The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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    1 /*
    2  * Copyright 1992 by the University of Guelph
    3  *
    4  * Permission to use, copy and modify this
    5  * software and its documentation for any purpose and without
    6  * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
    7  * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
    8  * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
    9  * documentation.
   10  * University of Guelph makes no representations about the suitability of
   11  * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
   12  * without express or implied warranty.
   13  */
   15 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
   16 __FBSDID("$FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/isa/mse.c,v 1.68 2004/06/16 09:47:08 phk Exp $");
   18 /*
   19  * Driver for the Logitech and ATI Inport Bus mice for use with 386bsd and
   20  * the X386 port, courtesy of
   21  * Rick Macklem,
   22  * Caveats: The driver currently uses spltty(), but doesn't use any
   23  * generic tty code. It could use splmse() (that only masks off the
   24  * bus mouse interrupt, but that would require hacking in i386/isa/icu.s.
   25  * (This may be worth the effort, since the Logitech generates 30/60
   26  * interrupts/sec continuously while it is open.)
   27  * NB: The ATI has NOT been tested yet!
   28  */
   30 /*
   31  * Modification history:
   32  * Sep 6, 1994 -- Lars Fredriksen(
   33  *   improved probe based on input from Logitech.
   34  *
   35  * Oct 19, 1992 -- E. Stark (
   36  *   fixes to make it work with Microsoft InPort busmouse
   37  *
   38  * Jan, 1993 -- E. Stark (
   39  *   added patches for new "select" interface
   40  *
   41  * May 4, 1993 -- E. Stark (
   42  *   changed position of some spl()'s in mseread
   43  *
   44  * October 8, 1993 -- E. Stark (
   45  *   limit maximum negative x/y value to -127 to work around XFree problem
   46  *   that causes spurious button pushes.
   47  */
   49 #include <sys/param.h>
   50 #include <sys/systm.h>
   51 #include <sys/conf.h>
   52 #include <sys/kernel.h>
   53 #include <sys/module.h>
   54 #include <sys/bus.h>
   55 #include <sys/poll.h>
   56 #include <sys/selinfo.h>
   57 #include <sys/uio.h>
   58 #include <sys/mouse.h>
   60 #include <machine/bus_pio.h>
   61 #include <machine/bus.h>
   62 #include <machine/clock.h>
   63 #include <machine/resource.h>
   64 #include <sys/rman.h>
   66 #include <isa/isavar.h>
   68 /* driver configuration flags (config) */
   69 #define MSE_CONFIG_ACCEL        0x00f0  /* acceleration factor */
   70 #define MSE_CONFIG_FLAGS        (MSE_CONFIG_ACCEL)
   72 /*
   73  * Software control structure for mouse. The sc_enablemouse(),
   74  * sc_disablemouse() and sc_getmouse() routines must be called spl'd().
   75  */
   76 typedef struct mse_softc {
   77         int             sc_flags;
   78         int             sc_mousetype;
   79         struct selinfo  sc_selp;
   80         struct resource *sc_port;
   81         struct resource *sc_intr;
   82         bus_space_tag_t sc_iot;
   83         bus_space_handle_t sc_ioh;
   84         void            *sc_ih;
   85         void            (*sc_enablemouse)(bus_space_tag_t t,
   86                             bus_space_handle_t h);
   87         void            (*sc_disablemouse)(bus_space_tag_t t,
   88                             bus_space_handle_t h);
   89         void            (*sc_getmouse)(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h,
   90                             int *dx, int *dy, int *but);
   91         int             sc_deltax;
   92         int             sc_deltay;
   93         int             sc_obuttons;
   94         int             sc_buttons;
   95         int             sc_bytesread;
   96         u_char          sc_bytes[MOUSE_SYS_PACKETSIZE];
   97         struct          callout_handle sc_callout;
   98         int             sc_watchdog;
   99         struct cdev *sc_dev;
  100         struct cdev *sc_ndev;
  101         mousehw_t       hw;
  102         mousemode_t     mode;
  103         mousestatus_t   status;
  104 } mse_softc_t;
  106 static  devclass_t      mse_devclass;
  108 static  int             mse_probe(device_t dev);
  109 static  int             mse_attach(device_t dev);
  110 static  int             mse_detach(device_t dev);
  112 static  device_method_t mse_methods[] = {
  113         DEVMETHOD(device_probe,         mse_probe),
  114         DEVMETHOD(device_attach,        mse_attach),
  115         DEVMETHOD(device_detach,        mse_detach),
  116         { 0, 0 }
  117 };
  119 static  driver_t        mse_driver = {
  120         "mse",
  121         mse_methods,
  122         sizeof(mse_softc_t),
  123 };
  125 DRIVER_MODULE(mse, isa, mse_driver, mse_devclass, 0, 0);
  127 static struct isa_pnp_id mse_ids[] = {
  128         { 0x000fd041, "Bus mouse" },                    /* PNP0F00 */
  129         { 0x020fd041, "InPort mouse" },                 /* PNP0F02 */
