The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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    1 /* 
    2  * Mach Operating System
    3  * Copyright (c) 1993,1992,1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
    4  * All Rights Reserved.
    5  * 
    6  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
    7  * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
    8  * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
    9  * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
   10  * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
   11  * 
   15  * 
   16  * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
   17  * 
   18  *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
   19  *  School of Computer Science
   20  *  Carnegie Mellon University
   21  *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
   22  * 
   23  * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
   24  * the rights to redistribute these changes.
   25  */
   26 /* 
   27  * HISTORY
   28  * $Log:        autoconf.c,v $
   29  * Revision 2.21  93/11/17  16:41:08  dbg
   30  *      Added 174x driver ( &
   31  *      [93/10/06            af]
   32  *      Lint.
   33  *      [93/05/08  11:20:03  af]
   34  * 
   35  *      Made it possible to have two Adaptec boards.
   36  *      [93/05/07  18:37:34  af]
   37  * 
   38  *      Added include of standard types.
   39  *      [93/05/06  09:30:11  af]
   40  * 
   41  * Revision 2.20  93/10/20  15:54:10  dbg
   42  *      Add clockmc, clockpit for real-time Mach.  Purge non-
   43  *      MACH_KERNEL code.  Add ANSI function prototypes.
   44  *      [93/05/18            dbg]
   45  * 
   46  * Revision 2.19  93/08/10  15:57:38  mrt
   47  *      Iff rcline != -1, then proberc will turn on the com line first
   48  *      thing.  So the rest of the probe will be reported thru rconsole.
   49  *      [93/06/08            rvb]
   50  * 
   51  * Revision 2.18  93/05/10  23:24:01  rvb
   52  *      Added TTD teledebug code used to initialize the teledebugger and
   53  *      begin setup debugging.
   54  *      [93/03/01            grm]
   55  * 
   56  * Revision 2.17  93/05/10  21:18:41  rvb
   57  *      Lint.
   58  *      [93/05/08  11:20:03  af]
   59  * 
   60  *      Made it possible to have two Adaptec boards.
   61  *      [93/05/07  18:37:34  af]
   62  * 
   63  *      Added include of standard types.
   64  *      [93/05/06  09:30:11  af]
   65  * 
   66  * Revision 2.16  92/04/03  12:08:35  rpd
   67  *      Use port 0x250, 0x350 for irq 5 bnc, thick respectively.
   68  *      [92/04/02            rvb]
   69  *      Tossing (0x3bc) below is the WRONG thing to do!!
   70  *      [92/03/10            rvb]
   71  * 
   72  * Revision 2.15  92/03/06  13:38:29  rpd
   73  *      Removed 0x3bc entry for lprdriver until someone can come up
   74  *      with a better fix.
   75  *      [92/03/06  13:16:43  jsb]
   76  * 
   77  * Revision 2.14  92/02/19  16:29:36  elf
   78  *      Re-oder device probes -- disks first.
   79  *      [92/02/18            rvb]
   80  * 
   81  * Revision 2.13  92/02/19  15:08:08  elf
   82  *      Made take_dev_irq() print device name instead of XYZ in case of
   83  *      failure.
   84  *      [92/01/20            kivinen]
   85  * 
   86  *      Added more possible configurations for ns8390driver to be able to
   87  *      use two wd cards simultaneously.
   88  *      [92/01/20            kivinen]
   89  * 
   90  * Revision 2.12  92/01/14  16:43:46  rpd
   91  *      Flush com3 it is hardly every available and would use irq 6 -- a no-no.
   92  *      [92/01/08            rvb]
   93  * 
   94  * Revision 2.11  91/10/07  17:25:07  af
   95  *      Allow for second fd controller and fix hd entry.
   96  *      [91/10/01  15:26:32  rvb]
   97  * 
   98  *      Synchronize with 2.5 tables.
   99  *      [91/09/04            rvb]
  100  * 
  101  * Revision 2.10  91/08/24  11:57:16  af
  102  *      Use new MI autoconf procedures. Added SCSI.
  103  *      [91/08/02  02:52:15  af]
  104  * 
  105  * Revision 2.9  91/06/19  11:55:44  rvb
  106  *      cputypes.h->platforms.h
  107  *      [91/06/12  13:45:33  rvb]
  108  * 
  109  * Revision 2.8  91/05/14  16:19:38  mrt
  110  *      Correcting copyright
  111  * 
  112  * Revision 2.7  91/02/05  17:15:58  mrt
  113  *      Changed to new Mach copyright
  114  *      [91/02/01  17:41:36  mrt]
  115  * 
  116  * Revision 2.6  91/01/09  19:56:29  rpd
  117  *      Converted from wd8003 to ns8390.
