The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 /*
    2  * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    3  *
    5  *
    6  * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
    7  * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
    8  * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
    9  * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
   10  * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
   11  * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
   12  * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
   13  * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
   14  *
   15  * Please obtain a copy of the License at
   16  * and read it before using this file.
   17  *
   18  * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
   19  * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
   23  * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
   24  * limitations under the License.
   25  *
   27  */
   29 #ifndef _LIBKERN_OSKEXTLIB_H
   30 #define _LIBKERN_OSKEXTLIB_H
   32 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
   35 #include <stdint.h>
   36 #include <mach/kmod.h>
   37 #include <mach/vm_types.h>
   39 #ifdef KERNEL
   40 #include <libkern/OSTypes.h>
   41 #include <libkern/OSReturn.h>
   42 #else
   43 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
   44 #include <System/libkern/OSReturn.h>
   45 #endif /* KERNEL */
   47 /*!
   48  * @header
   49  *
   50  * Declares functions, basic return values, and other constants
   51  * related to kernel extensions (kexts).
   52  */
   54 #if PRAGMA_MARK
   55 #pragma mark -
   56 /********************************************************************/
   57 #pragma mark OSReturn Values for Kernel Extensions
   58 /********************************************************************/
   59 #endif
   60 /*!
   61  * @group OSReturn Values for Kernel Extensions
   62  * Many kext-related functions return these values,
   63  * as well as those defined under
   64  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/tdef/OSReturn OSReturn@/link</code>
   65  * and other variants of <code>kern_return_t</code>.
   66  */
   69 /*********************************************************************
   70 * Check libsyscall/mach/err_libkern.sub when editing or adding
   71 * result codes!
   72 *********************************************************************/
   73 #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
   75 #define sub_libkern_kext           err_sub(2)
   76 #define libkern_kext_err(code)     (sys_libkern|sub_libkern_kext|(code))
   79 /*!
   80  * @define   kOSKextReturnInternalError
   81  * @abstract An internal error in the kext library.
   82  *           Contrast with <code>@link //apple_ref/c/econst/OSReturnError
   83  *           OSReturnError@/link</code>.
   84  */
   85 #define kOSKextReturnInternalError                   libkern_kext_err(0x1)
   87 /*!
   88  * @define   kOSKextReturnNoMemory
   89  * @abstract Memory allocation failed.
   90  */
   91 #define kOSKextReturnNoMemory                        libkern_kext_err(0x2)
   93 /*!
   94  * @define   kOSKextReturnNoResources
   95  * @abstract Some resource other than memory (such as available load tags)
   96  *           is exhausted.
   97  */
   98 #define kOSKextReturnNoResources                     libkern_kext_err(0x3)
  100 /*!
  101  * @define   kOSKextReturnNotPrivileged
  102  * @abstract The caller lacks privileges to perform the requested operation.
  103  */
  104 #define kOSKextReturnNotPrivileged                   libkern_kext_err(0x4)
  106 /*!
  107  * @define   kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument
  108  * @abstract Invalid argument.
  109  */
  110 #define kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument                 libkern_kext_err(0x5)
  112 /*!
  113  * @define   kOSKextReturnNotFound
  114  * @abstract Search item not found.
  115  */
  116 #define kOSKextReturnNotFound                        libkern_kext_err(0x6)
  118 /*!
  119  * @define   kOSKextReturnBadData
  120  * @abstract Malformed data (not used for XML).
  121  */
  122 #define kOSKextReturnBadData                         libkern_kext_err(0x7)
  124 /*!
  125  * @define   kOSKextReturnSerialization
  126  * @abstract Error converting or (un)serializing URL, string, or XML.
  127  */
  128 #define kOSKextReturnSerialization                   libkern_kext_err(0x8)
  130 /*!
  131  * @define   kOSKextReturnUnsupported
  132  * @abstract Operation is no longer or not yet supported.
  133  */
  134 #define kOSKextReturnUnsupported                     libkern_kext_err(0x9)
  136 /*!
  137  * @define   kOSKextReturnDisabled
  138  * @abstract Operation is currently disabled.
  139  */
  140 #define kOSKextReturnDisabled                        libkern_kext_err(0xa)
  142 /*!
  143  * @define   kOSKextReturnNotAKext
  144  * @abstract Bundle is not a kernel extension.
