The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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    1 /* 
    2  * Mach Operating System
    3  * Copyright (c) 1992 Carnegie Mellon University
    4  * All Rights Reserved.
    5  * 
    6  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
    7  * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
    8  * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
    9  * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
   10  * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
   11  * 
   15  * 
   16  * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
   17  * 
   18  *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
   19  *  School of Computer Science
   20  *  Carnegie Mellon University
   21  *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
   22  * 
   23  * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
   24  * the rights to redistribute these changes.
   25  */
   26 /*
   27  * HISTORY
   28  * $Log:        ipc_unreliable.c,v $
   29  * Revision 2.2  92/03/10  16:28:31  jsb
   30  *      Merged in norma branch changes as of NORMA_MK7.
   31  *      [92/03/09  12:50:36  jsb]
   32  * 
   33  * Revision  92/02/21  11:25:08  jsb
   34  *      Reduced netipc_ticks to something more reasonable.
   35  *      [92/02/20  14:01:35  jsb]
   36  * 
   37  * Revision  92/02/18  19:16:47  jeffreyh
   38  *      [intel] added callhere debugging stuff for iPSC.
   39  *      [92/02/13  13:07:35  jeffreyh]
   40  * 
   41  * Revision  92/01/21  21:53:02  jsb
   42  *      Use softclock timeouts instead of call from clock_interrupt.
   43  *      [92/01/17  12:20:09  jsb]
   44  * 
   45  *      Added netipc_checksum flag for use under NETIPC_CHECKSUM conditional.
   46  *      Never panic on checksum failure. Enter send queue when remembering
   47  *      nack when netipc_sending is true. Forget nack when receiving ack.
   48  *      Added netipc_receiving flag.
   49  *      [92/01/16  22:27:47  jsb]
   50  * 
   51  *      Added conditionalized checksumming code. Eliminated redundant and
   52  *      unused pcs_last_unacked field. Added pcs_nacked field to avoid
   53  *      throwing away nacks when netipc_sending is true. Removed panics
   54  *      on obsolete seqids. Eliminated ancient obsolete comments.
   55  *      Added netipc_start_receive call, which takes account of ipc_ether.c
   56  *      now modifying vec[i].size to indicate actual received amounts.
   57  *      [92/01/14  21:53:20  jsb]
   58  * 
   59  *      Removed netipc_packet definitions and references. Changes for new
   60  *      interface with norma/ipc_output.c (look there for explanation).
   61  *      [92/01/13  20:21:54  jsb]
   62  * 
   63  *      Changed to use pcs structures and queue macros.
   64  *      Added netipc_pcs_print. De-linted.
   65  *      [92/01/13  10:19:19  jsb]
   66  * 
   67  *      First checkin. Simple protocol for unreliable networks.
   68  *      [92/01/11  17:39:37  jsb]
   69  * 
   70  *      First checkin. Contains functions moved from norma/ipc_net.c.
   71  *      [92/01/10  20:47:49  jsb]
   72  * 
   73  */
   74 /*
   75  *      File:   norma/ipc_send.c
   76  *      Author: Joseph S. Barrera III
   77  *      Date:   1990
   78  *
   79  *      Functions to support ipc between nodes in a single Mach cluster.
   80  */
   82 #include <kern/queue.h>
   83 #include <kern/time_out.h>
   84 #include <norma/ipc_net.h>
   86 #define CTL_NONE                0L
   87 #define CTL_ACK                 1L
   88 #define CTL_NACK                2L
   89 #define CTL_SYNC                3L
   90 #define CTL_QUENCH              4L      /* not used yet */
   92 #define MAX_NUM_NODES           256     /* XXX */
   94 int                     netipc_self_stopped;
   95 struct netipc_hdr       netipc_recv_hdr;
   97 extern int Noise6;
   98 extern int Noise7;
  100 extern void netipc_recv_ack_with_status();
  102 boolean_t               netipc_receiving = FALSE;
  103 struct netvec           netvec_r[2];
  105 vm_page_t               netipc_recv_page;
  106 vm_page_t               netipc_fallback_page = VM_PAGE_NULL;
  107 extern vm_page_t        netipc_page_grab();
  109 int c_netipc_stop       = 0;
  110 int c_netipc_unstop     = 0;
  111 int c_netipc_old_recv   = 0;
  113 #define MAX_WINDOW_SIZE 1
  115 #define WX              (MAX_WINDOW_SIZE + 1)
  117 /* XXX must make sure seqids never wrap to 0 */
  119 extern unsigned long    node_incarnation;
  121 /*
  122  * Protocol control structure
  123  * (struct pcb is already in use)
  124  */
  125 typedef struct pcs      *pcs_t;
  126 #define PCS_NULL        ((pcs_t) 0)
  127 struct pcs {
  128         unsigned long   pcs_remote;
  129         unsigned long   pcs_last_received;
  130         unsigned long   pcs_last_sent;
  131         unsigned long   pcs_nacked;
  132         unsigned long   pcs_unacked_packetid[WX];
  133         unsigned long   pcs_incarnation;
  134         unsigned long   pcs_new_incarnation;
  135         unsigned long   pcs_ctl;
  136         unsigned long   pcs_ctl_seqid;
  137         kern_return_t   pcs_ctl_status;
  138         unsigned long   pcs_ctl_data;
  139         int             pcs_ticks;
  140         queue_chain_t   pcs_timer;
  141         queue_chain_t   pcs_unack;
  142         queue_chain_t   pcs_send;
  143 };
  145 queue_head_t netipc_timers;
  146 queue_head_t netipc_unacks;
  147 queue_head_t netipc_sends;
  149 struct pcs netipc_pcs[MAX_NUM_NODES];
  151 /*
  152  * Counters and such for debugging
  153  */
  154 int c_netipc_timeout    = 0;
  155 int c_netipc_retry_k    = 0;
  156 int c_netipc_retry_m    = 0;
  157 int c_netipc_retry_p    = 0;
  158 int c_netipc_retry_o    = 0;
  160 struct netipc_hdr       send_hdr_a;
  161 unsigned long           send_data_a = 0xabcd9876;
  163 struct netvec           netvec_a[2];
  165 boolean_t               netipc_sending;
  167 #if     NETIPC_CHECKSUM
  168 int netipc_checksum = 1;
  169 int netipc_checksum_print = 1;
  171 #define longword_aligned(x) ((((unsigned long)(x)) & (sizeof(long)-1)) == 0)
  173 unsigned long
  174 netipc_compute_checksum(vec, count)
  175         register struct netvec *vec;
  176         unsigned int count;
  177 {
  178         int i;
  179         register unsigned long checksum = 0;
  180         register unsigned long *data;
  181         register int j;
  183         if (! netipc_checksum) {
  184                 return 0;
  185         }
  186         for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  187                 data = (unsigned long *) DEVTOKV(vec[i].addr);
  188                 assert(longword_aligned((unsigned long) data));
  189                 assert(longword_aligned(vec[i].size));
  190                 for (j = vec[i].size / sizeof(*data) - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
  191                         checksum += data[j];
  192                 }
  193         }
  194         return checksum;
  195 }
  196 #endif  NETIPC_CHECKSUM
  198 #if     mips
  199 #include <mips/mips_cpu.h>
  200 /*
  201  * XXX
  202  * This works for write-through caches, albeit slowly.