  118  *      [91/01/08            rpd]
  119  * 
  120  * Revision 2.4  90/11/26  14:48:56  rvb
  121  *      jsb beat me to XMK34, sigh ...
  122  *      [90/11/26            rvb]
  123  *      Synched 2.5 & 3.0 at I386q (r1.7.1.8) & XMK35 (r2.4)
  124  *      [90/11/15            rvb]
  125  * 
  126  * Revision 2.3  90/10/01  14:22:53  jeffreyh
  127  *      added wd ethernet driver
  128  *      [90/09/27  18:23:07  jeffreyh]
  129  * 
  130  * Revision  90/08/25  15:42:34  rvb
  131  *      Define take_<>_irq() vs direct manipulations of ivect and friends.
  132  *      Replace single Ctlr[] with one per Ctlr type.
  133  *      [90/08/20            rvb]
  134  * 
  135  *      Added parallel port printer driver.
  136  *      [90/08/14            mg32]
  137  * 
  138  * Revision  90/07/27  11:22:57  rvb
  139  *      Move wd8003 IRQ to IRQ9.
  140  *      [90/07/26            rvb]
  141  * 
  142  * Revision  90/07/10  11:41:45  rvb
  143  *      iPSC2: subtype and call dcminit().
  144  *      [90/06/16            rvb]
  145  * 
  146  *      Rework probe and attach to be much more bsd flavored.
  147  *      [90/06/07            rvb]
  148  * 
  149  * Revision  90/06/07  08:04:46  rvb
  150  *      updated for new hd driver probe/attach  [eugene]
  151  *      (Temporarily disabled.)
  152  * 
  153  * Revision  90/05/14  13:17:45  rvb
  154  *      Copy in slave_config() from loose_ends.c
  155  *      [90/04/23            rvb]
  156  * 
  157  * Revision 2.2  90/05/03  15:40:37  dbg
  158  *      Converted for pure kernel.
  159  *      [90/04/23            dbg]
  160  * 
  161  * Revision  90/03/16  18:14:51  rvb
  162  *      Add 3com 3c501 ether [bernadat]
  163  *      Also clean up things, at least for ether; there are NO
  164  *      controllers -- just devices.
  165  * 
  166  * Revision  89/10/22  11:29:41  rvb
  167  *      Call setconf for generic kernels.
  168  *      [89/10/17            rvb]
  169  * 
  170  * Revision 1.7  89/09/20  17:26:26  rvb
  171  *      Support ln for ORC
  172  *      [89/09/20            rvb]
  173  * 
  174  * Revision 1.6  89/09/09  15:19:19  rvb
  175  *      pc586, qd and com are now configured based on the appropriate .h
  176  *      files and pccom -> com.
  177  *      [89/09/09            rvb]
  178  * 
  179  * Revision 1.5  89/07/17  10:34:58  rvb
  180  *      Olivetti Changes to X79 upto 5/9/89:
  181  *              An almost legitimate probe routine().
  182  *      [89/07/11            rvb]
  183  * 
  184  * Revision 1.4  89/02/26  12:25:02  gm0w
  185  *      Changes for cleanup.