  145  */
  146 #define kOSKextReturnNotAKext                        libkern_kext_err(0xb)
  148 /*!
  149  * @define   kOSKextReturnValidation
  150  * @abstract Validation failures encountered; check diagnostics for details.
  151  */
  152 #define kOSKextReturnValidation                      libkern_kext_err(0xc)
  154 /*!
  155  * @define   kOSKextReturnAuthentication
  156  * @abstract Authetication failures encountered; check diagnostics for details.
  157  */
  158 #define kOSKextReturnAuthentication                  libkern_kext_err(0xd)
  160 /*!
  161  * @define   kOSKextReturnDependencies
  162  * @abstract Dependency resolution failures encountered; check diagnostics for details.
  163  */
  164 #define kOSKextReturnDependencies                    libkern_kext_err(0xe)
  166 /*!
  167  * @define   kOSKextReturnArchNotFound
  168  * @abstract Kext does not contain code for the requested architecture.
  169  */
  170 #define kOSKextReturnArchNotFound                    libkern_kext_err(0xf)
  172 /*!
  173  * @define   kOSKextReturnCache
  174  * @abstract An error occurred processing a system kext cache.
  175  */
  176 #define kOSKextReturnCache                           libkern_kext_err(0x10)
  178 /*!
  179  * @define   kOSKextReturnDeferred
  180  * @abstract Operation has been posted asynchronously to user space (kernel only).
  181  */
  182 #define kOSKextReturnDeferred                        libkern_kext_err(0x11)
  184 /*!
  185  * @define   kOSKextReturnBootLevel
  186  * @abstract Kext not loadable or operation not allowed at current boot level.
  187  */
  188 #define kOSKextReturnBootLevel                       libkern_kext_err(0x12)
  190 /*!
  191  * @define   kOSKextReturnNotLoadable
  192  * @abstract Kext cannot be loaded; check diagnostics for details.
  193  */
  194 #define kOSKextReturnNotLoadable                     libkern_kext_err(0x13)
  196 /*!
  197  * @define   kOSKextReturnLoadedVersionDiffers
  198  * @abstract A different version (or executable UUID, or executable by checksum)
  199  *           of the requested kext is already loaded.
  200  */
  201 #define kOSKextReturnLoadedVersionDiffers            libkern_kext_err(0x14)
  203 /*!
  204  * @define   kOSKextReturnDependencyLoadError
  205  * @abstract A load error occurred on a dependency of the kext being loaded.
  206  */
  207 #define kOSKextReturnDependencyLoadError             libkern_kext_err(0x15)
  209 /*!
  210  * @define   kOSKextReturnLinkError
  211  * @abstract A link failure occured with this kext or a dependency.
  212  */
  213 #define kOSKextReturnLinkError                       libkern_kext_err(0x16)
  215 /*!
  216  * @define   kOSKextReturnStartStopError
  217  * @abstract The kext start or stop routine returned an error.
  218  */
  219 #define kOSKextReturnStartStopError                  libkern_kext_err(0x17)
  221 /*!
  222  * @define   kOSKextReturnInUse
  223  * @abstract The kext is currently in use or has outstanding references,
  224  *           and cannot be unloaded.
  225  */
  226 #define kOSKextReturnInUse                           libkern_kext_err(0x18)
  228 /*!
  229  * @define   kOSKextReturnTimeout
  230  * @abstract A kext request has timed out.
  231  */
  232 #define kOSKextReturnTimeout                         libkern_kext_err(0x19)
  234 /*!
  235  * @define   kOSKextReturnStopping
  236  * @abstract The kext is in the process of stopping; requests cannot be made.
  237  */
  238 #define kOSKextReturnStopping                        libkern_kext_err(0x1a)
  240 #if PRAGMA_MARK
  241 #pragma mark -
  242 /********************************************************************/
  243 #pragma mark Kext/OSBundle Property List Keys
  244 /********************************************************************/
  245 #endif
  246 /*!
  247  * @group Kext Property List Keys
  248  * These constants cover CFBundle properties defined for kernel extensions.
  249  * Because they are used in the kernel, if you want to use one with
  250  * CFBundle APIs you'll need to wrap it in a <code>CFSTR()</code> macro.
  251  */
  253 #ifdef KERNEL
  254 /* Define C-string versions of the CFBundle keys for use in the kernel.
