FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference
1 /*-
2 * Mach Operating System
3 * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
4 * All Rights Reserved.
5 *
6 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
7 * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
8 * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
9 * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
10 * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
11 *
15 *
16 * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
17 *
18 * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
19 * School of Computer Science
20 * Carnegie Mellon University
21 * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
22 *
23 * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
24 * rights to redistribute these changes.
25 */
26 /*
27 * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University
28 * Date: 7/90
29 */
30 /*
31 * Command dispatcher.
32 */
34 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
35 __FBSDID("$FreeBSD: releng/9.2/sys/ddb/db_command.c 229254 2012-01-02 00:01:09Z kib $");
37 #include <sys/param.h>
38 #include <sys/linker_set.h>
39 #include <sys/lock.h>
40 #include <sys/kdb.h>
41 #include <sys/mutex.h>
42 #include <sys/proc.h>
43 #include <sys/reboot.h>
44 #include <sys/signalvar.h>
45 #include <sys/systm.h>
46 #include <sys/cons.h>
47 #include <sys/conf.h>
48 #include <sys/watchdog.h>
49 #include <sys/kernel.h>
51 #include <ddb/ddb.h>
52 #include <ddb/db_command.h>
53 #include <ddb/db_lex.h>
54 #include <ddb/db_output.h>
56 #include <machine/cpu.h>
57 #include <machine/setjmp.h>
59 /*
60 * Exported global variables
61 */
62 boolean_t db_cmd_loop_done;
63 db_addr_t db_dot;
64 db_addr_t db_last_addr;
65 db_addr_t db_prev;
66 db_addr_t db_next;
68 static db_cmdfcn_t db_dump;
69 static db_cmdfcn_t db_fncall;
70 static db_cmdfcn_t db_gdb;
71 static db_cmdfcn_t db_halt;
72 static db_cmdfcn_t db_kill;
73 static db_cmdfcn_t db_reset;
74 static db_cmdfcn_t db_stack_trace;
75 static db_cmdfcn_t db_stack_trace_all;
76 static db_cmdfcn_t db_watchdog;
78 /*
79 * 'show' commands
80 */
82 static struct command db_show_all_cmds[] = {
83 { "trace", db_stack_trace_all, 0, 0 },
84 };
85 struct command_table db_show_all_table =
86 LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(db_show_all_table);
88 static struct command db_show_cmds[] = {
89 { "all", 0, 0, &db_show_all_table },
90 { "registers", db_show_regs, 0, 0 },
91 { "breaks", db_listbreak_cmd, 0, 0 },
92 { "threads", db_show_threads, 0, 0 },
93 };
94 struct command_table db_show_table = LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(db_show_table);
96 static struct command db_cmds[] = {
97 { "print", db_print_cmd, 0, 0 },
98 { "p", db_print_cmd, 0, 0 },
99 { "examine", db_examine_cmd, CS_SET_DOT, 0 },
100 { "x", db_examine_cmd, CS_SET_DOT, 0 },
101 { "search", db_search_cmd, CS_OWN|CS_SET_DOT, 0 },
102 { "set", db_set_cmd, CS_OWN, 0 },
103 { "write", db_write_cmd, CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, 0 },
104 { "w", db_write_cmd, CS_MORE|CS_SET_DOT, 0 },
105 { "delete", db_delete_cmd, 0, 0 },
106 { "d", db_delete_cmd, 0, 0 },
107 { "dump", db_dump, 0, 0 },
108 { "break", db_breakpoint_cmd, 0, 0 },
109 { "b", db_breakpoint_cmd, 0, 0 },
110 { "dwatch", db_deletewatch_cmd, 0, 0 },
111 { "watch", db_watchpoint_cmd, CS_MORE,0 },
112 { "dhwatch", db_deletehwatch_cmd, 0, 0 },
113 { "hwatch", db_hwatchpoint_cmd, 0, 0 },
114 { "step", db_single_step_cmd, 0, 0 },
115 { "s", db_single_step_cmd, 0, 0 },
116 { "continue", db_continue_cmd, 0, 0 },
117 { "c", db_continue_cmd, 0, 0 },
118 { "until", db_trace_until_call_cmd,0, 0 },
119 { "next", db_trace_until_matching_cmd,0, 0 },