  203  * Need a much better solution.
  204  */
  205 vm_offset_t
  206 phystokv(phys)
  207         vm_offset_t phys;
  208 {
  209         return PHYS_TO_K1SEG(phys);     /* uncached */
  210 }
  211 #endif
  213 /*
  214  * Use queue_chain_t to record whether we are already on the queue.
  215  */
  216 #define queue_untable(head, elt, type, field)\
  217 {\
  218         queue_remove(head, elt, type, field);\
  219         (elt)->field.prev = &((elt)->field);\
  220 }
  221 #define queue_tabled(q)         ((q)->prev != (q))
  223 netipc_cleanup_send_state(pcs)
  224         pcs_t pcs;
  225 {
  226         int i;
  228         /*
  229          * Clean up connection state.
  230          */
  231         pcs->pcs_last_sent = 0;
  232         for (i = 0; i < WX; i++) {
  233                 pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[i] = 0;
  234         }
  235         if (queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_timer)) {
  236                 queue_untable(&netipc_timers, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_timer);
  237         }
  238         if (queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_send)) {
  239                 queue_untable(&netipc_sends, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_send);
  240         }
  241         if (queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_unack)) {
  242                 queue_untable(&netipc_unacks, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_unack);
  243         }
  245         /*
  246          * XXX
  247          * This should be called by norma ipc layer
  248          */
  249         netipc_cleanup_incarnation_complete(pcs->pcs_remote);
  250 }
  252 /*
  253  * A timer for a remote node gets set to 1 when a message is sent
  254  * to that node. Every so many milliseconds, the timer value is
  255  * incremented. When it reaches a certain value (currently 2),
  256  * a sync message is sent to see whether we should retransmit.
  257  *
  258  * The timer SHOULD be set to 0 when the message is acknowledged.
  259  */
  261 int
  262 netipc_unacked_seqid(pcs)
  263         register pcs_t pcs;
  264 {
  265         register unsigned long seqid;
  267         seqid = pcs->pcs_last_sent - (MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - 1);
  268         if ((long) seqid < 0) {
  269                 seqid = 0;
  270         }
  271         for (; seqid <= pcs->pcs_last_sent; seqid++) {
  272                 if (pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX]) {
  273                         return seqid;
  274                 }
  275         }
  276         return 0;
  277 }
  279 extern int netipc_timeout_intr();
  281 struct timer_elt netipc_timer_elt;
  283 int netipc_ticks = 5;
  285 netipc_set_timeout()
  286 {
  287         netipc_timer_elt.fcn = netipc_timeout_intr;
  288         netipc_timer_elt.param = 0;
  289         set_timeout(&netipc_timer_elt, netipc_ticks);
  290 }
  292 _netipc_timeout_intr()
  293 {
  294         register pcs_t pcs;
  295         register unsigned long seqid;
  297 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  298         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "_netipc_timeout_intr (enter)");
  299 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  300         queue_iterate(&netipc_timers, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_timer) {
  301                 if (pcs->pcs_ticks++ == 0) {
  302 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  303                         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "{pcs->pcs_ticks++ == 0}");
  304 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  305                         continue;
  306                 }
  307                 assert(pcs->pcs_nacked == 0L);
  308                 seqid = netipc_unacked_seqid(pcs);
  309                 if (seqid == 0) {
  310                         queue_untable(&netipc_timers, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_timer);
  311 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  312                         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "{seqid == 0}");
  313 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  314                         continue;
  315                 }
  317                 /*
  318                  * Something has timed out. Send a sync.
  319                  * XXX (for just first seqid? How about a bitmask?)
  320                  * XXX add exponential backoff here, perhaps
  321                  */
  322                 c_netipc_timeout++;
  323 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  324                 netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "{c_netipc_timeout++}");
  325 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  326                 printf2("timeout %d\n", pcs->pcs_remote);
  327                 netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, CTL_SYNC, seqid, KERN_SUCCESS, 0L);
  328         }
  329         netipc_set_timeout();
  330 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  331         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "_netipc_timeout_intr (leave)");
  332 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  333 }
  335 /*
  336  * Should not panic, since a bad seqid is the sender's fault.