  255  */
  256 #define kCFBundleIdentifierKey                  "CFBundleIdentifier"
  257 #define kCFBundleVersionKey                     "CFBundleVersion"
  258 #define kCFBundleNameKey                        "CFBundleName"
  259 #define kCFBundleExecutableKey                  "CFBundleExecutable"
  260 #endif /* KERNEL */
  262 /*!
  263  * @define   kOSBundleCompatibleVersionKey
  264  * @abstract A string giving the backwards-compatible version of a library kext
  265  *           in extended Mac OS 'vers' format (####.##.##s{1-255} where 's'
  266  *           is a build stage 'd', 'a', 'b', 'f' or 'fc').
  267  */
  268 #define kOSBundleCompatibleVersionKey           "OSBundleCompatibleVersion"
  270 /*!
  271  * @define   kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
  272  * @abstract Set to true to have the kernel kext logging spec applied
  273  *           to the kext.
  274  *           See <code>@link //apple_ref/c/econst/OSKextLogSpec
  275  *           OSKextLogSpec@/link</code>.
  276  */
  277 #define kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey           "OSBundleEnableKextLogging"
  279 /*!
  280  * @define   kOSBundleIsInterfaceKey
  281  * @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext executable
  282  *           contains only symbol references.
  283  */
  284 #define kOSBundleIsInterfaceKey                 "OSBundleIsInterface"
  286 /*!
  287  * @define   kOSBundleLibrariesKey
  288  * @abstract A dictionary listing link dependencies for this kext.
  289  *           Keys are bundle identifiers, values are version strings.
  290  */
  291 #define kOSBundleLibrariesKey                   "OSBundleLibraries"
  293 /*!
  294  * @define   kOSBundleRequiredKey
  295  * @abstract A string indicating in which kinds of startup this kext
  296  *           may need to load during early startup (before
  297  *           <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextcache(8)@/link</code>).
  298  * @discussion
  299  * The value is one of:
  300  * <ul>
  301  * <li>@link kOSBundleRequiredRoot "OSBundleRequiredRoot"@/link</li>
  302  * <li>@link kOSBundleRequiredLocalRoot "OSBundleRequiredLocalRoot"@/link</li>
  303  * <li>@link kOSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot "OSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot"@/link</li>
  304  * <li>@link kOSBundleRequiredSafeBoot "OSBundleRequiredSafeBoot"@/link</li>
  305  * <li>@link kOSBundleRequiredConsole "OSBundleRequiredConsole"@/link</li>
  306  * </ul>
  307  *
  308  * Use this property judiciously.
  309  * Every kext that declares a value other than "OSBundleRequiredSafeBoot"
  310  * increases startup time, as the booter must read it into memory,
  311  * or startup kext caches must include it.
  312  */
  313 #define kOSBundleRequiredKey                    "OSBundleRequired"
  315 /*!
  316  * @define   kOSBundleAllowUserLoadKey
  317  * @abstract A boolean value indicating whether
  318  *           <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextcache(8)@/link</code>
  319  *           will honor a non-root process's request to load a kext.
  320  * @discussion
  321  * See <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/compositePage/c/func/KextManagerLoadKextWithURL
  322  * KextManagerLoadKextWithURL@/link</code>
  323  * and <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/compositePage/c/func/KextManagerLoadKextWithIdentifier
  324  * KextManagerLoadKextWithIdentifier@/link</code>.
  325  */
  326 #define kOSBundleAllowUserLoadKey               "OSBundleAllowUserLoad"
  328 /*!
  329  * @define   kOSKernelResourceKey
  330  * @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext represents a built-in
  331  *           component of the kernel.
  332  */
  333 #define kOSKernelResourceKey                    "OSKernelResource"
  335 /*!
  336  * @define   kIOKitPersonalitiesKey
  337  * @abstract A dictionary of dictionaries used in matching for I/O Kit drivers.
  338  */
  339 #define kIOKitPersonalitiesKey                  "IOKitPersonalities"
  341 /*
  342  * @define   kIOPersonalityPublisherKey
  343  * @abstract Used in personalities sent to the I/O Kit,
  344  *           contains the CFBundleIdentifier of the kext
  345  *           that the personality originated in.
