The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause */
    2 /* Copyright(c) 2018-2019  Realtek Corporation.
    3  */
    5 #ifndef __RTW_BF_H_
    6 #define __RTW_BF_H_
    8 #define REG_TXBF_CTRL           0x042C
    9 #define REG_RRSR                0x0440
   10 #define REG_NDPA_OPT_CTRL       0x045F
   12 #define REG_ASSOCIATED_BFMER0_INFO      0x06E4
   13 #define REG_ASSOCIATED_BFMER1_INFO      0x06EC
   14 #define REG_TX_CSI_RPT_PARAM_BW20       0x06F4
   15 #define REG_SND_PTCL_CTRL               0x0718
   16 #define BIT_DIS_CHK_VHTSIGB_CRC         BIT(6)
   17 #define BIT_DIS_CHK_VHTSIGA_CRC         BIT(5)
   18 #define BIT_MASK_BEAMFORM               (GENMASK(4, 0) | BIT(7))
   19 #define REG_MU_TX_CTL                   0x14C0
   20 #define REG_MU_STA_GID_VLD              0x14C4
   21 #define REG_MU_STA_USER_POS_INFO        0x14C8
   22 #define REG_CSI_RRSR                    0x1678
   23 #define REG_WMAC_MU_BF_OPTION           0x167C
   24 #define REG_WMAC_MU_BF_CTL              0x1680
   26 #define BIT_WMAC_USE_NDPARATE                   BIT(30)
   27 #define BIT_WMAC_TXMU_ACKPOLICY_EN              BIT(6)
   28 #define BIT_USE_NDPA_PARAMETER                  BIT(30)
   29 #define BIT_MU_P1_WAIT_STATE_EN                 BIT(16)
   30 #define BIT_EN_MU_MIMO                          BIT(7)
   32 #define R_MU_RL                         0xf
   33 #define BIT_SHIFT_R_MU_RL               12
   35 #define BIT_SHIFT_CSI_RATE              24
   37 #define BIT_MASK_R_MU_RL (R_MU_RL << BIT_SHIFT_R_MU_RL)
   38 #define BIT_MASK_R_MU_TABLE_VALID       0x3f
   39 #define BIT_MASK_CSI_RATE_VAL           0x3F
   42 #define BIT_RXFLTMAP0_ACTIONNOACK       BIT(14)
   43 #define BIT_RXFLTMAP1_BF                (BIT(4) | BIT(5))
   44 #define BIT_RXFLTMAP1_BF_REPORT_POLL    BIT(4)
   45 #define BIT_RXFLTMAP4_BF_REPORT_POLL    BIT(4)
   47 #define RTW_NDP_RX_STANDBY_TIME 0x70
   48 #define RTW_SND_CTRL_REMOVE     0x98
   49 #define RTW_SND_CTRL_SOUNDING   0x9B
   51 enum csi_seg_len {
   52         HAL_CSI_SEG_4K = 0,
   53         HAL_CSI_SEG_8K = 1,
   54         HAL_CSI_SEG_11K = 2,
   55 };
   57 struct cfg_mumimo_para {
   58         u8 sounding_sts[6];
   59         u16 grouping_bitmap;
   60         u8 mu_tx_en;
   61         u32 given_gid_tab[2];
   62         u32 given_user_pos[4];
   63 };
   65 struct mu_bfer_init_para {
   66         u16 paid;
   67         u16 csi_para;
   68         u16 my_aid;
   69         enum csi_seg_len csi_length_sel;
   70         u8 bfer_address[ETH_ALEN];
   71 };
   73 void rtw_bf_disassoc(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
   74                      struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf);
   75 void rtw_bf_assoc(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
   76                   struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf);
   77 void rtw_bf_init_bfer_entry_mu(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev,
   78                                struct mu_bfer_init_para *param);
   79 void rtw_bf_cfg_sounding(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw_vif *vif,
   80                          enum rtw_trx_desc_rate rate);
   81 void rtw_bf_cfg_mu_bfee(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct cfg_mumimo_para *param);
   82 void rtw_bf_del_bfer_entry_mu(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev);
   83 void rtw_bf_del_sounding(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev);
   84 void rtw_bf_enable_bfee_su(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw_vif *vif,
   85                            struct rtw_bfee *bfee);
   86 void rtw_bf_enable_bfee_mu(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw_vif *vif,
   87                            struct rtw_bfee *bfee);
   88 void rtw_bf_remove_bfee_su(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw_bfee *bfee);
   89 void rtw_bf_remove_bfee_mu(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw_bfee *bfee);
   90 void rtw_bf_set_gid_table(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
   91                           struct ieee80211_bss_conf *conf);
   92 void rtw_bf_phy_init(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev);
   93 void rtw_bf_cfg_csi_rate(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u8 rssi, u8 cur_rate,
   94                          u8 fixrate_en, u8 *new_rate);
   95 static inline void rtw_chip_config_bfee(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, struct rtw_vif *vif,
   96                                         struct rtw_bfee *bfee, bool enable)
   97 {
   98         if (rtwdev->chip->ops->config_bfee)
   99                 rtwdev->chip->ops->config_bfee(rtwdev, vif, bfee, enable);
  100 }
  102 static inline void rtw_chip_set_gid_table(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev,
  103                                           struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
  104                                           struct ieee80211_bss_conf *conf)
  105 {
  106         if (rtwdev->chip->ops->set_gid_table)
  107                 rtwdev->chip->ops->set_gid_table(rtwdev, vif, conf);
  108 }
  110 static inline void rtw_chip_cfg_csi_rate(struct rtw_dev *rtwdev, u8 rssi, u8 cur_rate,
  111                                          u8 fixrate_en, u8 *new_rate)
  112 {
  113         if (rtwdev->chip->ops->cfg_csi_rate)
  114                 rtwdev->chip->ops->cfg_csi_rate(rtwdev, rssi, cur_rate,
  115                                                 fixrate_en, new_rate);
  116 }
  117 #endif

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.