The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 /* misc IOCTL's */
    3 /* Unix to Jerq I/O control */
    4 #define IBCS2_JTYPE             ('j'<<8)
    5 #define IBCS2_JBOOT             (IBCS2_JTYPE|1)
    6 #define IBCS2_JTERM             (IBCS2_JTYPE|2)
    7 #define IBCS2_JMPX              (IBCS2_JTYPE|3)
    8 #define IBCS2_JTIMO             (IBCS2_JTYPE|4)
    9 #define IBCS2_JWINSIZE          (IBCS2_JTYPE|5)
   10 #define IBCS2_JTIMOM            (IBCS2_JTYPE|6)
   11 #define IBCS2_JZOMBOOT          (IBCS2_JTYPE|7)
   12 #define IBCS2_JAGENT            (IBCS2_JTYPE|9)
   13 #define IBCS2_JTRUN             (IBCS2_JTYPE|10)
   16 /* Defines for keyboard and display ioctl's */
   17 #define IBCS2_KIOC              ('K'<<8)
   18 #define IBCS2_KDDISPTYPE        (IBCS2_KIOC|1)
   19 #define IBCS2_KDMAPDISP         (IBCS2_KIOC|2)
   20 #define IBCS2_KDUNMAPDISP       (IBCS2_KIOC|3)
   21 #define IBCS2_KDGKBENT          (IBCS2_KIOC|4)
   22 #define IBCS2_KDSKBENT          (IBCS2_KIOC|5)
   23 #define IBCS2_KDGKBMODE         (IBCS2_KIOC|6)
   24 #define IBCS2_KDSKBMODE         (IBCS2_KIOC|7)
   25 #define IBCS2_KDMKTONE          (IBCS2_KIOC|8)
   26 #define IBCS2_KDGETMODE         (IBCS2_KIOC|9)
   27 #define IBCS2_KDSETMODE         (IBCS2_KIOC|10)
   28 #define IBCS2_KDADDIO           (IBCS2_KIOC|11)
   29 #define IBCS2_KDDELIO           (IBCS2_KIOC|12)
   30 #define IBCS2_KDSBORDER         (IBCS2_KIOC|13)
   31 #define IBCS2_KDQUEMODE         (IBCS2_KIOC|15)
   32 #define IBCS2_KDVDCTYPE         (IBCS2_KIOC|16)
   33 #define IBCS2_KDGKBSTATE        (IBCS2_KIOC|19)
   34 #define IBCS2_KDSETRAD          (IBCS2_KIOC|20)
   35 #define IBCS2_KDENABIO          (IBCS2_KIOC|60)
   36 #define IBCS2_KDDISABIO         (IBCS2_KIOC|61)
   37 #define IBCS2_KIOCINFO          (IBCS2_KIOC|62)
   38 #define IBCS2_KIOCSOUND         (IBCS2_KIOC|63)
   39 #define IBCS2_KDGKBTYPE         (IBCS2_KIOC|64)
   40 #define IBCS2_KDGETLED          (IBCS2_KIOC|65)
   41 #define IBCS2_KDSETLED          (IBCS2_KIOC|66)
   44 /* Defines for Xenix keyboard and display ioctl's */
   45 #define IBCS2_MIOC              ('k' << 8)
   46 #define IBCS2_GETFKEY           (IBCS2_MIOC | 0)
   47 #define IBCS2_SETFKEY           (IBCS2_MIOC | 1)
   48 #define IBCS2_GIO_SCRNMAP       (IBCS2_MIOC | 2)
   49 #define IBCS2_PIO_SCRNMAP       (IBCS2_MIOC | 3)
   50 #define IBCS2_GIO_STRMAP_21     (IBCS2_MIOC | 4)
   51 #define IBCS2_PIO_STRMAP_21     (IBCS2_MIOC | 5)
   52 #define IBCS2_GIO_KEYMAP        (IBCS2_MIOC | 6)
   53 #define IBCS2_PIO_KEYMAP        (IBCS2_MIOC | 7)
   54 #define IBCS2_GIO_STRMAP        (IBCS2_MIOC | 11)
   55 #define IBCS2_PIO_STRMAP        (IBCS2_MIOC | 12)

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