  346  */
  347 #define kIOPersonalityPublisherKey              "IOPersonalityPublisher"
  350 #if PRAGMA_MARK
  351 /********************************************************************/
  352 #pragma mark Kext/OSBundle Property Deprecated Keys
  353 /********************************************************************/
  354 #endif
  355 /*
  356  * @define   kOSBundleDebugLevelKey
  357  * @abstract
  358  * Deprecated (used on some releases of Mac OS X prior to 10.6 Snow Leopard).
  359  * Value is an integer from 1-6, corresponding to the verbose levels
  360  * of kext tools on those releases.
  361  * On 10.6 Snow Leopard, use <code>@link OSKextEnableKextLogging
  362  * OSKextEnableKextLogging@/link</code>.
  363  */
  364 #define kOSBundleDebugLevelKey                  "OSBundleDebugLevel"
  366 /*!
  367  * @define   kOSBundleSharedExecutableIdentifierKey
  368  * @abstract Deprecated (used on some releases of Mac OS X
  369  *           prior to 10.6 Snow Leopard).
  370  *           Value is the bundle identifier of the pseudokext
  371  *           that contains an executable shared by this kext.
  372  */
  373 #define kOSBundleSharedExecutableIdentifierKey  "OSBundleSharedExecutableIdentifier"
  376 #if PRAGMA_MARK
  377 /********************************************************************/
  378 #pragma mark Kext/OSBundle Property List Values
  379 /********************************************************************/
  380 #endif
  382 /*!
  383  * @group Kext Property List Values
  384  * These constants encompass established values
  385  * for kernel extension bundle properties.
  386  */
  388 /*!
  389 * @define   kOSKextKernelIdentifier
  390 * @abstract
  391 * This is the CFBundleIdentifier user for the kernel itself.
  392 */
  393 #define kOSKextKernelIdentifier                 "__kernel__"
  395 /*!
  396 * @define   kOSBundleRequiredRoot
  397 * @abstract
  398 * This <code>@link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link</code>
  399 * value indicates that the kext may be needed to mount the root filesystem
  400 * whether starting from a local or a network volume.
  401 */
  402 #define kOSBundleRequiredRoot                   "Root"
  404 /*!
  405 * @define   kOSBundleRequiredLocalRoot
  406 * @abstract
  407 * This <code>@link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link</code>
  408 * value indicates that the kext may be needed to mount the root filesystem
  409 * when starting from a local disk.
  410 */
  411 #define kOSBundleRequiredLocalRoot              "Local-Root"
  413 /*!
  414 * @define   kOSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot
  415 * @abstract
  416 * This <code>@link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link</code>
  417 * value indicates that the kext may be needed to mount the root filesystem
  418 * when starting over a network connection.
  419 */
  420 #define kOSBundleRequiredNetworkRoot            "Network-Root"
  422 /*!
  423 * @define   kOSBundleRequiredSafeBoot
  424 * @abstract
  425 * This <code>@link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link</code>
  426 * value indicates that the kext can be loaded during a safe startup.
  427 * This value does not normally cause the kext to be read by the booter
  428 * or included in startup kext caches.
  429 */
  430 #define kOSBundleRequiredSafeBoot               "Safe Boot"
  432 /*!
  433 * @define   kOSBundleRequiredConsole
  434 * @abstract
  435 * This <code>@link kOSBundleRequiredKey OSBundleRequired@/link</code>
  436 * value indicates that the kext may be needed for console access
  437 * (specifically in a single-user startup when
  438 * <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextd(8)@/link</code>.
  439 * does not run)
  440 * and should be loaded during early startup.
  441 */
  442 #define kOSBundleRequiredConsole                "Console"
  445 #if PRAGMA_MARK
  446 #pragma mark -
  447 /********************************************************************/
  448 #pragma mark Kext Information
  449 /********************************************************************/
  450 #endif
  451 /*!
  452  * @group Kext Information
  453  * Types, constants, and macros providing a kext with information
  454  * about itself.
  455  */
  457 /*!
  458  * @typedef OSKextLoadTag
  459  *
  460  * @abstract
  461  * A unique identifier assigned to a loaded instanace of a kext.
  462  *
  463  * @discussion
  464  * If a kext is unloaded and later reloaded, the new instance
  465  * has a different load tag.
