kern/pic_if.m                   optional        intrng
  137 kern/subr_busdma_bufalloc.c     standard
  138 kern/subr_devmap.c              standard
  139 kern/subr_sfbuf.c               standard
  140 libkern/arm/aeabi_unwind.c      standard
  141 libkern/arm/divsi3.S            standard
  142 libkern/arm/ffs.S               standard
  143 libkern/arm/ldivmod.S           standard
  144 libkern/arm/ldivmod_helper.c    standard
  145 libkern/arm/memclr.S            standard
  146 libkern/arm/memcpy.S            standard
  147 libkern/arm/memset.S            standard
  148 libkern/arm/muldi3.c            standard
  149 libkern/ashldi3.c               standard
  150 libkern/ashrdi3.c               standard
  151 libkern/divdi3.c                standard
  152 libkern/ffsl.c                  standard
  153 libkern/ffsll.c                 standard
  154 libkern/fls.c                   standard
  155 libkern/flsl.c                  standard
  156 libkern/flsll.c                 standard
  157 libkern/lshrdi3.c               standard
  158 libkern/moddi3.c                standard
  159 libkern/qdivrem.c               standard
  160 libkern/ucmpdi2.c               standard
  161 libkern/udivdi3.c               standard
  162 libkern/umoddi3.c               standard

Cache object: c10541633721778964099d43701a59cb

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.