  337  */
  338 boolean_t
  339 netipc_obsolete_seqid(pcs, seqid)
  340         register pcs_t pcs;
  341         unsigned long seqid;
  342 {
  343         if (seqid > pcs->pcs_last_sent) {
  344                 printf("premature seqid %d > %d\n", seqid, pcs->pcs_last_sent);
  345                 return TRUE;
  346         }
  347         if (seqid <= pcs->pcs_last_sent - MAX_WINDOW_SIZE) {
  348                 printf5("obsolete seqid %d <= %d\n",
  349                         seqid, pcs->pcs_last_sent - MAX_WINDOW_SIZE);
  350                 return TRUE;
  351         }
  352         if (pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX] == 0) {
  353                 printf5("seqid %d already acked\n", seqid);
  354                 return TRUE;
  355         }
  356         return FALSE;
  357 }
  359 /*
  360  * Called with interrupts blocked, from pcs->pcs_recv_intr,
  361  * when a nack is received.
  362  * We will be stopped waiting for an ack; resending does not change this.
  363  */
  364 netipc_recv_nack(pcs, seqid)
  365         register pcs_t pcs;
  366         unsigned long seqid;
  367 {
  368         assert(netipc_locked());
  370         /*
  371          * Ignore obsolete nacks.
  372          */
  373         if (netipc_obsolete_seqid(pcs, seqid)) {
  374                 return;
  375         }
  377         /*
  378          * Even if we cannot retransmit right away, remember the nack
  379          * so that we don't send another sync. I have seen sync-nack
  380          * loops under certain conditions when nacks are simply dropped.
  381          * We also remove ourselves from the timeout queue so that
  382          * the timeout routine doesn't have to check for already-nacked
  383          * packets. We have to add ourselves to the send queue because
  384          * it is send_intr who is now responsible for sending the nack.
  385          */
  386         if (netipc_sending) {
  387                 pcs->pcs_nacked = seqid;
  388                 queue_untable(&netipc_timers, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_timer);
  389                 if (! queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_send)) {
  390                         queue_enter(&netipc_sends, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_send);
  391                 }
  392                 return;
  393         }
  395         /*
  396          * We can retransmit now, so do so.
  397          */
  398         assert(pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX]);
  399         netipc_send_old(pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX], seqid);
  400 }
  402 netipc_recv_ack(pcs, seqid, status, data)
  403         register pcs_t pcs;
  404         unsigned long seqid;
  405         kern_return_t status;
  406         unsigned long data;
  407 {
  408         unsigned long packetid;
  410         assert(netipc_locked());
  411         /*
  412          * Ignore obsolete acks.
  413          */
  414         if (netipc_obsolete_seqid(pcs, seqid)) {
  415                 return;
  416         }
  418         /*
  419          * Acknowledge the seqid, possibly freeing the kmsg.
  420          * Forget any recorded nack.
  421          *
  422          * XXX
  423          * Should we cancel the timer? It's not really necessary.
  424          * If we do, we should check to see whether there are
  425          * any other unacked packets, and only cancel the timer
  426          * if there aren't.
  427          */
  428         packetid = pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX];
  429         pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX] = 0;
  430         if (pcs->pcs_nacked == seqid) {
  431                 pcs->pcs_nacked = 0L;
  432         }
  434         /*
  435          * Pass acknowledgement to upper level.
  436          */
  437         netipc_recv_ack_with_status(packetid, seqid, status, data);
  438 }
  440 /*
  441  * Called by upper level to indicate that it has something to send,
  442  * and that we should make an upcall when we can perform that send.
  443  */
  444 void
  445 netipc_start(remote)
  446         unsigned long remote;
  447 {
  448         register pcs_t pcs = &netipc_pcs[remote];
  450 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  451         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "netipc_start (enter)");
  452 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  453         assert(netipc_locked());
  454         if (! netipc_sending) {
  455                 boolean_t sending;
  456 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  457                 netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "{netipc_sending == FALSE}");
  458 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  459                 sending = netipc_send_new(remote, pcs->pcs_last_sent + 1);
  460                 assert(sending);
  461         } else if (! queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_send)) {
  462 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  463                 netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "{queue_tabled==0}");
  464 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  465                 queue_enter(&netipc_sends, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_send);
  466         }
  467 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  468         else {
  469                 netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "{neither!!}");
  470         }
  471         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "netipc_start (leave)");
  472 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  473 }
  475 Xnetipc_next_seqid(remote)
  476         unsigned long remote;
  477 {
  478         pcs_t pcs = &netipc_pcs[remote];
  480         return pcs->pcs_last_sent + 1;
  481 }
  483 /*
  484  * XXX Still need to worry about running out of copy objects
  485  */
  487 norma_kmsg_put(kmsg)
  488         ipc_kmsg_t kmsg;
  489 {
  490         netipc_thread_lock();
  491         netipc_page_put(kmsg->ikm_page);
  492         netipc_thread_unlock();
  493 }
  495 netipc_cleanup_receive_state(pcs)
  496         register pcs_t pcs;
  497 {
  498         pcs->pcs_last_received = 0;
  499 }
  501 /*
  502  * Called with interrupts blocked when a page becomes available.
  503  * Replaces current dummy page with new page, so that
  504  * any incoming page will be valid.
  505  * Note that with dma, a receiving may currently be happening.
  506  *
  507  * This has the bonus of saving a retransmit if we find a page
  508  * quickly enough. I don't know how often this will happen.
  509  *----
  510  * up to date comment:
  511  *      shouldn't transfer all at once since we might stop again
  512  *
  513  * XXX
  514  * Why don't we simply pass in a page instead of having this bogus assertion
  515  * assert(page != NULL) ?
  516  */
  517 netipc_self_unstop()
  518 {
  519         register pcs_t pcs;
  521         assert(netipc_locked());
  522         c_netipc_unstop++;
  523         assert(netipc_self_stopped);
  524         netipc_fallback_page = netipc_page_grab();
  525         assert(netipc_fallback_page != VM_PAGE_NULL);
  526         netipc_self_stopped = FALSE;
  528         queue_iterate(&netipc_unacks, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_unack) {
  529                 netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, CTL_NACK, pcs->pcs_last_received,
  530                                 KERN_SUCCESS, 0L);
  531                 queue_untable(&netipc_unacks, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_unack);
  532         }
  533 }
  535 int netipc_drop_freq = 0;
  536 int netipc_drop_counter = 0;
  538 /*
  539  * A general comment about acknowledgements and seqids, since
  540  * I've screwed this up in the past...