  130         { 0x0d0fd041, "InPort mouse compatible" },      /* PNP0F0D */
  131         { 0x110fd041, "Bus mouse compatible" },         /* PNP0F11 */
  132         { 0x150fd041, "Logitech bus mouse" },           /* PNP0F15 */
  133         { 0x180fd041, "Logitech bus mouse compatible" },/* PNP0F18 */
  134         { 0 }
  135 };
  137 static  d_open_t        mseopen;
  138 static  d_close_t       mseclose;
  139 static  d_read_t        mseread;
  140 static  d_ioctl_t       mseioctl;
  141 static  d_poll_t        msepoll;
  143 static struct cdevsw mse_cdevsw = {
  144         .d_version =    D_VERSION,
  145         .d_flags =      D_NEEDGIANT,
  146         .d_open =       mseopen,
  147         .d_close =      mseclose,
  148         .d_read =       mseread,
  149         .d_ioctl =      mseioctl,
  150         .d_poll =       msepoll,
  151         .d_name =       "mse",
  152 };
  154 static  void            mseintr(void *);
  155 static  timeout_t       msetimeout;
  157 /* Flags */
  158 #define MSESC_OPEN      0x1
  159 #define MSESC_WANT      0x2
  161 /* and Mouse Types */
  162 #define MSE_NONE        0       /* don't move this! */
  163 #define MSE_LOGITECH    0x1
  164 #define MSE_ATIINPORT   0x2
  165 #define MSE_LOGI_SIG    0xA5
  167 #define MSE_PORTA       0
  168 #define MSE_PORTB       1
  169 #define MSE_PORTC       2
  170 #define MSE_PORTD       3
  171 #define MSE_IOSIZE      4
  173 #define MSE_UNIT(dev)           (minor(dev) >> 1)
  174 #define MSE_NBLOCKIO(dev)       (minor(dev) & 0x1)
  176 /*
  177  * Logitech bus mouse definitions
  178  */
  179 #define MSE_SETUP       0x91    /* What does this mean? */
  180                                 /* The definition for the control port */
  181                                 /* is as follows: */
  183                                 /* D7    =  Mode set flag (1 = active)  */
  184                                 /* D6,D5 =  Mode selection (port A)     */
  185                                 /*          00 = Mode 0 = Basic I/O     */
  186                                 /*          01 = Mode 1 = Strobed I/O   */
  187                                 /*          10 = Mode 2 = Bi-dir bus    */
  188                                 /* D4    =  Port A direction (1 = input)*/
  189                                 /* D3    =  Port C (upper 4 bits)       */
  190                                 /*          direction. (1 = input)      */
  191                                 /* D2    =  Mode selection (port B & C) */
  192                                 /*          0 = Mode 0 = Basic I/O      */
  193                                 /*          1 = Mode 1 = Strobed I/O    */
  194                                 /* D1    =  Port B direction (1 = input)*/
  195                                 /* D0    =  Port C (lower 4 bits)       */
  196                                 /*          direction. (1 = input)      */
  198                                 /* So 91 means Basic I/O on all 3 ports,*/
  199                                 /* Port A is an input port, B is an     */
  200                                 /* output port, C is split with upper   */
  201                                 /* 4 bits being an output port and lower*/
  202                                 /* 4 bits an input port, and enable the */
  203                                 /* sucker.                              */
  204                                 /* Courtesy Intel 8255 databook. Lars   */
  205 #define MSE_HOLD        0x80
  206 #define MSE_RXLOW       0x00
  207 #define MSE_RXHIGH      0x20
  208 #define MSE_RYLOW       0x40
  209 #define MSE_RYHIGH      0x60
  210 #define MSE_DISINTR     0x10
  211 #define MSE_INTREN      0x00
  213 static  int             mse_probelogi(device_t dev, mse_softc_t *sc);
  214 static  void            mse_disablelogi(bus_space_tag_t t,
  215                             bus_space_handle_t h);
  216 static  void            mse_getlogi(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h,
  217                             int *dx, int *dy, int *but);
  218 static  void            mse_enablelogi(bus_space_tag_t t,
  219                             bus_space_handle_t h);
  221 /*
  222  * ATI Inport mouse definitions
  223  */
  224 #define MSE_INPORT_RESET        0x80
  225 #define MSE_INPORT_STATUS       0x00
  226 #define MSE_INPORT_DX           0x01
  227 #define MSE_INPORT_DY           0x02
  228 #define MSE_INPORT_MODE         0x07
  229 #define MSE_INPORT_HOLD         0x20
  230 #define MSE_INPORT_INTREN       0x09
  232 static  int             mse_probeati(device_t dev, mse_softc_t *sc);
  233 static  void            mse_enableati(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h);
  234 static  void            mse_disableati(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h);
  235 static  void            mse_getati(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h,
  236                             int *dx, int *dy, int *but);
  238 #define MSEPRI  (PZERO + 3)
  240 /*
  241  * Table of mouse types.