120 { "match", db_trace_until_matching_cmd,0, 0 },
121 { "trace", db_stack_trace, CS_OWN, 0 },
122 { "t", db_stack_trace, CS_OWN, 0 },
123 /* XXX alias for all trace */
124 { "alltrace", db_stack_trace_all, 0, 0 },
125 { "where", db_stack_trace, CS_OWN, 0 },
126 { "bt", db_stack_trace, CS_OWN, 0 },
127 { "call", db_fncall, CS_OWN, 0 },
128 { "show", 0, 0, &db_show_table },
129 { "ps", db_ps, 0, 0 },
130 { "gdb", db_gdb, 0, 0 },
131 { "halt", db_halt, 0, 0 },
132 { "reboot", db_reset, 0, 0 },
133 { "reset", db_reset, 0, 0 },
134 { "kill", db_kill, CS_OWN, 0 },
135 { "watchdog", db_watchdog, CS_OWN, 0 },
136 { "thread", db_set_thread, CS_OWN, 0 },
137 { "run", db_run_cmd, CS_OWN, 0 },
138 { "script", db_script_cmd, CS_OWN, 0 },
139 { "scripts", db_scripts_cmd, 0, 0 },
140 { "unscript", db_unscript_cmd, CS_OWN, 0 },
141 { "capture", db_capture_cmd, CS_OWN, 0 },
142 { "textdump", db_textdump_cmd, CS_OWN, 0 },
143 { "findstack", db_findstack_cmd, 0, 0 },
144 };
145 struct command_table db_cmd_table = LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(db_cmd_table);
147 static struct command *db_last_command = 0;
149 /*
150 * if 'ed' style: 'dot' is set at start of last item printed,
151 * and '+' points to next line.
152 * Otherwise: 'dot' points to next item, '..' points to last.
153 */
154 static boolean_t db_ed_style = TRUE;
156 /*
157 * Utility routine - discard tokens through end-of-line.
158 */
159 void
160 db_skip_to_eol()
161 {
162 int t;
163 do {
164 t = db_read_token();
165 } while (t != tEOL);
166 }
168 /*
169 * Results of command search.
170 */
171 #define CMD_UNIQUE 0
172 #define CMD_FOUND 1
173 #define CMD_NONE 2
174 #define CMD_AMBIGUOUS 3
175 #define CMD_HELP 4
177 static void db_cmd_match(char *name, struct command *cmd,
178 struct command **cmdp, int *resultp);
179 static void db_cmd_list(struct command_table *table);
180 static int db_cmd_search(char *name, struct command_table *table,
181 struct command **cmdp);
182 static void db_command(struct command **last_cmdp,
183 struct command_table *cmd_table, int dopager);
185 /*
186 * Initialize the command lists from the static tables.
187 */
188 void
189 db_command_init(void)
190 {
191 #define N(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
192 int i;
194 for (i = 0; i < N(db_cmds); i++)
195 db_command_register(&db_cmd_table, &db_cmds[i]);
196 for (i = 0; i < N(db_show_cmds); i++)
197 db_command_register(&db_show_table, &db_show_cmds[i]);
198 for (i = 0; i < N(db_show_all_cmds); i++)
199 db_command_register(&db_show_all_table, &db_show_all_cmds[i]);
200 #undef N
201 }
203 /*
204 * Register a command.
205 */
206 void
207 db_command_register(struct command_table *list, struct command *cmd)
208 {
209 struct command *c, *last;
211 last = NULL;
212 LIST_FOREACH(c, list, next) {
213 int n = strcmp(cmd->name, c->name);
215 /* Check that the command is not already present. */
216 if (n == 0) {
217 printf("%s: Warning, the command \"%s\" already exists;"
218 " ignoring request\n", __func__, cmd->name);
219 return;
220 }
221 if (n < 0) {
222 /* NB: keep list sorted lexicographically */
223 LIST_INSERT_BEFORE(c, cmd, next);
224 return;
225 }
226 last = c;
227 }
228 if (last == NULL)
229 LIST_INSERT_HEAD(list, cmd, next);
230 else
231 LIST_INSERT_AFTER(last, cmd, next);
232 }
234 /*
235 * Remove a command previously registered with db_command_register.
236 */
237 void
238 db_command_unregister(struct command_table *list, struct command *cmd)
239 {
240 struct command *c;
242 LIST_FOREACH(c, list, next) {
243 if (cmd == c) {
244 LIST_REMOVE(cmd, next);
245 return;
246 }
247 }
248 /* NB: intentionally quiet */
249 }
251 /*
252 * Helper function to match a single command.