  541  *
  542  * If seqid > pcs->pcs_last_received + 1:
  543  *      Something is very wrong, since we are using stop-and-wait.
  544  *      The sender sent a packet before receiving an ack for the
  545  *      preceeding packet.
  546  * 
  547  * If seqid = pcs->pcs_last_received + 1:
  548  *      This is a packet we've not processed before.
  549  *      Pass it up to the ipc code, and ack it (now or later).
  550  * 
  551  * If seqid = pcs->pcs_last_received:
  552  *      We've seen this before and acked it, but the ack
  553  *      might have been lost. Ack it again.
  554  * 
  555  * If seqid < pcs->pcs_last_received:
  556  *      We don't need to ack this, because we know (from having
  557  *      received later packets) that the sender has already
  558  *      received an ack for this packet.
  559  *
  560  * Again... this code needs to be modified to deal with window sizes > 1.
  561  */
  562 _netipc_recv_intr()
  563 {
  564         register struct netipc_hdr *hdr = &netipc_recv_hdr;
  565         register pcs_t pcs;
  566         register unsigned long seqid = hdr->seqid;
  567         register unsigned long type = hdr->type;
  568         register unsigned long incarnation = hdr->incarnation;
  569         register unsigned long ctl = hdr->ctl;
  570         register unsigned long ctl_seqid = hdr->ctl_seqid;
  571 #if     NETIPC_CHECKSUM
  572         unsigned long checksum;
  573 #endif  NETIPC_CHECKSUM
  575 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  576         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "_netipc_recv_intr");
  577 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  578         assert(netipc_locked());
  579         assert(netipc_receiving);
  580         netipc_receiving = FALSE;
  582         /*
  583          * Netipc_drop_freq > 0 enables debugging code.
  584          */
  585         if (netipc_drop_freq) {
  586                 if (++netipc_drop_counter >= netipc_drop_freq) {
  587                         /*
  588                          * Reset counter, drop packet, and rearm.
  589                          */
  590                         netipc_drop_counter = 0;
  591                         netipc_start_receive();
  592                         return;
  593                 }
  594         }
  596 #if     NETIPC_CHECKSUM
  597         checksum = hdr->checksum;
  598         hdr->checksum = 0;
  599         hdr->checksum = netipc_compute_checksum(netvec_r, 2);
  600         if (hdr->checksum != checksum) {
  601                 if (netipc_checksum_print) {
  602                         extern int Noise0;
  603                         int noise0 = Noise0;
  604                         Noise0 = 1;
  605                         netipc_print('r', type, hdr->remote, ctl, seqid,
  606                                      ctl_seqid, hdr->ctl_status,
  607                                      hdr->ctl_data, incarnation);
  608                         Noise0 = noise0;
  609                         printf("_netipc_recv_intr: checksum 0x%x != 0x%x!\n",
  610                                hdr->checksum, checksum);
  611                 }
  612                 netipc_start_receive();
  613                 return;
  614         }
  615 #endif  NETIPC_CHECKSUM
  617         /*
  618          * XXX
  619          * This isn't safe, but we'll fix it when we install a dynamic
  620          * pcs table instead of a fixed size array.
  621          */
  622         pcs = &netipc_pcs[hdr->remote];
  624         /*
  625          * Print packet if so desired.
  626          */
  627         netipc_print('r', type, hdr->remote, ctl, seqid, ctl_seqid,
  628                      hdr->ctl_status, hdr->ctl_data, incarnation);
  630         /*
  631          * Check incarnation of sender with what we thought it was.
  632          * This lets us detect old packets as well as newly rebooted senders.
  633          * The incarnation value always increases with each reboot.
  634          */
  635         if (hdr->incarnation != pcs->pcs_incarnation) {
  636                 if (hdr->incarnation < pcs->pcs_incarnation) {
  637                         /*
  638                          * This is an old packet from a previous incarnation.
  639                          * We should ignore it.
  640                          */
  641                         netipc_start_receive();
  642                         return;
  643                 } else if (pcs->pcs_incarnation == 0L) {
  644                         /*
  645                          * This is the first packet we have ever received
  646                          * from this node. If it looks like a first packet
  647                          * (an implicit connection open), then remember
  648                          * incarnation number; otherwise, tell sender our
  649                          * new incarnation number, which should force him
  650                          * to do a netipc_cleanup_incarnation.
  651                          *
  652                          * Valid first packets are:
  653                          *      non-control messages with seqid = 1
  654                          *      control messages with ctl_seqid = 1
  655                          * Any others???
  656                          */
  657                         assert(pcs->pcs_last_received == 0L);
  658                         if ((type == NETIPC_TYPE_KMSG ||
  659                              type == NETIPC_TYPE_PAGE) && seqid == 1L ||
  660                             type == NETIPC_TYPE_CTL && ctl_seqid == 1L) {
  661                                 /*
  662                                  * A valid first packet.
  663                                  */
  664                                 pcs->pcs_incarnation = incarnation;
  665                         } else {
  666                                 /*
  667                                  * Probably left over from a previous
  668                                  * incarnation. Use a dummy ctl to
  669                                  * tell sender our new incarnation.
  670                                  */
  671                                 netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, CTL_NONE, seqid,
  672                                                 KERN_SUCCESS, 0L);
  673                                 netipc_start_receive();
  674                                 return;
  675                         }
  676                 } else {
  677                         /*
  678                          * This is a packet from a new incarnation.
  679                          * We don't change incarnation number or process
  680                          * any packets until we have finished cleaning up
  681                          * anything that depended on previous incarnation.