  242  * Keep the Logitech last, since I haven't figured out how to probe it
  243  * properly yet. (Someday I'll have the documentation.)
  244  */
  245 static struct mse_types {
  246         int     m_type;         /* Type of bus mouse */
  247         int     (*m_probe)(device_t dev, mse_softc_t *sc);
  248                                 /* Probe routine to test for it */
  249         void    (*m_enable)(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h);
  250                                 /* Start routine */
  251         void    (*m_disable)(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h);
  252                                 /* Disable interrupts routine */
  253         void    (*m_get)(bus_space_tag_t t, bus_space_handle_t h, int *dx,
  254                     int *dy, int *but);
  255                                 /* and get mouse status */
  256         mousehw_t   m_hw;       /* buttons iftype type model hwid */
  257         mousemode_t m_mode;     /* proto rate res accel level size mask */
  258 } mse_types[] = {
  259         { MSE_ATIINPORT, 
  260           mse_probeati, mse_enableati, mse_disableati, mse_getati,
  262           { MOUSE_PROTO_INPORT, -1, -1, 0, 0, MOUSE_MSC_PACKETSIZE, 
  263             { MOUSE_MSC_SYNCMASK, MOUSE_MSC_SYNC, }, }, },
  264         { MSE_LOGITECH, 
  265           mse_probelogi, mse_enablelogi, mse_disablelogi, mse_getlogi,
  266           { 2, MOUSE_IF_BUS, MOUSE_MOUSE, MOUSE_MODEL_GENERIC, 0, },
  267           { MOUSE_PROTO_BUS, -1, -1, 0, 0, MOUSE_MSC_PACKETSIZE, 
  268             { MOUSE_MSC_SYNCMASK, MOUSE_MSC_SYNC, }, }, },
  269         { 0, },
  270 };
  272 static  int
  273 mse_probe(dev)
  274         device_t dev;
  275 {
  276         mse_softc_t *sc;
  277         int error;
  278         int rid;
  279         int i;
  281         /* check PnP IDs */
  282         error = ISA_PNP_PROBE(device_get_parent(dev), dev, mse_ids);
  283         if (error == ENXIO)
  284                 return error;
  286         sc = device_get_softc(dev);
  287         rid = 0;
  288         sc->sc_port = bus_alloc_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IOPORT, &rid, 0, ~0,
  289                                          MSE_IOSIZE, RF_ACTIVE);
  290         if (sc->sc_port == NULL)
  291                 return ENXIO;
  292         sc->sc_iot = rman_get_bustag(sc->sc_port);
  293         sc->sc_ioh = rman_get_bushandle(sc->sc_port);
  295         /*
  296          * Check for each mouse type in the table.