  466  *
  467  * A kext can get its own load tag in the <code>kmod_info_t</code>
  468  * structure passed into its module start routine, as the
  469  * <code>id</code> field (cast to this type).
  470  * You can use the load tag with the functions
  471  * <code>@link OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag
  472  * OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag@/link</code> and
  473  * <code>@link OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag
  474  * OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag@/link</code>.
  475  */
  476 typedef uint32_t  OSKextLoadTag;
  478 /*!
  479  * @define kOSKextInvalidLoadTag
  480  *
  481  * @abstract
  482  * A load tag value that will never be used for a loaded kext;
  483  * indicates kext not found.
  484  */
  485 #define  kOSKextInvalidLoadTag  ((OSKextLoadTag)(-1))
  488 #ifdef KERNEL
  490 /* Make these visible to kexts only and *not* the kernel.
  491  */
  494 /*!
  495  * @function OSKextGetCurrentLoadTag
  496  *
  497  * @abstract
  498  * Returns the run-time load tag for the calling kext as an
  499  * <code>@link OSKextLoadTag OSKextLoadTag@/link</code>.
  500  *
  501  * @result
  502  * The run-time load tag for the calling kext as an
  503  * <code>@link OSKextLoadTag@/link</code>.
  504  *
  505  * @discussion
  506  * The load tag identifies this loaded instance of the kext to the kernel
  507  * and to kernel functions that operate on kexts.
  508  */
  509 OSKextLoadTag OSKextGetCurrentLoadTag(void);
  511 /*!
  512  * @function OSKextGetCurrentIdentifier
  513  *
  514  * @abstract
  515  * Returns the CFBundleIdentifier for the calling kext as a C string.
  516  *
  517  * @result
  518  * The CFBundleIdentifier for the calling kext as a C string.
  519  */
  520 const char * OSKextGetCurrentIdentifier(void);
  522 /*!
  523  * @function OSKextGetCurrentVersionString
  524  *
  525  * @abstract
  526  * Returns the CFBundleVersion for the calling kext as a C string.
  527  *
  528  * @result
  529  * The CFBundleVersion for the calling kext as a C string.
  530  */
  531 const char * OSKextGetCurrentVersionString(void);
  533 #endif /* !XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
  535 #if PRAGMA_MARK
  536 #pragma mark -
  537 /********************************************************************/
  538 #pragma mark Kext Loading C Functions
  539 /********************************************************************/
  540 #endif
  541 /*!
  542  * @group Kext Loading C Functions
  543  * Functions for loading and tracking kexts in the kernel.
  544  */
  546 /*!
  547  * @function OSKextLoadKextWithIdentifier
  548  *
  549  * @abstract
  550  * Request that a kext be loaded.
  551  *
  552  * @param  kextIdentifier  The bundle identifier of the kext to be loaded.
  553  *
  554  * @result
  555  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSReturnSuccess kOSReturnSuccess@/link</code>
  556  * if the kext was loaded (or was already loaded).
  557  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnDeferred kOSKextReturnDeferred@/link</code>
  558  * if the kext was not found and a request
  559  * was queued to <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextd(8)@/link</code>.
  560  * Other return values indicate a failure to load the kext.
  561  *
  562  * @discussion
  563  * If a kext is already in the kernel but not loaded, it is loaded immediately.
  564  * If it isn't found, an asynchronous load request is
  565  * made to <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextd(8)@/link</code>
  566  * and  <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnDeferred kOSKextReturnDeferred@/link</code> is returned.
  567  * There is no general notification or callback mechanism for load requests.
  568  */
  569 OSReturn OSKextLoadKextWithIdentifier(const char * kextIdentifier);
  572 /*!
  573  * @function OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag
  574  *
  575  * @abstract
  576  * Retain a loaded kext based on its load tag,
  577  * and enable autounload for that kext.
  578  *
  579  * @param  loadTag   The load tag of the kext to be retained.
  580  *                   See <code>@link OSKextGetCurrentLoadTag@/link</code>.
  581  *
  582  * @result
  583  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSReturnSuccess kOSReturnSuccess@/link</code>
  584  * if the kext was retained.
  585  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnNotFound kOSKextReturnNotFound@/link</code>
  586  * if the kext was not found.
