The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 /*      $FreeBSD$       */
    2 /*      $NecBSD: dp83932reg.h,v 1.2 1999/02/12 05:50:13 kmatsuda Exp $  */
    3 /*      $NetBSD: if_snreg.h,v 1.4 1997/06/15 20:20:12 scottr Exp $      */
    5 /*-
    6  * Copyright (c) 1991   Algorithmics Ltd (
    7  * You may use, copy, and modify this program so long as you retain the
    8  * copyright line.
    9  */
   11 /*
   12  * if_snreg.h -- National Semiconductor DP8393X (SONIC) register defs
   13  */
   15 /*
   16  * SONIC registers as seen by the processor
   17  */
   18 #define SNCR_CR         0x00    /* Command */
   19 #define SNCR_DCR                0x01    /* Data Configuration */
   20 #define SNCR_RCR                0x02    /* Receive Control */
   21 #define SNCR_TCR                0x03    /* Transmit Control */
   22 #define SNCR_IMR                0x04    /* Interrupt Mask */
   23 #define SNCR_ISR                0x05    /* Interrupt Status */
   24 #define SNCR_UTDA       0x06    /* Upper Transmit Descriptor Address */
   25 #define SNCR_CTDA       0x07    /* Current Transmit Descriptor Address */
   26 #define SNCR_TPS                0x08    /* Transmit Packet Size */
   27 #define SNCR_TFC                0x09    /* Transmit Fragment Count */
   28 #define SNCR_TSA0       0x0a    /* Transmit Start Address 0 */
   29 #define SNCR_TSA1       0x0b    /* Transmit Start Address 1 */
   30 #define SNCR_TFS                0x0c    /* Transmit Fragment Size */
   31 #define SNCR_URDA       0x0d    /* Upper Receive Descriptor Address */
   32 #define SNCR_CRDA       0x0e    /* Current Receive Descriptor Address */
   33 #define SNCR_CRBA0      0x0f    /* Current Receive Buffer Address 0 */
   34 #define SNCR_CRBA1      0x10    /* Current Receive Buffer Address 1 */
   35 #define SNCR_RBWC0      0x11    /* Remaining Buffer Word Count 0 */
   36 #define SNCR_RBWC1      0x12    /* Remaining Buffer Word Count 1 */
   37 #define SNCR_EOBC       0x13    /* End Of Buffer Word Count */
   38 #define SNCR_URRA       0x14    /* Upper Receive Resource Address */
   39 #define SNCR_RSA                0x15    /* Resource Start Address */
   40 #define SNCR_REA                0x16    /* Resource End Address */
   41 #define SNCR_RRP                0x17    /* Resource Read Pointer */
   42 #define SNCR_RWP                0x18    /* Resource Write Pointer */
   43 #define SNCR_TRBA0      0x19    /* Temporary Receive Buffer Address 0 */
   44 #define SNCR_TRBA1      0x1a    /* Temporary Receive Buffer Address 1 */
   45 #define SNCR_TBWC0      0x1b    /* Temporary Buffer Word Count 0 */
   46 #define SNCR_TBWC1      0x1c    /* Temporary Buffer Word Count 1 */
   47 #define SNCR_ADDR0      0x1d    /* Address Generator 0 */
   48 #define SNCR_ADDR1      0x1e    /* Address Generator 1 */
   49 #define SNCR_LLFA       0x1f    /* Last Link Field Address */
   50 #define SNCR_TTDA       0x20    /* Temp Transmit Descriptor Address */
   51 #define SNCR_CEP                0x21    /* CAM Entry Pointer */
   52 #define SNCR_CAP2       0x22    /* CAM Address Port 2 */
   53 #define SNCR_CAP1       0x23    /* CAM Address Port 1 */
   54 #define SNCR_CAP0       0x24    /* CAM Address Port 0 */
   55 #define SNCR_CE         0x25    /* CAM Enable */
   56 #define SNCR_CDP                0x26    /* CAM Descriptor Pointer */
   57 #define SNCR_CDC                0x27    /* CAM Descriptor Count */
   58 #define SNCR_SR         0x28    /* Silicon Revision */
   59 #define SNCR_WT0                0x29    /* Watchdog Timer 0 */
   60 #define SNCR_WT1                0x2a    /* Watchdog Timer 1 */
   61 #define SNCR_RSC                0x2b    /* Receive Sequence Counter */
   62 #define SNCR_CRCT       0x2c    /* CRC Error Tally */
   63 #define SNCR_FAET       0x2d    /* FAE Tally */
   64 #define SNCR_MPT                0x2e    /* Missed Packet Tally */
   65 #define SNCR_MDT                0x2f    /* Maximum Deferral Timer */
   66 #define SNCR_RTC                0x30    /* Receive Test Control */
   67 #define SNCR_TTC                0x31    /* Transmit Test Control */
   68 #define SNCR_DTC                0x32    /* DMA Test Control */
   69 #define SNCR_CC0                0x33    /* CAM Comparison 0 */
   70 #define SNCR_CC1                0x34    /* CAM Comparison 1 */