  297          */
  298         i = 0;
  299         while (mse_types[i].m_type) {
  300                 if ((*mse_types[i].m_probe)(dev, sc)) {
  301                         sc->sc_mousetype = mse_types[i].m_type;
  302                         sc->sc_enablemouse = mse_types[i].m_enable;
  303                         sc->sc_disablemouse = mse_types[i].m_disable;
  304                         sc->sc_getmouse = mse_types[i].m_get;
  305                         sc->hw = mse_types[i].m_hw;
  306                         sc->mode = mse_types[i].m_mode;
  307                         bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IOPORT, rid,
  308                                              sc->sc_port);
  309                         device_set_desc(dev, "Bus/InPort Mouse");
  310                         return 0;
  311                 }
  312                 i++;
  313         }
  314         bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IOPORT, rid, sc->sc_port);
  315         return ENXIO;
  316 }
  318 static  int
  319 mse_attach(dev)
  320         device_t dev;
  321 {
  322         mse_softc_t *sc;
  323         int flags;
  324         int unit;
  325         int rid;
  327         sc = device_get_softc(dev);
  328         unit = device_get_unit(dev);
  330         rid = 0;
  331         sc->sc_port = bus_alloc_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IOPORT, &rid, 0, ~0,
  332                                          MSE_IOSIZE, RF_ACTIVE);
  333         if (sc->sc_port == NULL)
  334                 return ENXIO;
  335         sc->sc_intr = bus_alloc_resource_any(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, &rid, RF_ACTIVE);
  336         if (sc->sc_intr == NULL) {
  337                 bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IOPORT, rid, sc->sc_port);
  338                 return ENXIO;
  339         }
  340         sc->sc_iot = rman_get_bustag(sc->sc_port);
  341         sc->sc_ioh = rman_get_bushandle(sc->sc_port);
  343         if (BUS_SETUP_INTR(device_get_parent(dev), dev, sc->sc_intr,
  344                            INTR_TYPE_TTY, mseintr, sc, &sc->sc_ih)) {
  345                 bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IOPORT, rid, sc->sc_port);
  346                 bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, rid, sc->sc_intr);
  347                 return ENXIO;
  348         }
  350         flags = device_get_flags(dev);
  351         sc->mode.accelfactor = (flags & MSE_CONFIG_ACCEL) >> 4;
  352         callout_handle_init(&sc->sc_callout);
  354         sc->sc_dev = make_dev(&mse_cdevsw, unit << 1, 0, 0, 0600,
  355                               "mse%d", unit);
  356         sc->sc_ndev = make_dev(&mse_cdevsw, (unit<<1)+1, 0, 0, 0600,
  357                                "nmse%d", unit);
  359         return 0;
  360 }
  362 static  int
  363 mse_detach(dev)
  364         device_t dev;
  365 {
  366         mse_softc_t *sc;
  367         int rid;
  369         sc = device_get_softc(dev);
  370         if (sc->sc_flags & MSESC_OPEN)
  371                 return EBUSY;
  373         rid = 0;
  374         BUS_TEARDOWN_INTR(device_get_parent(dev), dev, sc->sc_intr, sc->sc_ih);
  375         bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IRQ, rid, sc->sc_intr);
  376         bus_release_resource(dev, SYS_RES_IOPORT, rid, sc->sc_port);
  378         destroy_dev(sc->sc_dev);
  379         destroy_dev(sc->sc_ndev);
  381         return 0;
  382 }
  384 /*
  385  * Exclusive open the mouse, initialize it and enable interrupts.
  386  */
  387 static  int
  388 mseopen(dev, flags, fmt, td)
  389         struct cdev *dev;
  390         int flags;
  391         int fmt;
  392         struct thread *td;
  393 {
  394         mse_softc_t *sc;
  395         int s;
  397         sc = devclass_get_softc(mse_devclass, MSE_UNIT(dev));
  398         if (sc == NULL)
  399                 return (ENXIO);
  400         if (sc->sc_mousetype == MSE_NONE)
  401                 return (ENXIO);
  402         if (sc->sc_flags & MSESC_OPEN)
  403                 return (EBUSY);
  404         sc->sc_flags |= MSESC_OPEN;
  405         sc->sc_obuttons = sc->sc_buttons = MOUSE_MSC_BUTTONS;
  406         sc->sc_deltax = sc->sc_deltay = 0;
  407         sc->sc_bytesread = sc->mode.packetsize = MOUSE_MSC_PACKETSIZE;
  408         sc->sc_watchdog = FALSE;
  409         sc->sc_callout = timeout(msetimeout, dev, hz*2);
  410         sc->mode.level = 0;
  411         sc->status.flags = 0;
  412         sc->status.button = sc->status.obutton = 0;
  413         sc->status.dx = sc->status.dy = sc-> = 0;
  415         /*
  416          * Initialize mouse interface and enable interrupts.
