The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

Version: -  FREEBSD  -  FREEBSD-13-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-13-0  -  FREEBSD-12-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-12-0  -  FREEBSD-11-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-11-0  -  FREEBSD-10-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-10-0  -  FREEBSD-9-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-9-0  -  FREEBSD-8-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-8-0  -  FREEBSD-7-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-7-0  -  FREEBSD-6-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-6-0  -  FREEBSD-5-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-5-0  -  FREEBSD-4-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-3-STABLE  -  FREEBSD22  -  l41  -  OPENBSD  -  linux-2.6  -  MK84  -  PLAN9  -  xnu-8792 
SearchContext: -  none  -  3  -  10 

    1 version: 1.0.10.{build}
    3 os: Visual Studio 2015
    5 environment:
    6   matrix:
    7     - platform: Win32
    8       configuration: Debug
    9     - platform: Win32
   10       configuration: Release
   11     - platform: x64
   12       configuration: Debug
   13     - platform: x64
   14       configuration: Release
   16 matrix:
   17   fast_finish: false
   19 init:
   20   msbuild /version
   22 build:
   23   parallel: true
   24   project: libsodium.vcxproj
   25   verbosity: minimal

Cache object: 611b3e80f0977e7cf036f96de8c13d1a

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.