  682                          */
  683                         assert(incarnation > pcs->pcs_incarnation);
  684                         if (pcs->pcs_new_incarnation == 0L) {
  685                                 pcs->pcs_new_incarnation = incarnation;
  686                                 netipc_cleanup_incarnation(pcs);
  687                         }
  688                         netipc_start_receive();
  689                         return;
  690                 }
  691         }
  692         assert(incarnation == pcs->pcs_incarnation);
  694         /*
  695          * Check type of packet.
  696          * Discard or acknowledge old packets.
  697          */
  698         if (type == NETIPC_TYPE_KMSG || type == NETIPC_TYPE_PAGE) {
  699                 /*
  700                  * If this is an old packet, then discard or acknowledge.
  701                  */
  702                 if (seqid <= pcs->pcs_last_received) {
  703                         /*
  704                          * We have seen this packet before...
  705                          * but we might still need to reack it.
  706                          */
  707                         c_netipc_old_recv++;
  708                         if (seqid == pcs->pcs_last_received) {
  709                                 /*
  710                                  * The sender may not yet have received an ack.
  711                                  * Send the ack immediately.
  712                                  * Should we use ackdelay logic here?
  713                                  */
  714                                 netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, CTL_ACK, seqid,
  715                                                 KERN_SUCCESS, 0L);
  716                         }
  717                         /*
  718                          * Rearm with same buffer, and return.
  719                          */
  720                         netipc_start_receive();
  721                         return;
  722                 }
  723         } else if (type != NETIPC_TYPE_CTL) {
  724                 printf("netipc_recv_intr: bad type 0x%x\n", type);
  725                 netipc_start_receive();
  726                 return;
  727         }
  729         /*
  730          * Process incoming ctl, if any.
  731          */
  732         if (ctl == CTL_NONE) {
  733                 /* nothing to do */
  734         } else if (ctl == CTL_SYNC) {
  735                 printf2("synch %d\n", ctl_seqid);
  736                 if (ctl_seqid < pcs->pcs_last_received) {
  737                         /* already acked, since sender sent newer packet. */
  738                 } else if (ctl_seqid > pcs->pcs_last_received) {
  739                         /* not yet seen; nack it. */
  740                         /* use pending unacks? */
  741                         assert(ctl_seqid == pcs->pcs_last_received + 1);
  742                         if (ctl_seqid != pcs->pcs_last_received + 1) {
  743                                 printf("X%d: %d != %d\n",
  744                                        ctl_seqid, pcs->pcs_last_received + 1);
  745                         }
  746                         netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, CTL_NACK, ctl_seqid,
  747                                         KERN_SUCCESS, 0L);
  748                 } else {
  749                         /* may not be acked; ack it. */
  750                         /* use ackdelay? */
  751                         assert(ctl_seqid == pcs->pcs_last_received);
  752                         netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, CTL_ACK, ctl_seqid,
  753                                         KERN_SUCCESS, 0L);
  754                 }
  755         } else if (ctl == CTL_ACK) {
  756                 netipc_recv_ack(pcs, ctl_seqid, hdr->ctl_status,
  757                                 hdr->ctl_data);
  758         } else if (ctl == CTL_NACK) {
  759                 netipc_recv_nack(pcs, ctl_seqid);
  760         } else {
  761                 printf("%d: ctl?%d %d\n", node_self(), ctl, hdr->remote);
  762         }
  764         /*
  765          * If this was just a ctl, then restart receive in same buffer.
  766          */
  767         if (type == NETIPC_TYPE_CTL) {
  768                 netipc_start_receive();
  769                 return;
  770         }
  772         /*
  773          * If we are stopped, set up an nack (since this was more than
  774          * just a ctl) and restart receive in same buffer.
  775          */
  776         if (netipc_self_stopped) {
  777                 if (! queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_unack)) {
  778                         queue_enter(&netipc_unacks, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_unack);
  779                 }
  780                 netipc_start_receive();
  781                 return;
  782         }
  784         /*
  785          * At this point:
  786          *      This is a previously unseen packet
  787          *      We have room to keep it
  788          *      It is either a kmsg or a page
  789          *
  790          * Deliver message according to its type.
  791          */
  792         assert(pcs->pcs_last_received == seqid - 1);
  793         assert(! netipc_self_stopped);
  794         assert(type == NETIPC_TYPE_KMSG || type == NETIPC_TYPE_PAGE);
  795         if (type == NETIPC_TYPE_KMSG) {
  796                 register ipc_kmsg_t kmsg;
  798                 /*
  799                  * This is a kmsg. Kmsgs are word aligned,
  800                  * and contain their own length.
  801                  */
  802                 kmsg = (ipc_kmsg_t) VPTOKV(netipc_recv_page);
  803                 kmsg->ikm_size = IKM_SIZE_NORMA;
  804                 kmsg->ikm_marequest = IMAR_NULL;
  805                 kmsg->ikm_page = netipc_recv_page;
  806                 printf6("deliver kmsg: remote=%d msgh_id=%d dest=%x\n",
  807                         hdr->remote,
  808                         kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_id,
  809                         kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port);
  810                 norma_deliver_kmsg(kmsg, hdr->remote);
  811         } else {
  812                 /*
  813                  * This is out-of-line data, or out-of-line ports,
  814                  * or more of a bigger-than-page-size kmsg.
  815                  */
  816                 printf6("deliver_page: remote=%d\n", hdr->remote);
  817                 norma_deliver_page(netipc_recv_page,
  818                                    hdr->pg.pg_msgh_offset,
  819                                    hdr->remote,
  820                                    hdr->pg.pg_page_first,
  821                                    hdr->pg.pg_page_last,
  822                                    hdr->pg.pg_copy_last,
  823                                    hdr->pg.pg_copy_size,
  824                                    hdr->pg.pg_copy_offset);
  825         }
  826 }
  828 norma_ipc_ack(status, data)
  829         kern_return_t status;
  830         unsigned long data;
  831 {
  832         register int remote = netipc_recv_hdr.remote;
  833         register unsigned long seqid = netipc_recv_hdr.seqid;
  834         register pcs_t pcs = &netipc_pcs[remote];
  836         assert(netipc_locked());
  837         /*
  838          * Send acknowledgements.