253 */
254 static void
255 db_cmd_match(name, cmd, cmdp, resultp)
256 char * name;
257 struct command *cmd;
258 struct command **cmdp; /* out */
259 int * resultp;
260 {
261 char *lp, *rp;
262 int c;
264 lp = name;
265 rp = cmd->name;
266 while ((c = *lp) == *rp) {
267 if (c == 0) {
268 /* complete match */
269 *cmdp = cmd;
270 *resultp = CMD_UNIQUE;
271 return;
272 }
273 lp++;
274 rp++;
275 }
276 if (c == 0) {
277 /* end of name, not end of command -
278 partial match */
279 if (*resultp == CMD_FOUND) {
280 *resultp = CMD_AMBIGUOUS;
281 /* but keep looking for a full match -
282 this lets us match single letters */
283 } else {
284 *cmdp = cmd;
285 *resultp = CMD_FOUND;
286 }
287 }
288 }
290 /*
291 * Search for command prefix.
292 */
293 static int
294 db_cmd_search(name, table, cmdp)
295 char * name;
296 struct command_table *table;
297 struct command **cmdp; /* out */
298 {
299 struct command *cmd;
300 int result = CMD_NONE;
302 LIST_FOREACH(cmd, table, next) {
303 db_cmd_match(name,cmd,cmdp,&result);
304 if (result == CMD_UNIQUE)
305 break;
306 }
308 if (result == CMD_NONE) {
309 /* check for 'help' */
310 if (name[0] == 'h' && name[1] == 'e'
311 && name[2] == 'l' && name[3] == 'p')
312 result = CMD_HELP;
313 }
314 return (result);
315 }
317 static void
318 db_cmd_list(table)
319 struct command_table *table;
320 {
321 register struct command *cmd;
323 LIST_FOREACH(cmd, table, next) {
324 db_printf("%-12s", cmd->name);
325 db_end_line(12);
326 }
327 }
329 static void
330 db_command(last_cmdp, cmd_table, dopager)
331 struct command **last_cmdp; /* IN_OUT */
332 struct command_table *cmd_table;
333 int dopager;
334 {
335 struct command *cmd = NULL;
336 int t;
337 char modif[TOK_STRING_SIZE];
338 db_expr_t addr, count;
339 boolean_t have_addr = FALSE;
340 int result;
342 t = db_read_token();
343 if (t == tEOL) {
344 /* empty line repeats last command, at 'next' */
345 cmd = *last_cmdp;
346 addr = (db_expr_t)db_next;
347 have_addr = FALSE;
348 count = 1;
349 modif[0] = '\0';
350 }
351 else if (t == tEXCL) {
352 db_fncall((db_expr_t)0, (boolean_t)0, (db_expr_t)0, (char *)0);
353 return;
354 }
355 else if (t != tIDENT) {
356 db_printf("?\n");
357 db_flush_lex();
358 return;
359 }
360 else {
361 /*
362 * Search for command
363 */
364 while (cmd_table) {
365 result = db_cmd_search(db_tok_string,
366 cmd_table,
367 &cmd);
368 switch (result) {
369 case CMD_NONE:
370 db_printf("No such command\n");
371 db_flush_lex();
372 return;
374 db_printf("Ambiguous\n");
375 db_flush_lex();
376 return;
377 case CMD_HELP:
378 db_cmd_list(cmd_table);
379 db_flush_lex();
380 return;
381 default:
382 break;
383 }
384 if ((cmd_table = cmd->more) != NULL) {
385 t = db_read_token();
386 if (t != tIDENT) {
387 db_cmd_list(cmd_table);
388 db_flush_lex();
389 return;
390 }
391 }
392 }
394 if ((cmd->flag & CS_OWN) == 0) {
395 /*
396 * Standard syntax:
397 * command [/modifier] [addr] [,count]
398 */
399 t = db_read_token();
400 if (t == tSLASH) {
401 t = db_read_token();
402 if (t != tIDENT) {
403 db_printf("Bad modifier\n");
404 db_flush_lex();
405 return;
406 }
407 db_strcpy(modif, db_tok_string);
408 }
409 else {
410 db_unread_token(t);
411 modif[0] = '\0';
412 }
414 if (db_expression(&addr)) {
415 db_dot = (db_addr_t) addr;
416 db_last_addr = db_dot;
417 have_addr = TRUE;
418 }
419 else {
420 addr = (db_expr_t) db_dot;
421 have_addr = FALSE;
422 }
423 t = db_read_token();
424 if (t == tCOMMA) {
425 if (!db_expression(&count)) {
426 db_printf("Count missing\n");
427 db_flush_lex();
428 return;
429 }
430 }
431 else {
432 db_unread_token(t);
433 count = -1;
434 }
435 if ((cmd->flag & CS_MORE) == 0) {
436 db_skip_to_eol();
437 }
438 }
439 }
440 *last_cmdp = cmd;
441 if (cmd != 0) {
442 /*
443 * Execute the command.
