The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 /*      $FreeBSD$       */
    2 /*      $KAME: rijndael-api-fst.h,v 1.6 2001/05/27 00:23:23 itojun Exp $        */
    4 /*
    5  * rijndael-api-fst.h   v2.3   April '2000
    6  *
    7  * Optimised ANSI C code
    8  *
    9  * #define INTERMEDIATE_VALUE_KAT to generate the Intermediate Value Known Answer Test.
   10  */
   12 #ifndef __RIJNDAEL_API_FST_H
   13 #define __RIJNDAEL_API_FST_H
   15 #include <crypto/rijndael/rijndael-alg-fst.h>
   17 /*  Defines:
   18         Add any additional defines you need
   19 */
   21 #define     DIR_ENCRYPT           0 /*  Are we encrpyting?  */
   22 #define     DIR_DECRYPT           1 /*  Are we decrpyting?  */
   23 #define     MODE_ECB              1 /*  Are we ciphering in ECB mode?   */
   24 #define     MODE_CBC              2 /*  Are we ciphering in CBC mode?   */
   25 #define     MODE_CFB1             3 /*  Are we ciphering in 1-bit CFB mode? */
   26 #define     TRUE                  1
   27 #define     FALSE                 0
   28 #define     BITSPERBLOCK        128 /* Default number of bits in a cipher block */
   30 /*  Error Codes - CHANGE POSSIBLE: inclusion of additional error codes  */
   31 #define     BAD_KEY_DIR          -1 /*  Key direction is invalid, e.g., unknown value */
   32 #define     BAD_KEY_MAT          -2 /*  Key material not of correct length */
   33 #define     BAD_KEY_INSTANCE     -3 /*  Key passed is not valid */
   34 #define     BAD_CIPHER_MODE      -4 /*  Params struct passed to cipherInit invalid */
   35 #define     BAD_CIPHER_STATE     -5 /*  Cipher in wrong state (e.g., not initialized) */
   36 #define     BAD_BLOCK_LENGTH     -6
   37 #define     BAD_CIPHER_INSTANCE  -7
   38 #define     BAD_DATA             -8 /*  Data contents are invalid, e.g., invalid padding */
   39 #define     BAD_OTHER            -9 /*  Unknown error */
   41 /*  CHANGE POSSIBLE:  inclusion of algorithm specific defines  */
   42 #define     MAX_KEY_SIZE         64 /* # of ASCII char's needed to represent a key */
   43 #define     MAX_IV_SIZE          16 /* # bytes needed to represent an IV  */
   45 /*  Typedefs:
   47         Typedef'ed data storage elements.  Add any algorithm specific 
   48 parameters at the bottom of the structs as appropriate.
   49 */
   51 /*  The structure for key information */
   52 typedef struct {
   53     u_int8_t  direction;            /* Key used for encrypting or decrypting? */
   54     int   keyLen;                   /* Length of the key  */
   55     char  keyMaterial[MAX_KEY_SIZE+1];  /* Raw key data in ASCII, e.g., user input or KAT values */
   56         /*  The following parameters are algorithm dependent, replace or add as necessary  */
   57         int   ROUNDS;                   /* key-length-dependent number of rounds */
   58     int   blockLen;                 /* block length */
   59     union {
   60         u_int8_t xkS8[RIJNDAEL_MAXROUNDS+1][4][4];      /* key schedule         */
   61         u_int32_t xkS32[RIJNDAEL_MAXROUNDS+1][4];       /* key schedule         */
   62     } xKeySched;
   63 #define keySched        xKeySched.xkS8
   64 } keyInstance;
   66 /*  The structure for cipher information */
   67 typedef struct {                    /* changed order of the components */
   68     u_int8_t mode;                  /* MODE_ECB, MODE_CBC, or MODE_CFB1 */
   69     u_int8_t IV[MAX_IV_SIZE];       /* A possible Initialization Vector for ciphering */
   70         /*  Add any algorithm specific parameters needed here  */
   71     int   blockLen;                 /* Sample: Handles non-128 bit block sizes (if available) */
   72 } cipherInstance;
   74 /*  Function prototypes  */
   75 /*  CHANGED: nothing
   76         TODO: implement the following extensions to setup 192-bit and 256-bit block lengths:
   77         makeKeyEx():    parameter blockLen added
   78                         -- this parameter is absolutely necessary if you want to
   79                         setup the round keys in a variable block length setting 
   80             cipherInitEx(): parameter blockLen added (for obvious reasons)              
   81  */
   83 int rijndael_makeKey(keyInstance *key, u_int8_t direction, int keyLen, char *keyMaterial);
   85 int rijndael_cipherInit(cipherInstance *cipher, u_int8_t mode, char *IV);
   87 int rijndael_blockEncrypt(cipherInstance *cipher, keyInstance *key,
   88         u_int8_t *input, int inputLen, u_int8_t *outBuffer);
   90 int rijndael_padEncrypt(cipherInstance *cipher, keyInstance *key,
   91                 u_int8_t *input, int inputOctets, u_int8_t *outBuffer);
   93 int rijndael_blockDecrypt(cipherInstance *cipher, keyInstance *key,
   94         u_int8_t *input, int inputLen, u_int8_t *outBuffer);
   96 int rijndael_padDecrypt(cipherInstance *cipher, keyInstance *key,
   97                 u_int8_t *input, int inputOctets, u_int8_t *outBuffer);
  100 int rijndael_cipherUpdateRounds(cipherInstance *cipher, keyInstance *key,
  101         u_int8_t *input, int inputLen, u_int8_t *outBuffer, int Rounds);
  102 #endif /* INTERMEDIATE_VALUE_KAT */
  104 #endif /*  __RIJNDAEL_API_FST_H */

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.