The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

Version: -  FREEBSD  -  FREEBSD-13-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-13-0  -  FREEBSD-12-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-12-0  -  FREEBSD-11-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-11-0  -  FREEBSD-10-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-10-0  -  FREEBSD-9-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-9-0  -  FREEBSD-8-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-8-0  -  FREEBSD-7-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-7-0  -  FREEBSD-6-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-6-0  -  FREEBSD-5-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-5-0  -  FREEBSD-4-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-3-STABLE  -  FREEBSD22  -  l41  -  OPENBSD  -  linux-2.6  -  MK84  -  PLAN9  -  xnu-8792 
SearchContext: -  none  -  3  -  10 

Name Size Last modified (GMT) Description
Back Parent directory 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file bf.c 12344 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file bf.h 3864 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file coex.c 115865 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file coex.h 10499 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file debug.c 34846 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file debug.h 1671 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file efuse.c 4602 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file efuse.h 1014 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file fw.c 60303 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file fw.h 35997 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file hci.h 6499 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file mac.c 32844 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file mac.h 1483 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file mac80211.c 24030 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file main.c 59084 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file main.h 46689 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file pci.c 51443 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file pci.h 6745 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file phy.c 64703 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file phy.h 6032 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file ps.c 7116 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file ps.h 756 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file reg.h 22881 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file regd.c 20634 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file regd.h 1924 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8723d.c 85607 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8723d.h 9171 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8723d_table.c 25442 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8723d_table.h 470 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8723de.c 866 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8821c.c 59726 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8821c.h 8687 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8821c_table.c 153333 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8821c_table.h 540 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8821ce.c 970 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822b.c 78758 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822b.h 5478 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822b_table.c 495429 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822b_table.h 763 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822be.c 867 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822c.c 165848 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822c.h 12315 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822c_table.c 1111402 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822c_table.h 826 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rtw8822ce.c 970 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rx.c 5612 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file rx.h 2436 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file sar.c 3145 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file sar.h 537 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file sec.c 3614 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file sec.h 1204 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file tx.c 18910 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file tx.h 6443 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file util.c 2372 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file util.h 1239 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file wow.c 22271 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00
C file wow.h 1362 bytes 2023-01-28 21:00:00

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.