  417          */
  418         s = spltty();
  419         (*sc->sc_enablemouse)(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh);
  420         splx(s);
  421         return (0);
  422 }
  424 /*
  425  * mseclose: just turn off mouse innterrupts.
  426  */
  427 static  int
  428 mseclose(dev, flags, fmt, td)
  429         struct cdev *dev;
  430         int flags;
  431         int fmt;
  432         struct thread *td;
  433 {
  434         mse_softc_t *sc = devclass_get_softc(mse_devclass, MSE_UNIT(dev));
  435         int s;
  437         untimeout(msetimeout, dev, sc->sc_callout);
  438         callout_handle_init(&sc->sc_callout);
  439         s = spltty();
  440         (*sc->sc_disablemouse)(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh);
  441         sc->sc_flags &= ~MSESC_OPEN;
  442         splx(s);
  443         return(0);
  444 }
  446 /*
  447  * mseread: return mouse info using the MSC serial protocol, but without
  448  * using bytes 4 and 5.
  449  * (Yes this is cheesy, but it makes the X386 server happy, so...)
  450  */
  451 static  int
  452 mseread(dev, uio, ioflag)
  453         struct cdev *dev;
  454         struct uio *uio;
  455         int ioflag;
  456 {
  457         mse_softc_t *sc = devclass_get_softc(mse_devclass, MSE_UNIT(dev));
  458         int xfer, s, error;
  460         /*
  461          * If there are no protocol bytes to be read, set up a new protocol
  462          * packet.
  463          */
  464         s = spltty(); /* XXX Should be its own spl, but where is imlXX() */
  465         if (sc->sc_bytesread >= sc->mode.packetsize) {
  466                 while (sc->sc_deltax == 0 && sc->sc_deltay == 0 &&
  467                        (sc->sc_obuttons ^ sc->sc_buttons) == 0) {
  468                         if (MSE_NBLOCKIO(dev)) {
  469                                 splx(s);
  470                                 return (0);
  471                         }
  472                         sc->sc_flags |= MSESC_WANT;
  473                         error = tsleep(sc, MSEPRI | PCATCH,
  474                                 "mseread", 0);
  475                         if (error) {
  476                                 splx(s);
  477                                 return (error);
  478                         }
  479                 }
  481                 /*
  482                  * Generate protocol bytes.
  483                  * For some reason X386 expects 5 bytes but never uses
  484                  * the fourth or fifth?
  485                  */
  486                 sc->sc_bytes[0] = sc->mode.syncmask[1] 
  487                     | (sc->sc_buttons & ~sc->mode.syncmask[0]);
  488                 if (sc->sc_deltax > 127)
  489                         sc->sc_deltax = 127;
  490                 if (sc->sc_deltax < -127)
  491                         sc->sc_deltax = -127;
  492                 sc->sc_deltay = -sc->sc_deltay; /* Otherwise mousey goes wrong way */
  493                 if (sc->sc_deltay > 127)
  494                         sc->sc_deltay = 127;
  495                 if (sc->sc_deltay < -127)
  496                         sc->sc_deltay = -127;
  497                 sc->sc_bytes[1] = sc->sc_deltax;
  498                 sc->sc_bytes[2] = sc->sc_deltay;
  499                 sc->sc_bytes[3] = sc->sc_bytes[4] = 0;
  500                 sc->sc_bytes[5] = sc->sc_bytes[6] = 0;
  501                 sc->sc_bytes[7] = MOUSE_SYS_EXTBUTTONS;
  502                 sc->sc_obuttons = sc->sc_buttons;
  503                 sc->sc_deltax = sc->sc_deltay = 0;
  504                 sc->sc_bytesread = 0;
  505         }
  506         splx(s);
  507         xfer = min(uio->uio_resid, sc->mode.packetsize - sc->sc_bytesread);
  508         error = uiomove(&sc->sc_bytes[sc->sc_bytesread], xfer, uio);
  509         if (error)
  510                 return (error);
  511         sc->sc_bytesread += xfer;
  512         return(0);
  513 }
  515 /*
  516  * mseioctl: process ioctl commands.