  839          * Eventually, we should wait and try to piggyback these ctls.
  840          * This could lead to deadlock if we aren't tricky.
  841          * We should for example send acks as soon as we are idle.
  842          */
  843         pcs->pcs_last_received = seqid;
  844         netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, CTL_ACK, seqid, status, data);
  846         /*
  847          * Start a new receive.
  848          * If status is success, the buffer is being kept,
  849          * so allocate a new one.
  850          * XXX should we have done this before the deliver calls above?
  851          */
  852         if (status == KERN_SUCCESS) {
  853                 netipc_recv_hdr.type = NETIPC_TYPE_INVALID;
  854                 netipc_recv_page = netipc_page_grab();
  855                 if (netipc_recv_page == VM_PAGE_NULL) {
  856                         c_netipc_stop++;
  857                         netipc_self_stopped = TRUE;
  858                         netipc_recv_page = netipc_fallback_page;
  859                 }
  860                 netvec_r[1].addr = VPTODEV(netipc_recv_page);
  861         }
  862         netipc_start_receive();
  863 }
  865 /*
  866  * Drop the packet; pretend that we never saw it.
  867  * Start a new receive.
  868  *
  869  * In a reliable interconnect module, we would register a nack here.
  870  */
  871 norma_ipc_drop()
  872 {
  873         netipc_start_receive();
  874 }
  876 /*
  877  * Called with interrupts blocked, from netipc_self_unstop and
  878  * netipc_recv_intr.  Ctl may be either CTL_ACK or CTL_NACK.  If we are
  879  * currently sending, use netipc_pending_ctl to have netipc_send_intr do
  880  * the send when the current send completes.
  881  *
  882  * The netipc_pending_ctl mechanism should be generalized to allow for
  883  * arbitrary pending send operations, so that no one needs to spin on
  884  * netipc_sending.
  885  */
  886 netipc_queue_ctl(pcs, ctl, ctl_seqid, ctl_status, ctl_data)
  887         register pcs_t pcs;
  888         unsigned long ctl;
  889         unsigned long ctl_seqid;
  890         kern_return_t ctl_status;
  891         unsigned long ctl_data;
  892 {
  893         assert(netipc_locked());
  895         /*
  896          * If net is busy sending, let netipc_send_intr send the ctl.
  897          */
  898         if (netipc_sending) {
  899                 /*
  900                  * We may blow away a preceeding ctl, which is unfortunate
  901                  * but not fatal.
  902                  */
  903                 pcs->pcs_ctl = ctl;
  904                 pcs->pcs_ctl_seqid = ctl_seqid;
  905                 pcs->pcs_ctl_status = ctl_status;
  906                 pcs->pcs_ctl_data = ctl_data;
  907                 if (! queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_send)) {
  908                         queue_enter(&netipc_sends, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_send);
  909                 }
  910                 return;
  911         }
  913         /*
  914          * Fill in send_hdr_a.
  915          */
  916         send_hdr_a.ctl = ctl;
  917         send_hdr_a.ctl_seqid = ctl_seqid;
  918         send_hdr_a.ctl_status = ctl_status;
  919         send_hdr_a.ctl_data = ctl_data;
  921         /*
  922          * Start the send.
  923          */
  924         netipc_send_ctl(pcs->pcs_remote);
  925 }
  927 /*
  928  * Net send interrupt routine: called when a send completes.
  929  * If there is something else to send (currently, only ctls),
  930  * send it; otherwise, set netipc_sending FALSE.
  931  */
  932 _netipc_send_intr()
  933 {
  934         register pcs_t pcs;
  936         assert(netipc_locked());
  937         assert(netipc_sending);
  938         netipc_sending = FALSE;
  939 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
  940         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "_netipc_send_intr");
  941 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
  943         /*
  944          * Scan the pending list, looking for something to send.
  945          * If something is on the list but doesn't belong, remove it.
  946          */
  947         queue_iterate(&netipc_sends, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_send) {
  948                 if (pcs->pcs_ctl != CTL_NONE) {
  949                         /*
  950                          * There is a ctl to send; send it.
  951                          */
  952                         send_hdr_a.ctl = pcs->pcs_ctl;
  953                         send_hdr_a.ctl_seqid = pcs->pcs_ctl_seqid;
  954                         send_hdr_a.ctl_status = pcs->pcs_ctl_status;
  955                         send_hdr_a.ctl_data = pcs->pcs_ctl_data;
  956                         pcs->pcs_ctl = CTL_NONE;
  957                         netipc_send_ctl(pcs->pcs_remote);
  958                         return;
  959                 }
  961                 /*
  962                  * There may be something to retransmit.
  963                  */
  964                 if (pcs->pcs_nacked != 0L) {
  965                         register unsigned long seqid = pcs->pcs_nacked;
  966                         pcs->pcs_nacked = 0L;
  967                         assert(pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX]);
  968                         netipc_send_old(pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX],
  969                                         seqid);
  970                 }
  972                 /*
  973                  * There may be something new to send.
  974                  */
  975                 if (netipc_send_new(pcs->pcs_remote, pcs->pcs_last_sent + 1)) {
  976                         return;
  977                 }
  979                 /*
  980                  * Nothing to send -- remove from queue.
  981                  */
  982                 queue_untable(&netipc_sends, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_send);
  983         }
  984 }
  986 netipc_protocol_init()
  987 {
  988         register unsigned long remote;
  989         register pcs_t pcs;
  991         /*
  992          * Initialize pcs structs, queues, and enable timer.