  186  * 
  187  */
  189 #include <mach_ttd.h>
  191 #include <mach/std_types.h>
  192 #include <kern/kern_io.h>
  193 #include <i386/ipl.h>
  194 #include <chips/busses.h>
  196 /* initialization typecasts */
  197 #define SPL_FIVE        (vm_offset_t)SPL5
  198 #define SPL_SIX         (vm_offset_t)SPL6
  199 #define SPL_TTY         (vm_offset_t)SPLTTY
  202 #include <hd.h>
  203 #if NHD > 0
  204 extern  struct  bus_driver      hddriver;
  205 extern int                      hdintr();
  206 #endif /* NHD */
  208 #include <fd.h>
  209 #if NFD > 0
  210 extern  struct  bus_driver      fddriver;
  211 extern int                      fdintr();
  212 #endif /* NFD */
  214 #include <aha.h>
  215 #if NAHA > 0
  216 extern struct   bus_driver      aha_driver;
  217 extern int                      aha_intr();
  218 #endif /* NAHA */
  220 #include <eaha.h>
  221 #if NEAHA > 0
  222 extern struct   bus_driver      eaha_driver;
  223 extern int      eaha_intr();
  224 #endif /* NEAHA */
  226 #include <pc586.h>
  227 #if NPC586 > 0
  228 extern  struct  bus_driver      pcdriver;
  229 extern int                      pc586intr();
  230 #endif /* NPC586 */
  232 #include <ns8390.h>
  233 #if NNS8390 > 0
  234 extern  struct  bus_driver      ns8390driver;
  235 extern int                      ns8390intr();
  236 #endif /* NNS8390 */
  238 #include <at3c501.h>
  239 #if NAT3C501 > 0
  240 extern  struct  bus_driver      at3c501driver;
  241 extern int                      at3c501intr();
  242 #endif /* NAT3C501 */
  244 #include <com.h>
  245 #if NCOM > 0
  246 extern  struct  bus_driver      comdriver;
  247 extern int                      comintr();
  248 #endif /* NCOM */
  250 #include <lpr.h>
  251 #if NLPR > 0
  252 extern  struct  bus_driver      lprdriver;
  253 extern int                      lprintr();
  254 #endif /* NLPR */
  256 #include <wt.h>
  257 #if NWT > 0
  258 extern  struct  bus_driver      wtdriver;
  259 extern int                      wtintr();
  260 #endif /* NWT */
  262 #include <mc.h>
  263 #if NMC > 0
  264 extern  struct  bus_driver      mc_driver;
  265 extern  int                     mc_intr();
  266 #endif
  268 #include <clockpit.h>
  269 #if NCLOCKPIT > 0
  270 extern  struct  bus_driver      clockpitdriver;
  271 extern  int                     clockpitintr();
  272 #endif
  274 struct  bus_ctlr        bus_master_init[] = {
  276 /* driver    name unit intr    address        len phys_address   
  277      adaptor alive flags spl    pic                              */
  279 #if NHD > 0
  280   {&hddriver, "hdc",  0, hdintr, 0x1f0, 8, 0x1f0,
  281      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 14},
  283   {&hddriver, "hdc",  1, hdintr, 0x170, 8, 0x170,
  284      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 15},
  285 #endif  /* NHD > 0 */
  287 #if NAHA > 0
  288   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x330, 4, 0x330,
  289      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 11},
  291 #if NAHA > 1
  293   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x234, 4, 0x234,
  294      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  295   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x230, 4, 0x230,
  296      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  297   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x134, 4, 0x134,
  298      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  299   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x130, 4, 0x130,
  300      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  302 #else
  304   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x334, 4, 0x334,
  305      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 11},
  306   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x234, 4, 0x234,
  307      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 11},
  308   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x230, 4, 0x230,
  309      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 11},
  310   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x134, 4, 0x134,
  311      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 11},
  312   {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x130, 4, 0x130,
  313      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 11},
  315 #endif  /* NAHA > 1 */
  316 #endif  /* NAHA > 0*/
  318 #if NEAHA > 0
  319 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x0000, 4, 0x0000,
  320      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  321 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x1000, 4, 0x1000,
  322      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  323 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x2000, 4, 0x2000,
  324      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  325 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x3000, 4, 0x3000,
  326      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  327 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x4000, 4, 0x4000,
  328      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  329 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x5000, 4, 0x5000,
  330      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  331 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x6000, 4, 0x6000,
  332      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  333 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x7000, 4, 0x7000,
  334      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  335 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x8000, 4, 0x8000,
  336      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  337 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x9000, 4, 0x9000,
  338      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  339 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xa000, 4, 0xa000,
  340      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  341 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xb000, 4, 0xb000,
  342      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  343 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xc000, 4, 0xc000,
  344      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  345 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xd000, 4, 0xd000,
  346      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  347 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xe000, 4, 0xe000,