  517  */
  518 static int
  519 mseioctl(dev, cmd, addr, flag, td)
  520         struct cdev *dev;
  521         u_long cmd;
  522         caddr_t addr;
  523         int flag;
  524         struct thread *td;
  525 {
  526         mse_softc_t *sc = devclass_get_softc(mse_devclass, MSE_UNIT(dev));
  527         mousestatus_t status;
  528         int err = 0;
  529         int s;
  531         switch (cmd) {
  533         case MOUSE_GETHWINFO:
  534                 s = spltty();
  535                 *(mousehw_t *)addr = sc->hw;
  536                 if (sc->mode.level == 0)
  537                         ((mousehw_t *)addr)->model = MOUSE_MODEL_GENERIC;
  538                 splx(s);
  539                 break;
  541         case MOUSE_GETMODE:
  542                 s = spltty();
  543                 *(mousemode_t *)addr = sc->mode;
  544                 switch (sc->mode.level) {
  545                 case 0:
  546                         break;
  547                 case 1:
  548                         ((mousemode_t *)addr)->protocol = MOUSE_PROTO_SYSMOUSE;
  549                         ((mousemode_t *)addr)->syncmask[0] = MOUSE_SYS_SYNCMASK;
  550                         ((mousemode_t *)addr)->syncmask[1] = MOUSE_SYS_SYNC;
  551                         break;
  552                 }
  553                 splx(s);
  554                 break;
  556         case MOUSE_SETMODE:
  557                 switch (((mousemode_t *)addr)->level) {
  558                 case 0:
  559                 case 1:
  560                         break;
  561                 default:
  562                         return (EINVAL);
  563                 }
  564                 if (((mousemode_t *)addr)->accelfactor < -1)
  565                         return (EINVAL);
  566                 else if (((mousemode_t *)addr)->accelfactor >= 0)
  567                         sc->mode.accelfactor = 
  568                             ((mousemode_t *)addr)->accelfactor;
  569                 sc->mode.level = ((mousemode_t *)addr)->level;
  570                 switch (sc->mode.level) {
  571                 case 0:
  572                         sc->sc_bytesread = sc->mode.packetsize 
  573                             = MOUSE_MSC_PACKETSIZE;
  574                         break;
  575                 case 1:
  576                         sc->sc_bytesread = sc->mode.packetsize 
  577                             = MOUSE_SYS_PACKETSIZE;
  578                         break;
  579                 }
  580                 break;
  582         case MOUSE_GETLEVEL:
  583                 *(int *)addr = sc->mode.level;
  584                 break;
  586         case MOUSE_SETLEVEL:
  587                 switch (*(int *)addr) {
  588                 case 0:
  589                         sc->mode.level = *(int *)addr;
  590                         sc->sc_bytesread = sc->mode.packetsize 
  591                             = MOUSE_MSC_PACKETSIZE;
  592                         break;
  593                 case 1:
  594                         sc->mode.level = *(int *)addr;
  595                         sc->sc_bytesread = sc->mode.packetsize 
  596                             = MOUSE_SYS_PACKETSIZE;
  597                         break;
  598                 default:
  599                         return (EINVAL);
  600                 }
  601                 break;
  603         case MOUSE_GETSTATUS:
  604                 s = spltty();
  605                 status = sc->status;
  606                 sc->status.flags = 0;
  607                 sc->status.obutton = sc->status.button;
  608                 sc->status.button = 0;
  609                 sc->status.dx = 0;
  610                 sc->status.dy = 0;
  611                 sc-> = 0;
  612                 splx(s);
  613                 *(mousestatus_t *)addr = status;
  614                 break;
  616         case MOUSE_READSTATE:
  617         case MOUSE_READDATA:
  618                 return (ENODEV);
  620 #if (defined(MOUSE_GETVARS))
  621         case MOUSE_GETVARS:
  622         case MOUSE_SETVARS:
  623                 return (ENODEV);
  624 #endif
  626         default:
  627                 return (ENOTTY);
  628         }
  629         return (err);
  630 }
  632 /*
  633  * msepoll: check for mouse input to be processed.
  634  */
  635 static  int
  636 msepoll(dev, events, td)
  637         struct cdev *dev;
  638         int events;
  639         struct thread *td;
  640 {
  641         mse_softc_t *sc = devclass_get_softc(mse_devclass, MSE_UNIT(dev));
  642         int s;
  643         int revents = 0;
  645         s = spltty();
  646         if (events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM)) {
  647                 if (sc->sc_bytesread != sc->mode.packetsize ||
  648                     sc->sc_deltax != 0 || sc->sc_deltay != 0 ||
  649                     (sc->sc_obuttons ^ sc->sc_buttons) != 0)
  650                         revents |= events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
  651                 else {
  652                         /*
  653                          * Since this is an exclusive open device, any previous
  654                          * proc pointer is trash now, so we can just assign it.