  993          */
  994         for (remote = 0; remote < MAX_NUM_NODES; remote++) {
  995                 pcs = &netipc_pcs[remote];
  996                 pcs->pcs_remote = remote;
  997                 queue_init(&pcs->pcs_timer);
  998                 queue_init(&pcs->pcs_unack);
  999                 queue_init(&pcs->pcs_send);
 1000         }
 1001         queue_init(&netipc_timers);
 1002         queue_init(&netipc_unacks);
 1003         queue_init(&netipc_sends);
 1004         netipc_set_timeout();
 1006         /*
 1007          * Initialize netipc_recv_hdr and netvec_r
 1008          */
 1009         netipc_recv_hdr.type = NETIPC_TYPE_INVALID;
 1010         netvec_r[0].addr = KVTODEV(&netipc_recv_hdr);
 1011         netvec_r[0].size = sizeof(struct netipc_hdr);
 1012         netvec_r[1].size = PAGE_SIZE;
 1014         /*
 1015          * Initialize send_hdr_a and netvec_a
 1016          */
 1017         send_hdr_a.type = NETIPC_TYPE_CTL;
 1018         send_hdr_a.remote = node_self();
 1019         netvec_a[0].addr = KVTODEV(&send_hdr_a);
 1020         netvec_a[0].size = sizeof(struct netipc_hdr);
 1021         netvec_a[1].addr = KVTODEV(&send_data_a);
 1022         netvec_a[1].size = sizeof(unsigned long);
 1024         /*
 1025          * Start receiving.
 1026          */
 1027         netipc_recv_page = netipc_fallback_page = vm_page_grab();
 1028         assert(netipc_recv_page != VM_PAGE_NULL);
 1029         netipc_self_stopped = TRUE;
 1030         netvec_r[1].addr = VPTODEV(netipc_recv_page);
 1031         netipc_start_receive();
 1032 }
 1034 netipc_start_receive()
 1035 {
 1036         assert(! netipc_receiving);
 1037         netipc_receiving = TRUE;
 1038         netvec_r[0].size = sizeof(struct netipc_hdr);
 1039         netvec_r[1].size = PAGE_SIZE;
 1040         netipc_recv(netvec_r, 2);
 1041 }
 1043 netipc_init()
 1044 {
 1045         netipc_network_init();
 1046         netipc_output_init();
 1047         netipc_protocol_init();
 1048 }
 1050 netipc_cleanup_incarnation(pcs)
 1051         register pcs_t pcs;
 1052 {
 1053         printf1("netipc_cleanup_incarnation(%d)\n", pcs->pcs_remote);
 1055         /*
 1056          * Clean up connection state and higher-level ipc state.
 1057          */
 1058         netipc_cleanup_send_state(pcs);
 1059         netipc_cleanup_receive_state(pcs);
 1060         netipc_cleanup_ipc_state(pcs->pcs_remote);
 1061 }
 1063 #if 666
 1064 /*
 1065  * This be in the norma ipc layer and should do something real
 1066  */
 1067 netipc_cleanup_ipc_state(remote)
 1068         unsigned long remote;
 1069 {
 1070         /* XXX */
 1071         netipc_cleanup_incarnation_complete(remote);
 1072 }
 1073 #endif
 1075 netipc_cleanup_incarnation_complete(remote)
 1076         unsigned long remote;
 1077 {
 1078         register pcs_t pcs = &netipc_pcs[remote];
 1080         pcs->pcs_incarnation = pcs->pcs_new_incarnation;
 1081         pcs->pcs_new_incarnation = 0;
 1082 }
 1084 netipc_send_ctl(remote)
 1085         unsigned long remote;
 1086 {
 1087         register struct netipc_hdr *hdr = &send_hdr_a;
 1089         assert(netipc_locked());
 1090         assert(! netipc_sending);
 1091         netipc_sending = TRUE;
 1093         hdr->incarnation = node_incarnation;
 1094         if (remote == node_self()) {
 1095                 panic("netipc_send_ctl: sending to node_self!\n");
 1096         }
 1097         netipc_print('s', NETIPC_TYPE_CTL, remote, hdr->ctl, 0L,
 1098                      hdr->ctl_seqid, hdr->ctl_status, hdr->ctl_data,
 1099                      node_incarnation);
 1100 #if     NETIPC_CHECKSUM
 1101         hdr->checksum = 0;
 1102         hdr->checksum = netipc_compute_checksum(netvec_a, 2);
 1103 #endif  NETIPC_CHECKSUM
 1104         netipc_send(remote, netvec_a, 2);
 1105 }
 1107 netipc_send_with_timeout(remote, vec, count, packetid, seqid)
 1108         unsigned long remote;
 1109         register struct netvec *vec;
 1110         unsigned int count;
 1111         unsigned long packetid;
 1112         unsigned long seqid;
 1113 {
 1114         struct netipc_hdr *hdr = (struct netipc_hdr *) DEVTOKV(vec[0].addr);
 1115 /*      register unsigned long seqid = hdr->seqid;*/
 1116         register unsigned long type = hdr->type;
 1117         register unsigned long ctl;
 1118         register unsigned long ctl_seqid = hdr->ctl_seqid;
 1119         register kern_return_t ctl_status = hdr->ctl_status;
 1120         register unsigned long ctl_data = hdr->ctl_data;
 1121         register pcs_t pcs = &netipc_pcs[remote];
 1123 #if     iPSC386 || iPSC860
 1124         netipc_called_here(__FILE__, __LINE__, "netipc_send_with_timeout");
 1125 #endif  iPSC386 || iPSC860
 1126         assert(netipc_locked());
 1127         assert(! netipc_sending);
 1128         assert(seqid = hdr->seqid);
 1129         netipc_sending = TRUE;
 1131         ctl = hdr->ctl = CTL_NONE;
 1133         hdr->incarnation = node_incarnation;
 1134         while (pcs->pcs_new_incarnation != 0L) {
 1135                 /*
 1136                  * Shouldn't get this far!