  348      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  349 {&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xf000, 4, 0xf000,
  350      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  351 #endif /* NEAHA > 0 */
  353 #if NFD > 0
  354   {&fddriver, "fdc",  0, fdintr, 0x3f2, 6, 0x3f2,
  355      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 6},
  357   {&fddriver, "fdc",  1, fdintr, 0x372, 6, 0x372,
  358      '?',       0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 10},
  359 #endif  /* NFD > 0 */
  361   0
  362 };
  365 struct  bus_device      bus_device_init[] = {
  367 /* driver     name unit intr    address       am   phys_address 
  368      adaptor alive ctlr slave flags *mi       *next  sysdep sysdep */
  370 #if NMC > 0
  371   {&mc_driver, "mc", 0, mc_intr, 0x70, 0,  0x70,
  372      '?',    0,  -1,   -1,    0,   0,  0,  SPLHI, 8},
  373 #endif
  374 #if NCLOCKPIT > 0
  375   {&clockpitdriver, "pit", 0, clockpitintr, 0x40, 0, 0x40,    
  376      '?',    0,  -1,   -1,    0,   0,  0,  SPLHI, 0},
  377 #endif
  379 #if NHD > 0
  380   {&hddriver, "hd", 0, hdintr, 0x104, 8, 0x1f0,
  381      '?',    0,   0,    0,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 14},
  382   {&hddriver, "hd", 1, hdintr, 0x118, 8, 0x1f0,
  383      '?',    0,   0,    1,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 14},
  384   {&hddriver, "hd", 2, hdintr, 0x104, 8, 0x170,  /*??*/
  385      '?',    0,   1,    0,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 15},
  386   {&hddriver, "hd", 3, hdintr, 0x118, 8, 0x170,
  387      '?',    0,   1,    1,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 15},
  388 #endif /* NHD > 0 */
  390 #if NAHA > 0
  391 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
  392 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
  393 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
  394 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
  395 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
  396 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
  397 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
  398 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },
  400 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
  401 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
  402 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
  403 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
  404 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
  405 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
  406 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
  407 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },
  409 #if NAHA > 1
  411 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   8,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   0,    0, },
  412 { &aha_driver,  "rz",   9,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   1,    0, },
  413 { &aha_driver,  "rz",  10,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   2,    0, },
  414 { &aha_driver,  "rz",  11,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   3,    0, },
  415 { &aha_driver,  "rz",  12,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   4,    0, },
  416 { &aha_driver,  "rz",  13,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   5,    0, },
  417 { &aha_driver,  "rz",  14,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   6,    0, },
  418 { &aha_driver,  "rz",  15,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   7,    0, },
  420 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   8,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   0,    0, },
  421 { &aha_driver,  "tz",   9,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   1,    0, },
  422 { &aha_driver,  "tz",  10,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   2,    0, },
  423 { &aha_driver,  "tz",  11,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   3,    0, },
  424 { &aha_driver,  "tz",  12,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   4,    0, },
  425 { &aha_driver,  "tz",  13,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   5,    0, },
  426 { &aha_driver,  "tz",  14,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   6,    0, },
  427 { &aha_driver,  "tz",  15,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   1,   7,    0, },
  428 #endif  /* NAHA > 1 */
  429 #endif  /* NAHA > 0 */
  431 #if NEAHA > 0
  432 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
  433 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
  434 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
  435 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
  436 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
  437 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
  438 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
  439 { &eaha_driver, "rz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },
  441 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
  442 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
  443 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
  444 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
  445 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
  446 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
  447 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
  448 { &eaha_driver, "tz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,  0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },
  449 #endif  /* NEAHA > 0*/
  451 #if NFD > 0
  452   {&fddriver, "fd", 0, fdintr, 0x3f2, 6, 0x3f2,
  453      '?',    0,   0,    0,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 6},
  454   {&fddriver, "fd", 1, fdintr, 0x3f2, 6, 0x3f2,
  455      '?',    0,   0,    1,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 6},
  457   {&fddriver, "fd", 2, fdintr, 0x372, 6, 0x372,
  458      '?',    0,   1,    0,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 10},
  459   {&fddriver, "fd", 3, fdintr, 0x372, 6, 0x372,
  460      '?',    0,   1,    1,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 10},
  461 #endif  /* NFD > 0 */
  463 #if NPC586 > 0
  464   /* For MACH Default */
  465   {&pcdriver, "pc", 0, pc586intr, 0xd0000, 0, 0xd0000,
  466      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 9},
  467   /* For Factory Default */