444 */
445 if (dopager)
446 db_enable_pager();
447 else
448 db_disable_pager();
449 (*cmd->fcn)(addr, have_addr, count, modif);
450 if (dopager)
451 db_disable_pager();
453 if (cmd->flag & CS_SET_DOT) {
454 /*
455 * If command changes dot, set dot to
456 * previous address displayed (if 'ed' style).
457 */
458 if (db_ed_style) {
459 db_dot = db_prev;
460 }
461 else {
462 db_dot = db_next;
463 }
464 }
465 else {
466 /*
467 * If command does not change dot,
468 * set 'next' location to be the same.
469 */
470 db_next = db_dot;
471 }
472 }
473 }
475 /*
476 * At least one non-optional command must be implemented using
477 * DB_COMMAND() so that db_cmd_set gets created. Here is one.
478 */
479 DB_COMMAND(panic, db_panic)
480 {
481 db_disable_pager();
482 panic("from debugger");
483 }
485 void
486 db_command_loop()
487 {
488 /*
489 * Initialize 'prev' and 'next' to dot.
490 */
491 db_prev = db_dot;
492 db_next = db_dot;
494 db_cmd_loop_done = 0;
495 while (!db_cmd_loop_done) {
496 if (db_print_position() != 0)
497 db_printf("\n");
499 db_printf("db> ");
500 (void) db_read_line();
502 db_command(&db_last_command, &db_cmd_table, /* dopager */ 1);
503 }
504 }
506 /*
507 * Execute a command on behalf of a script. The caller is responsible for
508 * making sure that the command string is < DB_MAXLINE or it will be
509 * truncated.
510 *
511 * XXXRW: Runs by injecting faked input into DDB input stream; it would be
512 * nicer to use an alternative approach that didn't mess with the previous
513 * command buffer.
514 */
515 void
516 db_command_script(const char *command)
517 {
518 db_prev = db_next = db_dot;
519 db_inject_line(command);
520 db_command(&db_last_command, &db_cmd_table, /* dopager */ 0);
521 }
523 void
524 db_error(s)
525 const char *s;
526 {
527 if (s)
528 db_printf("%s", s);
529 db_flush_lex();
530 kdb_reenter();
531 }
533 static void
534 db_dump(db_expr_t dummy, boolean_t dummy2, db_expr_t dummy3, char *dummy4)
535 {
536 int error;
538 error = doadump(FALSE);
539 if (error) {
540 db_printf("Cannot dump: ");
541 switch (error) {
542 case EBUSY:
543 db_printf("debugger got invoked while dumping.\n");
544 break;
545 case ENXIO:
546 db_printf("no dump device specified.\n");
547 break;
548 default:
549 db_printf("unknown error (error=%d).\n", error);
550 break;
551 }
552 }
553 }
555 /*
556 * Call random function:
557 * !expr(arg,arg,arg)
558 */
560 /* The generic implementation supports a maximum of 10 arguments. */
561 typedef db_expr_t __db_f(db_expr_t, db_expr_t, db_expr_t, db_expr_t,
562 db_expr_t, db_expr_t, db_expr_t, db_expr_t, db_expr_t, db_expr_t);
564 static __inline int
565 db_fncall_generic(db_expr_t addr, db_expr_t *rv, int nargs, db_expr_t args[])
566 {
567 __db_f *f = (__db_f *)addr;
569 if (nargs > 10) {
570 db_printf("Too many arguments (max 10)\n");
571 return (0);
572 }
573 *rv = (*f)(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5],