  655                          */
  656                         selrecord(td, &sc->sc_selp);
  657                 }
  658         }
  659         splx(s);
  660         return (revents);
  661 }
  663 /*
  664  * msetimeout: watchdog timer routine.
  665  */
  666 static void
  667 msetimeout(arg)
  668         void *arg;
  669 {
  670         struct cdev *dev;
  671         mse_softc_t *sc;
  673         dev = (struct cdev *)arg;
  674         sc = devclass_get_softc(mse_devclass, MSE_UNIT(dev));
  675         if (sc->sc_watchdog) {
  676                 if (bootverbose)
  677                         printf("mse%d: lost interrupt?\n", MSE_UNIT(dev));
  678                 mseintr(sc);
  679         }
  680         sc->sc_watchdog = TRUE;
  681         sc->sc_callout = timeout(msetimeout, dev, hz);
  682 }
  684 /*
  685  * mseintr: update mouse status. sc_deltax and sc_deltay are accumulative.
  686  */
  687 static void
  688 mseintr(arg)
  689         void *arg;
  690 {
  691         /*
  692          * the table to turn MouseSystem button bits (MOUSE_MSC_BUTTON?UP)
  693          * into `mousestatus' button bits (MOUSE_BUTTON?DOWN).
  694          */
  695         static int butmap[8] = {
  696                 0, 
  697                 MOUSE_BUTTON3DOWN, 
  698                 MOUSE_BUTTON2DOWN, 
  699                 MOUSE_BUTTON2DOWN | MOUSE_BUTTON3DOWN, 
  700                 MOUSE_BUTTON1DOWN, 
  701                 MOUSE_BUTTON1DOWN | MOUSE_BUTTON3DOWN, 
  702                 MOUSE_BUTTON1DOWN | MOUSE_BUTTON2DOWN,
  704         };
  705         mse_softc_t *sc = arg;
  706         int dx, dy, but;
  707         int sign;
  709 #ifdef DEBUG
  710         static int mse_intrcnt = 0;
  711         if((mse_intrcnt++ % 10000) == 0)
  712                 printf("mseintr\n");
  713 #endif /* DEBUG */
  714         if ((sc->sc_flags & MSESC_OPEN) == 0)
  715                 return;
  717         (*sc->sc_getmouse)(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, &dx, &dy, &but);
  718         if (sc->mode.accelfactor > 0) {
  719                 sign = (dx < 0);
  720                 dx = dx * dx / sc->mode.accelfactor;
  721                 if (dx == 0)
  722                         dx = 1;
  723                 if (sign)
  724                         dx = -dx;
  725                 sign = (dy < 0);
  726                 dy = dy * dy / sc->mode.accelfactor;
  727                 if (dy == 0)
  728                         dy = 1;
  729                 if (sign)
  730                         dy = -dy;
  731         }
  732         sc->sc_deltax += dx;
  733         sc->sc_deltay += dy;
  734         sc->sc_buttons = but;
  736         but = butmap[~but & MOUSE_MSC_BUTTONS];
  737         sc->status.dx += dx;
  738         sc->status.dy += dy;
  739         sc->status.flags |= ((dx || dy) ? MOUSE_POSCHANGED : 0)
  740             | (sc->status.button ^ but);
  741         sc->status.button = but;
  743         sc->sc_watchdog = FALSE;
  745         /*
  746          * If mouse state has changed, wake up anyone wanting to know.
  747          */
  748         if (sc->sc_deltax != 0 || sc->sc_deltay != 0 ||
  749             (sc->sc_obuttons ^ sc->sc_buttons) != 0) {
  750                 if (sc->sc_flags & MSESC_WANT) {
  751                         sc->sc_flags &= ~MSESC_WANT;
  752                         wakeup(sc);
  753                 }
  754                 selwakeuppri(&sc->sc_selp, MSEPRI);
  755         }
  756 }
  758 /*
  759  * Routines for the Logitech mouse.
  760  */
  761 /*
  762  * Test for a Logitech bus mouse and return 1 if it is.