  468   {&pcdriver, "pc", 0, pc586intr, 0xc0000, 0, 0xc0000,
  469      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
  470   /* For what Intel Ships */
  471   {&pcdriver, "pc", 0, pc586intr, 0xf00000, 0, 0xf00000,
  472      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
  473 #endif /* NPC586 > 0 */
  475 #if NNS8390 > 0
  476         /* "wd" and "el" */
  477   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x280,0x2000,0xd0000,
  478      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 9},
  479   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x2a0,0x2000,0xd0000,
  480      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 9},
  481   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x2e0,0x2000,0xd0000,
  482      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  483   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x300,0x2000,0xd0000,
  484      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  485   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x250,0x2000,0xd0000,
  486      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  487   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x350,0x2000,0xd0000,
  488      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  489   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x240,0x2000,0xd0000,
  490      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 11},
  491   {&ns8390driver, "wd", 1, ns8390intr, 0x340,0x2000,0xe8000,
  492      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 15},
  493 #endif /* NNS8390 > 0 */
  495 #if NAT3C501 > 0
  496   {&at3c501driver, "et", 0, at3c501intr, 0x300, 0,0x300,
  497      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 9},
  498 #endif /* NAT3C501 > 0 */
  500 #if NCOM > 0
  501   {&comdriver, "com", 0, comintr, 0x3f8, 8, 0x3f8,
  502      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 4},
  503   {&comdriver, "com", 1, comintr, 0x2f8, 8, 0x2f8,
  504      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 3},
  505   {&comdriver, "com", 2, comintr, 0x3e8, 8, 0x3e8,
  506      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 5},
  507 #endif /* NCOM > 0 */
  509 #if NLPR > 0
  510   {&lprdriver, "lpr", 0, lprintr, 0x378, 3, 0x378,
  511      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 7},
  512   {&lprdriver, "lpr", 0, lprintr, 0x278, 3, 0x278,
  513      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 7},
  514   {&lprdriver, "lpr", 0, lprintr, 0x3bc, 3, 0x3bc,
  515      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 7},
  516 #endif /* NLPR > 0 */
  518 #if NWT > 0
  519   {&wtdriver, "wt", 0, wtintr, 0x300, 2, 0x300,
  520      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
  521   {&wtdriver, "wt", 0, wtintr, 0x288, 2, 0x288,
  522      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
  523   {&wtdriver, "wt", 0, wtintr, 0x388, 2, 0x388,
  524      '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
  525 #endif /* NWT > 0 */
  527   0
  528 };
  530 /*
  531  * probeio:
  532  *
  533  *      Probe and subsequently attach devices out on the AT bus.
  534  *
  535  *
  536  */
  537 void probeio(void)
  538 {
  539         register struct bus_device      *device;
  540         register struct bus_ctlr        *master;
  541         int                             i = 0;
  543         for (master = bus_master_init; master->driver; master++)
  544                 if (configure_bus_master(master->name, master->address,
  545                                 master->phys_address, i, "atbus"))
  546                         i++;
  548         for (device = bus_device_init; device->driver; device++) {
  549                 /* ignore what we (should) have found already */
  550                 if (device->alive || device->ctlr != -1)
  551                         continue;
  552                 if (configure_bus_device(device->name, device->address,
  553                                 device->phys_address, i, "atbus"))
  554                         i++;
  555         }
  557 #if     MACH_TTD
  558         /*
  559          * Initialize Remote kernel debugger.
  560          */
  561         ttd_init();
  562 #endif  /* MACH_TTD */
  563 }
  565 void proberc(void)
  566 {
  567         register struct bus_device      *device;
  568         int                             i = 0;
  569         extern int                      rcline;
  571         if (rcline == -1) return;
  573         for (device = bus_device_init; device->driver; device++) {
  574                 if (device->driver == &comdriver && device->unit == rcline)
  575                         configure_bus_device(device->name, device->address,
  576                                         device->phys_address, i, "atbus");
  577         }
  578 }
  580 void take_dev_irq(
  581         struct bus_device *dev)
  582 {
  583         int pic = (int)dev->sysdep1;
  585         if (intpri[pic] == 0) {
  586                 iunit[pic] = dev->unit;
  587                 ivect[pic] = dev->intr;
  588                 intpri[pic] = (int)dev->sysdep;
  589                 form_pic_mask();
  590         } else {
  591                 printf("The device below will clobber IRQ %d.\n", pic);
  592                 printf("You have two devices at the same IRQ.\n");
  593                 printf("This won't work.  Reconfigure your hardware and try again.\n");
  594                 printf("%s%d: port = %x, spl = %d, pic = %d.\n",
  595                         dev->name, dev->unit, dev->address,
  596                         dev->sysdep, dev->sysdep1);
  597                 while (1);
  598         }
  600 }
  602 void take_ctlr_irq(
  603         struct bus_ctlr *ctlr)
  604 {
  605         int pic = ctlr->sysdep1;
  606         if (intpri[pic] == 0) {
  607                 iunit[pic] = ctlr->unit;
  608                 ivect[pic] = ctlr->intr;
  609                 intpri[pic] = (int)ctlr->sysdep;
  610                 form_pic_mask();
  611         } else {
  612                 printf("The device below will clobber IRQ %d.\n", pic);
  613                 printf("You have two devices at the same IRQ.  This won't work.\n");
  614                 printf("Reconfigure your hardware and try again.\n");
  615                 while (1);
  616         }
  617 }

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