  587  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument
  588  * kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument@/link</code>
  589  * if <code>loadTag</code> is
  590  * <code>@link kOSKextInvalidLoadTag kOSKextInvalidLoadTag@/link</code>.
  591  *
  592  * @discussion
  593  * Retaining a kext prevents it from being unloaded,
  594  * either explicitly or automatically, and enables autounload for the kext.
  595  * When autounload is enabled, then shortly after the kext's last reference
  596  * is dropped, it will be unloaded if there are no outstanding references to it
  597  * and there are no instances of its Libkern C++ subclasses (if any).
  598  *
  599  * Kexts that define subclasses of
  600  * <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/class/IOService IOService@/link</code>
  601  * have autounload enabled automatically.
  602  * Other kexts can use the reference count to manage automatic unload
  603  * without having to define and create Libkern C++ objects.
  604  * For example, a filesystem kext can retain itself whenever a new mount
  605  * is created, and release itself when a mount is removed.
  606  * When the last mount is removed, the kext will be unloaded after a brief delay.
  607  *
  608  * A kext can get its own load tag using the
  609  * <code>@link OSKextGetCurrentLoadTag@/link</code>.
  610  *
  611  * Kexts should not retain and release other kexts; linkage references
  612  * are accounted for internally.
  613  */
  614 OSReturn OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag(OSKextLoadTag loadTag);
  617 /*!
  618  * @function OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag
  619  *
  620  * @abstract
  621  * Release a loaded kext based on its load tag.
  622  *
  623  * @param  loadTag   The load tag of the kext to be released.
  624  *                   See <code>@link OSKextGetCurrentLoadTag@/link</code>.
  625  *
  626  * @result
  627  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSReturnSuccess kOSReturnSuccess@/link</code>
  628  * if the kext was released.
  629  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnNotFound
  630  * kOSKextReturnNotFound@/link</code>
  631  * if the kext was not found.
  632  * <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument
  633  * kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument@/link</code>
  634  * if <code>loadTag</code> is
  635  * <code>@link kOSKextInvalidLoadTag kOSKextInvalidLoadTag@/link</code>.
  636  *
  637  * @discussion
  638  * The kext should have been retained previously via
  639  * <code>@link OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag@/link</code>.
  640  *
  641  * This function schedules an autounload scan for all kexts.
  642  * When that scan occurs, if a kext has autounload enabled,
  643  * it will be unloaded if there are no outstanding references to it
  644  * and there are no instances of its Libkern C++ classes (if any).
  645  *
  646  * Kexts that define subclasses of
  647  * <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/class/IOService IOService@/link</code>
  648  * have autounload enabled automatically.
  649  * Other kexts can use the reference count to manage automatic unload
  650  * without having to define and create Libkern C++ objects.
  651  * For example, a filesystem kext can be retained whenever a new mount
  652  * is created, and released when a mount is removed.
  653  * When the last mount is removed, the kext will be unloaded after a brief delay.
  654  *
  655  * While the autounload scan takes place after a delay of at least a minute,
  656  * a kext that manages its own reference counts for autounload should
  657  * be prepared to have its module stop function called even while the function
  658  * calling this function is still running.
  659  *
  660  * A kext can get its own load tag using the
  661  * <code>@link OSKextGetCurrentLoadTag@/link</code>.
  662  *
  663  * Kexts should not retain and release other kexts; linkage references
  664  * are accounted for internally.
  665  */
  666 OSReturn OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag(OSKextLoadTag loadTag);
  668 #if PRAGMA_MARK
  669 /********************************************************************/
  670 #pragma mark -
  671 #pragma mark Kext Requests
  672 /********************************************************************/
  673 #endif
  674 /*!
  675  * @typedef OSKextRequestTag
  676  *
  677  * @abstract
  678  * Identifies a kext request made to user space.
  679  */
  680 typedef uint32_t OSKextRequestTag;
  682 #define kOSKextRequestTagInvalid  ((OSKextRequestTag)-1)
  685 /*!
  686  * @typedef OSKextRequestResourceCallback
  687  *
  688  * @abstract
  689  * Invoked to provide results for a kext resource request.
  690  *
  691  * @param  requestTag          The tag of the request that the callback pertains to.