   71 #define SNCR_CC2                0x35    /* CAM Comparison 2 */
   72 #define SNCR_CM         0x36    /* CAM Match */
   73 #define SNCR_RES1       0x37    /* reserved */
   74 #define SNCR_RES2       0x38    /* reserved */
   75 #define SNCR_RBC                0x39    /* Receiver Byte Count */
   76 #define SNCR_RES3       0x3a    /* reserved */
   77 #define SNCR_TBO                0x3b    /* Transmitter Backoff Counter */
   78 #define SNCR_TRC                0x3c    /* Transmitter Random Counter */
   79 #define SNCR_TBM                0x3d    /* Transmitter Backoff Mask */
   80 #define SNCR_RES4       0x3e    /* Reserved */
   81 #define SNCR_DCR2       0x3f    /* Data Configuration 2 (AVF) */
   83 #define SNC_NREGS       0x40
   85 /*
   86  * Register Interpretations
   87  */
   89 /*
   90  * The command register is used for issuing commands to the SONIC.
   91  * With the exception of CR_RST, the bit is reset when the operation
   92  * completes.
   93  */
   94 #define CR_LCAM         0x0200  /* load CAM with descriptor at s_cdp */
   95 #define CR_RRRA         0x0100  /* read next RRA descriptor at s_rrp */
   96 #define CR_RST          0x0080  /* software reset */
   97 #define CR_ST           0x0020  /* start timer */
   98 #define CR_STP          0x0010  /* stop timer */
   99 #define CR_RXEN         0x0008  /* receiver enable */
  100 #define CR_RXDIS        0x0004  /* receiver disable */
  101 #define CR_TXP          0x0002  /* transmit packets */
  102 #define CR_HTX          0x0001  /* halt transmission */
  104 /*
  105  * The data configuration register establishes the SONIC's bus cycle
  106  * operation.  This register can only be accessed when the SONIC is in
  107  * reset mode (s_cr.CR_RST is set.)
  108  */
  109 #define DCR_EXBUS       0x8000  /* extended bus mode (AVF) */
  110 #define DCR_LBR         0x2000  /* latched bus retry */
  111 #define DCR_PO1         0x1000  /* programmable output 1 */
  112 #define DCR_PO0         0x0800  /* programmable output 0 */
  113 #define DCR_STERM       0x0400  /* synchronous termination */
  114 #define DCR_USR1        0x0200  /* reflects USR1 input pin */
  115 #define DCR_USR0        0x0100  /* reflects USR0 input pin */
  116 #define DCR_WC1         0x0080  /* wait state control 1 */
  117 #define DCR_WC0         0x0040  /* wait state control 0 */
  118 #define DCR_DW          0x0020  /* data width select */
  119 #define DCR_BMS         0x0010  /* DMA block mode select */
  120 #define DCR_RFT1        0x0008  /* receive FIFO threshold control 1 */
  121 #define DCR_RFT0        0x0004  /* receive FIFO threshold control 0 */
  122 #define DCR_TFT1        0x0002  /* transmit FIFO threshold control 1 */
  123 #define DCR_TFT0        0x0001  /* transmit FIFO threshold control 0 */
  125 /* data configuration register aliases */
  126 #define DCR_SYNC        DCR_STERM /* synchronous (memory cycle 2 clocks) */
  127 #define DCR_ASYNC       0         /* asynchronous (memory cycle 3 clocks) */
  129 #define DCR_WAIT0       0                 /* 0 wait states added */
  130 #define DCR_WAIT1       DCR_WC0           /* 1 wait state added */
  131 #define DCR_WAIT2       DCR_WC1           /* 2 wait states added */
  132 #define DCR_WAIT3       (DCR_WC1|DCR_WC0) /* 3 wait states added */
  134 #define DCR_DW16        0       /* use 16-bit DMA accesses */
  135 #define DCR_DW32        DCR_DW  /* use 32-bit DMA accesses */
  137 #define DCR_DMAEF       0       /* DMA until TX/RX FIFO has emptied/filled */
  138 #define DCR_DMABLOCK    DCR_BMS /* DMA until RX/TX threshold crossed */
  140 #define DCR_RFT4        0               /* receive threshold 4 bytes */
  141 #define DCR_RFT8        DCR_RFT0        /* receive threshold 8 bytes */
  142 #define DCR_RFT16       DCR_RFT1        /* receive threshold 16 bytes */
  143 #define DCR_RFT24       (DCR_RFT1|DCR_RFT0) /* receive threshold 24 bytes */
  145 #define DCR_TFT8        0               /* transmit threshold 8 bytes */
  146 #define DCR_TFT16       DCR_TFT0        /* transmit threshold 16 bytes */
  147 #define DCR_TFT24       DCR_TFT1        /* transmit threshold 24 bytes */
  148 #define DCR_TFT28       (DCR_TFT1|DCR_TFT0) /* transmit threshold 28 bytes */
  150 /*
  151  * The receive control register is used to filter incoming packets and
  152  * provides status information on packets received.