574 args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9]);
575 return (1);
576 }
578 static void
579 db_fncall(dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4)
580 db_expr_t dummy1;
581 boolean_t dummy2;
582 db_expr_t dummy3;
583 char * dummy4;
584 {
585 db_expr_t fn_addr;
586 db_expr_t args[DB_MAXARGS];
587 int nargs = 0;
588 db_expr_t retval;
589 int t;
591 if (!db_expression(&fn_addr)) {
592 db_printf("Bad function\n");
593 db_flush_lex();
594 return;
595 }
597 t = db_read_token();
598 if (t == tLPAREN) {
599 if (db_expression(&args[0])) {
600 nargs++;
601 while ((t = db_read_token()) == tCOMMA) {
602 if (nargs == DB_MAXARGS) {
603 db_printf("Too many arguments (max %d)\n", DB_MAXARGS);
604 db_flush_lex();
605 return;
606 }
607 if (!db_expression(&args[nargs])) {
608 db_printf("Argument missing\n");
609 db_flush_lex();
610 return;
611 }
612 nargs++;
613 }
614 db_unread_token(t);
615 }
616 if (db_read_token() != tRPAREN) {
617 db_printf("?\n");
618 db_flush_lex();
619 return;
620 }
621 }
622 db_skip_to_eol();
623 db_disable_pager();
625 if (DB_CALL(fn_addr, &retval, nargs, args))
626 db_printf("= %#lr\n", (long)retval);
627 }
629 static void
630 db_halt(db_expr_t dummy, boolean_t dummy2, db_expr_t dummy3, char *dummy4)
631 {
633 cpu_halt();
634 }
636 static void
637 db_kill(dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4)
638 db_expr_t dummy1;
639 boolean_t dummy2;
640 db_expr_t dummy3;
641 char * dummy4;
642 {
643 db_expr_t old_radix, pid, sig;
644 struct proc *p;
646 #define DB_ERROR(f) do { db_printf f; db_flush_lex(); goto out; } while (0)
648 /*
649 * PIDs and signal numbers are typically represented in base
650 * 10, so make that the default here. It can, of course, be
651 * overridden by specifying a prefix.
652 */
653 old_radix = db_radix;
654 db_radix = 10;
655 /* Retrieve arguments. */
656 if (!db_expression(&sig))
657 DB_ERROR(("Missing signal number\n"));
658 if (!db_expression(&pid))
659 DB_ERROR(("Missing process ID\n"));
660 db_skip_to_eol();
661 if (!_SIG_VALID(sig))
662 DB_ERROR(("Signal number out of range\n"));
664 /*
665 * Find the process in question. allproc_lock is not needed
666 * since we're in DDB.
667 */
668 /* sx_slock(&allproc_lock); */
670 if (p->p_pid == pid)
671 break;
672 /* sx_sunlock(&allproc_lock); */
673 if (p == NULL)
674 DB_ERROR(("Can't find process with pid %ld\n", (long) pid));
676 /* If it's already locked, bail; otherwise, do the deed. */
677 if (PROC_TRYLOCK(p) == 0)
678 DB_ERROR(("Can't lock process with pid %ld\n", (long) pid));
679 else {
680 pksignal(p, sig, NULL);
682 }
684 out:
685 db_radix = old_radix;
686 #undef DB_ERROR
687 }
689 /*
690 * Reboot. In case there is an additional argument, take it as delay in
691 * seconds. Default to 15s if we cannot parse it and make sure we will
692 * never wait longer than 1 week. Some code is similar to
693 * kern_shutdown.c:shutdown_panic().