  692  * @param  result              The result of the request:
  693  *                             <code>@link kOSReturnSuccess
  694  *                             kOSReturnSuccess@/link</code>
  695  *                             if the request was fulfilled;
  696  *                             <code>@link kOSKextReturnTimeout
  697  *                             kOSKextReturnTimeout@/link</code>
  698  *                             if the request has timed out;
  699  *                             <code>@link kOSKextReturnStopping
  700  *                             kOSKextReturnStopping@/link</code>
  701  *                             if the kext containing the callback
  702  *                             address for the kext is being unloaded;
  703  *                             or other values on error.
  704  * @param  resourceData        A pointer to the requested resource data.
  705  *                             Owned by the system; the kext should make a copy
  706  *                             if it needs to keep the data past the callback.
  707  * @param  resourceDataLength  The length of <code>resourceData</code>.
  708  * @param  context             The context pointer originally passed to
  709  *                             <code>@link OSKextRequestResource
  710  *                             OSKextRequestResource@/link</code>.
  711  */
  712 typedef void (* OSKextRequestResourceCallback)(
  713     OSKextRequestTag                requestTag,
  714     OSReturn                        result,
  715     const void                    * resourceData,
  716     uint32_t                        resourceDataLength,
  717     void                          * context);
  719 /*!
  720  * @function OSKextRequestResource
  721  *
  722  * @abstract
  723  * Requests data from a nonlocalized resource file in a kext bundle on disk.
  724  *
  725  * @param  kextIdentifier  The CFBundleIdentifier of the kext
  726  *                         from which to read the file.
  727  * @param  resourceName    The name of the resource file to read.
  728  * @param  callback        A pointer to a callback function; the address
  729  *                         must be within a currently-loaded kext.
  730  * @param  context         A pointer to arbitrary run-time data
  731  *                         that will be passed to the callback
  732  *                         when it is invoked. May be <code>NULL</code>.
  733  * @param  requestTagOut   If non-<code>NULL</code>,
  734  *                         filled on success with a tag identifying the
  735  *                         pending request; can be used with
  736  *                         <code>@link OSKextCancelRequest
  737  *                         OSKextCancelRequest@/link</code>.
  738  *
  739  * @result
  740  * <code>@link kOSReturnSuccess kOSReturnSuccess@/link</code>
  741  * if the request is successfully queued.
  742  * <code>@link kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument kOSKextReturnInvalidArgument@/link</code>
  743  * if <code>kextIdentifier</code> or <code>resourceName</code> or if
  744  * <code>callback</code> is not an address within a loaded kext executable.
  745  * <code>@link kOSKextReturnStopping kOSKextReturnStopping@/link</code>
  746  * if an unload attempt is being made
  747  * on the kext containing <code>callback</code>.
  748  * Other <code>OSKextReturn...</code> errors are possible.
  749  *
  750  * @discussion
  751  * This function queues a request to the user-space kext daemon
  752  * <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/man/8/kextd kextd(8)@/link</code>;
  753  * requests for resources early in system startup
  754  * will not be fulfilled until that daemon starts.
  755  * Note also that the localization context of the kext daemon
  756  * (namely tha tof the superuser)
  757  * will be used in retrieving resources;
  758  * kext resources intended for use in the kernel
  759  * should generally not be localized.
  760  *
  761  * <code>callback</code> is guaranteed to be invoked except when:
  762  * <ul>
  763  * <li>@link OSKextCancelRequest <code>OSKextCancelRequest</code>@/link
  764  *     is used to cancel the request.
  765  *     In this case the kext gets the <code>context</code> pointer
  766  *     and can clean it up.</li>
  767  * <li>The request is made during a kext's module start routine
  768  *     and the start routine returns an error.
  769  *     In this case, callbacks cannot be safely invoked, so
  770  *     the kext should clean up all request contexts
  771  *     when returning the error from the start routine.</li>
  772  * </ul>
  773  *
  774  * Kexts with pending requests are not subject to autounload,
  775  * but requests are subject to timeout after a few minutes.
  776  * If that amount of time passes with no response from user space,
  777  * <code>callback</code> is invoked with a result of.
  778  * <code>@link kOSKextReturnTimeout kOSKextReturnTimeout@/link</code>.
  779  *
  780  * Kexts that are explicitly unloaded have all pending request callbacks
  781  * invoked with a result of
  782  * <code>@link kOSKextReturnStopping kOSKextReturnStopping@/link</code>.