  153  * The contents of the register are copied into the RXpkt.status field
  154  * when a packet is received. RCR_MC - RCR_PRX are then reset.
  155  */
  156 #define RCR_ERR         0x8000  /* accept packets with CRC errors */
  157 #define RCR_RNT         0x4000  /* accept runt (length < 64) packets */
  158 #define RCR_BRD         0x2000  /* accept broadcast packets */
  159 #define RCR_PRO         0x1000  /* accept all physical address packets */
  160 #define RCR_AMC         0x0800  /* accept all multicast packets */
  161 #define RCR_LB1         0x0400  /* loopback control 1 */
  162 #define RCR_LB0         0x0200  /* loopback control 0 */
  163 #define RCR_MC          0x0100  /* multicast packet received */
  164 #define RCR_BC          0x0080  /* broadcast packet received */
  165 #define RCR_LPKT        0x0040  /* last packet in RBA (RBWC < EOBC) */
  166 #define RCR_CRS         0x0020  /* carrier sense activity */
  167 #define RCR_COL         0x0010  /* collision activity */
  168 #define RCR_CRC         0x0008  /* CRC error */
  169 #define RCR_FAE         0x0004  /* frame alignment error */
  170 #define RCR_LBK         0x0002  /* loopback packet received */
  171 #define RCR_PRX         0x0001  /* packet received without errors */
  173 /* receiver control register aliases */
  174 /* the loopback control bits provide the following options */
  175 #define RCR_LBNONE      0               /* no loopback - normal operation */
  176 #define RCR_LBMAC       RCR_LB0         /* MAC loopback */
  177 #define RCR_LBENDEC     RCR_LB1         /* ENDEC loopback */
  178 #define RCR_LBTRANS     (RCR_LB1|RCR_LB0) /* transceiver loopback */
  180 /*
  181  * The transmit control register controls the SONIC's transmit operations.
  182  * TCR_PINT - TCR_EXDIS are loaded from the TXpkt.config field at the
  183  * start of transmission.  TCR_EXD-TCR_PTX are cleared at the beginning
  184  * of transmission and updated when the transmission is completed.
  185  */
  186 #define TCR_PINT        0x8000  /* interrupt when transmission starts */
  187 #define TCR_POWC        0x4000  /* program out of window collision timer */
  188 #define TCR_CRCI        0x2000  /* transmit packet without 4 byte FCS */
  189 #define TCR_EXDIS       0x1000  /* disable excessive deferral timer */
  190 #define TCR_EXD         0x0400  /* excessive deferrals occurred (>3.2ms) */
  191 #define TCR_DEF         0x0200  /* deferred transmissions occurred */
  192 #define TCR_NCRS        0x0100  /* carrier not present during transmission */
  193 #define TCR_CRSL        0x0080  /* carrier lost during transmission */
  194 #define TCR_EXC         0x0040  /* excessive collisions (>16) detected */
  195 #define TCR_OWC         0x0020  /* out of window (bad) collision occurred */
  196 #define TCR_PMB         0x0008  /* packet monitored bad - the tansmitted
  197                                  * packet had a bad source address or CRC */
  198 #define TCR_FU          0x0004  /* FIFO underrun (memory access failed) */
  199 #define TCR_BCM         0x0002  /* byte count mismatch (TXpkt.pkt_size
  200                                  * != sum(TXpkt.frag_size) */
  201 #define TCR_PTX         0x0001  /* packet transmitted without errors */
  202 #define TCR_NC          0xf000  /* after transmission, # of colls */
  204 /* transmit control register aliases */
  205 #define TCR_OWCSFD      0        /* start after start of frame delimiter */
  206 #define TCR_OWCPRE      TCR_POWC /* start after first bit of preamble */
  209 /*
  210  * The interrupt mask register masks the interrupts that
  211  * are generated from the interrupt status register.