  763  * (until I know how to use the signature port properly, just disable
  764  *  interrupts and return 1)
  765  */
  766 static int
  767 mse_probelogi(dev, sc)
  768         device_t dev;
  769         mse_softc_t *sc;
  770 {
  772         int sig;
  774         bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, MSE_PORTD, MSE_SETUP);
  775                 /* set the signature port */
  776         bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, MSE_PORTB, MSE_LOGI_SIG);
  778         DELAY(30000); /* 30 ms delay */
  779         sig = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, MSE_PORTB) & 0xFF;
  780         if (sig == MSE_LOGI_SIG) {
  781                 bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, MSE_PORTC,
  782                                   MSE_DISINTR);
  783                 return(1);
  784         } else {
  785                 if (bootverbose)
  786                         device_printf(dev, "wrong signature %x\n", sig);
  787                 return(0);
  788         }
  789 }
  791 /*
  792  * Initialize Logitech mouse and enable interrupts.
  793  */
  794 static void
  795 mse_enablelogi(tag, handle)
  796         bus_space_tag_t tag;
  797         bus_space_handle_t handle;
  798 {
  799         int dx, dy, but;
  801         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTD, MSE_SETUP);
  802         mse_getlogi(tag, handle, &dx, &dy, &but);
  803 }
  805 /*
  806  * Disable interrupts for Logitech mouse.
  807  */
  808 static void
  809 mse_disablelogi(tag, handle)
  810         bus_space_tag_t tag;
  811         bus_space_handle_t handle;
  812 {
  814         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTC, MSE_DISINTR);
  815 }
  817 /*
  818  * Get the current dx, dy and button up/down state.
  819  */
  820 static void
  821 mse_getlogi(tag, handle, dx, dy, but)
  822         bus_space_tag_t tag;
  823         bus_space_handle_t handle;
  824         int *dx;
  825         int *dy;
  826         int *but;
  827 {
  828         register char x, y;
  830         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTC, MSE_HOLD | MSE_RXLOW);
  831         x = bus_space_read_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA);
  832         *but = (x >> 5) & MOUSE_MSC_BUTTONS;
  833         x &= 0xf;
  834         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTC, MSE_HOLD | MSE_RXHIGH);
  835         x |= (bus_space_read_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA) << 4);
  836         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTC, MSE_HOLD | MSE_RYLOW);
  837         y = (bus_space_read_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA) & 0xf);
  838         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTC, MSE_HOLD | MSE_RYHIGH);
  839         y |= (bus_space_read_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA) << 4);
  840         *dx = x;
  841         *dy = y;
  842         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTC, MSE_INTREN);
  843 }
  845 /*
  846  * Routines for the ATI Inport bus mouse.
  847  */
  848 /*
  849  * Test for an ATI Inport bus mouse and return 1 if it is.
  850  * (do not enable interrupts)
  851  */
  852 static int
  853 mse_probeati(dev, sc)
  854         device_t dev;
  855         mse_softc_t *sc;
  856 {
  857         int i;
  859         for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
  860                 if (bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_iot, sc->sc_ioh, MSE_PORTC) == 0xde)
  861                         return (1);
  862         return (0);
  863 }
  865 /*
  866  * Initialize ATI Inport mouse and enable interrupts.
  867  */
  868 static void
  869 mse_enableati(tag, handle)
  870         bus_space_tag_t tag;
  871         bus_space_handle_t handle;
  872 {
  874         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_RESET);
  875         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_MODE);
  876         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTB, MSE_INPORT_INTREN);
  877 }
  879 /*
  880  * Disable interrupts for ATI Inport mouse.
  881  */
  882 static void
  883 mse_disableati(tag, handle)
  884         bus_space_tag_t tag;
  885         bus_space_handle_t handle;
  886 {
  888         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_MODE);
  889         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTB, 0);
  890 }
  892 /*
  893  * Get current dx, dy and up/down button state.
  894  */
  895 static void
  896 mse_getati(tag, handle, dx, dy, but)
  897         bus_space_tag_t tag;
  898         bus_space_handle_t handle;
  899         int *dx;
  900         int *dy;
  901         int *but;
  902 {
  903         register char byte;
  905         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_MODE);
  906         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTB, MSE_INPORT_HOLD);
  907         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_STATUS);
  908         *but = ~bus_space_read_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTB) & MOUSE_MSC_BUTTONS;
  909         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_DX);
  910         byte = bus_space_read_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTB);
  911         *dx = byte;
  912         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_DY);
  913         byte = bus_space_read_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTB);
  914         *dy = byte;
  915         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTA, MSE_INPORT_MODE);
  916         bus_space_write_1(tag, handle, MSE_PORTB, MSE_INPORT_INTREN);
  917 }

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