  783  * The kext must handle these callbacks,
  784  * even if its stop routine will prevent unloading.
  785  * If the kext does prevent unloading, it can reissue resource requests
  786  * outside of the stop function.
  787  */
  788 OSReturn OSKextRequestResource(
  789     const char                    * kextIdentifier,
  790     const char                    * resourceName,
  791     OSKextRequestResourceCallback   callback,
  792     void                          * context,
  793     OSKextRequestTag              * requestTagOut);
  795 /*!
  796  * @function OSKextCancelRequest
  797  *
  798  * @abstract
  799  * Cancels a pending user-space kext request without invoking the callback.
  800  *
  801  * @param  requestTag  A tag identifying a pending request.
  802  * @param  contextOut  If non-<code>NULL</code>, filled with the context pointer
  803  *                     originally passed with the request.
  804  *
  805  * @result
  806  * <code>@link kOSReturnSuccess kOSReturnSuccess@/link</code>
  807  * if the request is successfully canceled.
  808  * <code>@link kOSKextReturnNotFound kOSKextReturnNotFound@/link</code>
  809  * if <code>requestTag</code> does not identify any pending request.
  810  * Other <code>OSKextReturn...</code> errors are possible.
  811  *
  812  * @discussion
  813  * This function cancels a pending request if it exists,
  814  * so that its callback will not be invoked.
  815  * It returns in <code>contextOut</code>
  816  * the context pointer used to create the request
  817  * so that any resources allocated for the request can be cleaned up.
  818  *
  819  * Kexts do not need to cancel outstanding requests
  820  * in their module stop functions;
  821  * when a kext is unloaded, all pending request callbacks
  822  * are invoked with a result of
  823  * <code>@link kOSKextReturnTimeout kOSKextReturnTimeout@/link</code>
  824  * before the stop function is called.
  825  */
  826 OSReturn OSKextCancelRequest(
  827     OSKextRequestTag    requestTag,
  828     void             ** contextOut);
  831 #if (__x86_64__)
  833 #if PRAGMA_MARK
  834 #pragma mark -
  835 /********************************************************************/
  836 #pragma mark Weak linking
  837 /********************************************************************/
  838 #endif
  840 /*!
  841  * @group Weak Linking
  842  * Support for weak references to symbols in kexts.
  843  */
  845 /*!
  846  * @var gOSKextUnresolved
  847  *
  848  * @abstract 
  849  * The value to which a kext's unresolved, weakly-referenced symbols are bound.
  850  *
  851  * @discussion
  852  * A kext must test a weak symbol before using it.  A weak symbol 
  853  * is only safe to use if it is not equal to <code>gOSKextUnresolved</code>.
  854  *
  855  * Example for a weak symbol named <code>foo</code>:
  856  * <pre>
  857  * @textblock
  858  *      if (&foo != gOSKextUnresolved) {
  859  *          foo();
  860  *      } else {
  861  *          printf("foo() is not supported\n");
  862  *      }
  863  * @/textblock
  864  * </pre>
  865  */
  866 extern const void * gOSKextUnresolved;
  868 /*!
  869  * @define OSKextSymbolIsResolved
  870  *
  871  * @abstract 
  872  * Checks whether a weakly-referenced symbol has been resolved.
  873  *
  874  * @param weak_sym   The weak symbol to be tested for resolution.
  875  *
  876  * @result 
  877  * <code>TRUE</code> if weak_sym is resolved, or <code>FALSE</code> 
  878  * if weak_sym is unresolved.
  879  *
  880  * @discussion
  881  * This is a convenience macro for testing if weak symbols are resolved.
  882  * 
  883  * Example for a weak symbol named <code>foo</code>:
  884  * <pre>
  885  * @textblock
  886  *      if (OSKextSymbolIsResolved(foo)) {
  887  *          foo();
  888  *      } else {
  889  *          printf("foo() is not resolved\n");
  890  *      }
  891  * @/textblock
  892  * </pre>
  893  */
  894 #define OSKextSymbolIsResolved(weak_sym)        \
  895     (&(weak_sym) != gOSKextUnresolved)
  897 #endif /* (__x86_64__) */
  899 #endif /* KERNEL */
  901 __END_DECLS
  903 #endif /* _LIBKERN_OSKEXTLIB_H */

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