  212  * All reserved bits should be written with 0.
  213  */
  214 #define IMR_BREN        0x4000  /* bus retry occurred enable */
  215 #define IMR_HBLEN       0x2000  /* heartbeat lost enable */
  216 #define IMR_LCDEN       0x1000  /* load CAM done interrupt enable */
  217 #define IMR_PINTEN      0x0800  /* programmable interrupt enable */
  218 #define IMR_PRXEN       0x0400  /* packet received enable */
  219 #define IMR_PTXEN       0x0200  /* packet transmitted enable */
  220 #define IMR_TXEREN      0x0100  /* transmit error enable */
  221 #define IMR_TCEN        0x0080  /* timer complete enable */
  222 #define IMR_RDEEN       0x0040  /* receive descriptors exhausted enable */
  223 #define IMR_RBEEN       0x0020  /* receive buffers exhausted enable */
  224 #define IMR_RBAEEN      0x0010  /* receive buffer area exceeded enable */
  225 #define IMR_CRCEN       0x0008  /* CRC tally counter rollover enable */
  226 #define IMR_FAEEN       0x0004  /* FAE tally counter rollover enable */
  227 #define IMR_MPEN        0x0002  /* MP tally counter rollover enable */
  228 #define IMR_RFOEN       0x0001  /* receive FIFO overrun enable */
  231 /*
  232  * The interrupt status register indicates the source of an interrupt when
  233  * the INT pin goes active.  The interrupt is acknowledged by writing
  234  * the appropriate bit(s) in this register.
  235  */
  236 #define ISR_ALL         0x7fff  /* all interrupts */
  237 #define ISR_BR          0x4000  /* bus retry occurred */
  238 #define ISR_HBL         0x2000  /* CD heartbeat lost */
  239 #define ISR_LCD         0x1000  /* load CAM command has completed */
  240 #define ISR_PINT        0x0800  /* programmed interrupt from TXpkt.config */
  241 #define ISR_PKTRX       0x0400  /* packet received */
  242 #define ISR_TXDN        0x0200  /* no remaining packets to be transmitted */
  243 #define ISR_TXER        0x0100  /* packet transmission caused error */
  244 #define ISR_TC          0x0080  /* timer complete */
  245 #define ISR_RDE         0x0040  /* receive descriptors exhausted */
  246 #define ISR_RBE         0x0020  /* receive buffers exhausted */
  247 #define ISR_RBAE        0x0010  /* receive buffer area exceeded */
  248 #define ISR_CRC         0x0008  /* CRC tally counter rollover */
  249 #define ISR_FAE         0x0004  /* FAE tally counter rollover */
  250 #define ISR_MP          0x0002  /* MP tally counter rollover */
  251 #define ISR_RFO         0x0001  /* receive FIFO overrun */
  253 /*
  254  * The second data configuration register allows additional user defined
  255  * pins to be controlled.  These bits are only available if s_dcr.DCR_EXBUS
  256  * is set.
  257  */
  258 #define DCR2_EXPO3      0x8000  /* EXUSR3 output */
  259 #define DCR2_EXPO2      0x4000  /* EXUSR2 output */
  260 #define DCR2_EXPO1      0x2000  /* EXUSR1 output */
  261 #define DCR2_EXPO0      0x1000  /* EXUSR0 output */
  262 #define DCR2_HD         0x0800  /* heart beat disable (83934/83936) */
  263 #define DCR2_JD         0x0200  /* TPI jabber timer disable (83934/83936) */
  264 #define DCR2_AUTO       0x0100  /* AUI/TPI auto selection (83934/83936) */
  265 #define DCR2_XWRAP      0x0040  /* TPI transceiver loopback (83934/83936) */
  266 #define DCR2_FD         0x0020  /* full duplex (83936) */
  267 #define DCR2_PHL        0x0010  /* extend HOLD signal by 1/2 clock */
  268 #define DCR2_LRDY       0x0008  /* set latched ready mode */
  269 #define DCR2_PCM        0x0004  /* packet compress on match */
  270 #define DCR2_PCNM       0x0002  /* packet compress on mismatch */
  271 #define DCR2_RJM        0x0001  /* reject on match */

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