 1137                  */
 1138                 panic("netipc_send_with_timeout: incarnation clean!!!\n");
 1139         }
 1140         if (pcs->pcs_remote == node_self()) {
 1141                 panic("netipc_send_with_timeout: sending to node_self!\n");
 1142         }
 1143         netipc_print('s', type, pcs->pcs_remote, ctl, seqid, ctl_seqid,
 1144                      ctl_status, ctl_data, node_incarnation);
 1145         if (pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX] == 0) {
 1146                 pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[seqid % WX] = packetid;
 1147         }
 1148         if (seqid > pcs->pcs_last_sent) {
 1149                 pcs->pcs_last_sent = seqid;
 1150         }
 1151         if (! queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_timer)) {
 1152                 pcs->pcs_ticks = 0;
 1153                 queue_enter(&netipc_timers, pcs, pcs_t, pcs_timer);
 1154         }
 1155 #if     NETIPC_CHECKSUM
 1156         hdr->checksum = 0;
 1157         hdr->checksum = netipc_compute_checksum(vec, count);
 1158 #endif  NETIPC_CHECKSUM
 1159         netipc_send(pcs->pcs_remote, vec, count);
 1160 }
 1162 netipc_print(c, type, remote, ctl, seqid, ctl_seqid, ctl_status, ctl_data,
 1163              incarnation)
 1164         char c;
 1165         unsigned long type;
 1166         unsigned long remote;
 1167         unsigned long ctl;
 1168         unsigned long seqid;
 1169         unsigned long ctl_seqid;
 1170         kern_return_t ctl_status;
 1171         unsigned long ctl_data;
 1172         unsigned long incarnation;
 1173 {
 1174         char *ts;
 1175         char *cs;
 1176         extern int Noise0;
 1178         assert(netipc_locked());
 1179         if (Noise0 == 2) {
 1180                 printf("%c", c);
 1181                 return;
 1182         }
 1183         if (Noise0 == 0) {
 1184                 return;
 1185         }
 1186         if (type == NETIPC_TYPE_KMSG) {
 1187                 ts = "kmsg";
 1188         } else if (type == NETIPC_TYPE_PAGE) {
 1189                 ts = "page";
 1190         } else if (type == NETIPC_TYPE_CTL) {
 1191                 ts = "ctrl";
 1192                 seqid = 0;
 1193         } else {
 1194                 ts = "????";
 1195         }
 1196         if (ctl == CTL_NONE) {
 1197                 cs = "none";
 1198                 ctl_seqid = 0;
 1199         } else if (ctl == CTL_ACK) {
 1200                 cs = "ack ";
 1201         } else if (ctl == CTL_NACK) {
 1202                 cs = "nack";
 1203         } else if (ctl == CTL_SYNC) {
 1204                 cs = "sync";
 1205         } else if (ctl == CTL_QUENCH) {
 1206                 cs = "qnch";
 1207         } else {
 1208                 cs = "????";
 1209         }
 1210         printf("%c remote=%d type=%s.%04d ctl=%s.%04d kr=%2d data=%2d %10d\n",
 1211                c, remote, ts, seqid, cs, ctl_seqid, ctl_status, ctl_data,
 1212                incarnation);
 1213 }
 1215 #include <mach_kdb.h>
 1216 #if     MACH_KDB
 1218 #define printf  kdbprintf
 1220 /*
 1221  *      Routine:        netipc_pcs_print
 1222  *      Purpose:
 1223  *              Pretty-print a netipc protocol control structure for ddb.
 1224  */
 1226 netipc_pcs_print(pcs)
 1227         pcs_t pcs;
 1228 {
 1229         extern int indent;
 1230         int i;
 1232         if ((unsigned int) pcs < MAX_NUM_NODES) {
 1233                 pcs = &netipc_pcs[(unsigned int) pcs];
 1234         }
 1236         printf("netipc pcs 0x%x\n", pcs);
 1238         indent += 2;
 1240         iprintf("remote=%d", pcs->pcs_remote);
 1241         printf(", last_received=%d", pcs->pcs_last_received);
 1242         printf(", last_sent=%d", pcs->pcs_last_sent);
 1243         printf(", nacked=%d\n", pcs->pcs_nacked);
 1245         iprintf("sent_packet[0..%d]={", WX - 1);
 1246         for (i = 0; i < WX - 1; i++) {
 1247                 printf("0x%x, ", pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[i]);
 1248         }
 1249         printf("0x%x}\n", pcs->pcs_unacked_packetid[WX - 1]);
 1251         iprintf("incarnation=%d", pcs->pcs_incarnation);
 1252         printf(", new_incarnation=%d\n", pcs->pcs_new_incarnation);
 1254         iprintf("ctl=%d", pcs->pcs_ctl);
 1255         switch ((int) pcs->pcs_ctl) {
 1256                 case CTL_NONE:
 1257                 printf("[none]");
 1258                 break;
 1260                 case CTL_ACK:
 1261                 printf("[ack]");
 1262                 break;
 1264                 case CTL_NACK:
 1265                 printf("[nack]");
 1266                 break;
 1268                 case CTL_SYNC:
 1269                 printf("[sync]");
 1270                 break;
 1272                 case CTL_QUENCH:
 1273                 printf("[quench]");
 1274                 break;
 1276                 default:
 1277                 printf("[bad type]");
 1278                 break;
 1279         }
 1280         printf(", ctl_seqid=%d", pcs->pcs_ctl_seqid);
 1281         printf(", ctl_status=%ld", pcs->pcs_ctl_status);
 1282         printf(", ctl_data=%ld\n", pcs->pcs_ctl_data);
 1284         iprintf("ticks=%d", pcs->pcs_ticks);
 1285         printf(", timer=[%x,%x t=%d]",
 1286                pcs->pcs_timer.prev,
 1287                pcs->,
 1288                queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_timer));
 1289         printf(", unack=[%x,%x t=%d]",
 1290                pcs->pcs_unack.prev,
 1291                pcs->,
 1292                queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_unack));
 1293         printf(", send=[%x,%x t=%d]",
 1294                pcs->pcs_send.prev,
 1295                pcs->,
 1296                queue_tabled(&pcs->pcs_send));
 1297         printf("\n");
 1299         indent -=2;
 1300 }
 1301 #endif  MACH_KDB

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