694 */
696 #define DB_RESET_MAXDELAY (3600 * 24 * 7)
697 #endif
699 static void
700 db_reset(db_expr_t addr, boolean_t have_addr, db_expr_t count __unused,
701 char *modif __unused)
702 {
703 int delay, loop;
705 if (have_addr) {
706 delay = (int)db_hex2dec(addr);
708 /* If we parse to fail, use 15s. */
709 if (delay == -1)
710 delay = 15;
712 /* Cap at one week. */
713 if ((uintmax_t)delay > (uintmax_t)DB_RESET_MAXDELAY)
714 delay = DB_RESET_MAXDELAY;
716 db_printf("Automatic reboot in %d seconds - "
717 "press a key on the console to abort\n", delay);
718 for (loop = delay * 10; loop > 0; --loop) {
719 DELAY(1000 * 100); /* 1/10th second */
720 /* Did user type a key? */
721 if (cncheckc() != -1)
722 return;
723 }
724 }
726 cpu_reset();
727 }
729 static void
730 db_watchdog(dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4)
731 db_expr_t dummy1;
732 boolean_t dummy2;
733 db_expr_t dummy3;
734 char * dummy4;
735 {
736 db_expr_t old_radix, tout;
737 int err, i;
739 old_radix = db_radix;
740 db_radix = 10;
741 err = db_expression(&tout);
742 db_skip_to_eol();
743 db_radix = old_radix;
745 /* If no argument is provided the watchdog will just be disabled. */
746 if (err == 0) {
747 db_printf("No argument provided, disabling watchdog\n");
748 tout = 0;
749 } else if ((tout & WD_INTERVAL) == WD_TO_NEVER) {
750 db_error("Out of range watchdog interval\n");
751 return;
752 }
753 EVENTHANDLER_INVOKE(watchdog_list, tout, &i);
754 }
756 static void
757 db_gdb(db_expr_t dummy1, boolean_t dummy2, db_expr_t dummy3, char *dummy4)
758 {
760 if (kdb_dbbe_select("gdb") != 0) {
761 db_printf("The remote GDB backend could not be selected.\n");
762 return;
763 }
764 /*
765 * Mark that we are done in the debugger. kdb_trap()
766 * should re-enter with the new backend.
767 */
768 db_cmd_loop_done = 1;
769 db_printf("(ctrl-c will return control to ddb)\n");
770 }
772 static void
773 db_stack_trace(db_expr_t tid, boolean_t hastid, db_expr_t count, char *modif)
774 {
775 struct thread *td;
776 db_expr_t radix;
777 pid_t pid;
778 int t;
780 /*
781 * We parse our own arguments. We don't like the default radix.
782 */
783 radix = db_radix;
784 db_radix = 10;
785 hastid = db_expression(&tid);
786 t = db_read_token();
787 if (t == tCOMMA) {
788 if (!db_expression(&count)) {
789 db_printf("Count missing\n");
790 db_flush_lex();
791 return;
792 }
793 } else {
794 db_unread_token(t);
795 count = -1;
796 }
797 db_skip_to_eol();
798 db_radix = radix;
800 if (hastid) {
801 td = kdb_thr_lookup((lwpid_t)tid);
802 if (td == NULL)
803 td = kdb_thr_from_pid((pid_t)tid);
804 if (td == NULL) {
805 db_printf("Thread %d not found\n", (int)tid);
806 return;
807 }
808 } else
809 td = kdb_thread;
810 if (td->td_proc != NULL)
811 pid = td->td_proc->p_pid;
812 else
813 pid = -1;
814 db_printf("Tracing pid %d tid %ld td %p\n", pid, (long)td->td_tid, td);
815 db_trace_thread(td, count);
816 }
818 static void
819 db_stack_trace_all(db_expr_t dummy, boolean_t dummy2, db_expr_t dummy3,
820 char *dummy4)
821 {
822 struct proc *p;
823 struct thread *td;
824 jmp_buf jb;
825 void *prev_jb;
828 prev_jb = kdb_jmpbuf(jb);
829 if (setjmp(jb) == 0) {
831 db_printf("\nTracing command %s pid %d tid %ld td %p\n",
832 p->p_comm, p->p_pid, (long)td->td_tid, td);
833 db_trace_thread(td, -1);
834 if (db_pager_quit) {
835 kdb_jmpbuf(prev_jb);
836 return;
837 }
838 }
839 }
840 kdb_jmpbuf(prev_jb);
841 }
842 }
844 /*
845 * Take the parsed expression value from the command line that was parsed
846 * as a hexadecimal value and convert it as if the expression was parsed
847 * as a decimal value. Returns -1 if the expression was not a valid
848 * decimal value.
849 */
850 db_expr_t
851 db_hex2dec(db_expr_t expr)
852 {
853 uintptr_t x, y;
854 db_expr_t val;
856 y = 1;
857 val = 0;
858 x = expr;
859 while (x != 0) {
860 if (x % 16 > 9)
861 return (-1);
862 val += (x % 16) * (y);
863 x >>= 4;
864 y *= 10;
865 }
866 return (val);
867 }
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