The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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    1 /* 
    2  * Mach Operating System
    3  * Copyright (c) 1991 Carnegie Mellon University
    4  * Copyright (c) 1991 Sequent Computer Systems
    5  * All Rights Reserved.
    6  * 
    7  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
    8  * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
    9  * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
   10  * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
   11  * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
   12  * 
   17  * 
   18  * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
   19  * 
   20  *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
   21  *  School of Computer Science
   22  *  Carnegie Mellon University
   23  *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
   24  * 
   25  * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon 
   26  * the rights to redistribute these changes.
   27  */
   29 /*
   30  * HISTORY
   31  * $Log:        slicreg.h,v $
   32  * Revision 2.3  91/07/31  18:04:07  dbg
   33  *      Changed copyright.
   34  *      [91/07/31            dbg]
   35  * 
   36  * Revision 2.2  91/05/08  12:59:55  dbg
   37  *      Added, from Sequent SYMMETRY sources.
   38  *      [91/02/26            dbg]
   39  * 
   40  */
   42 /*
   43  * $Header: slicreg.h,v 2.3 91/07/31 18:04:07 dbg Exp $
   44  *
   45  * slicreg.h
   46  *      SLIC registers and their contents.
   47  */
   49 /*
   50  * Revision 1.1  89/07/19  14:48:55  kak
   51  * Initial revision
   52  * 
   53  * Revision 2.23  88/10/10  15:07:43  rto
   54  * Added 532-specific definitions in support of a common inter-project
   55  * build environment.
   56  * 
   57  * Revision 2.22  88/10/06  09:32:27  rto
   58  * 532port:  Added support for 532-specific configuration options.
   59  * 
   60  * Revision 2.22  88/09/28  11:29:35  corene
   61  * added new defines for Wombat (3167 Weitek FPA)
   62  * 
   63  * Revision 2.20  88/09/22  08:58:35  gak
   64  * Add extra SL_P2_SPEED values.
   65  * 
   66  * Revision 2.19  88/03/24  10:42:07  dilip
   67  * Corrected values for SL_P2_386_D, SL_P2_387_C and renamed
   68  * WEITEK define.
   69  * 
   70  * Revision 2.18  88/03/23  06:57:14  gak
   71  * Add new bits to Symmetry proc config proms.
   72  * 
   73  */
   75 #ifndef _SQT_SLIREG_H_
   76 #define _SQT_SLIREG_H_
   78 /* General registers */
   79 #define SL_G_BOARDTYPE  0
   80 #define         SLB_PROCBOARD   0x0
   81 #define         SLB_MEMBOARD    0x1
   82 #define         SLB_MBABOARD    0x2
   83 #define         SLB_SCSIBOARD   0x3
   84 #define         SLB_ZDCBOARD    0x4
   85 #define         SLB_CLKARBBOARD 0x5
   86 #define         SLB_SGSPROCBOARD 0x6
   87 #define         SLB_SSMBOARD    0x8
   88 #define         SLB_532PROCBOARD 0x9
   89 #define         SLB_SGSMEMBOARD 0x7
   90 #define         SLB_FOUNDBOARD  0x40
   91 #define         SLB_GFDEBOARD   0x41
   92 #define         SLB_KXXBOARD    0x80
   94 #define SL_G_VARIATION   1              /* board variation */
   95 #define SL_G_HGENERATION 2              /* h/w board generation */
   96 #define SL_G_SGENERATION 3              /* s/w board generation */
   97 #define SL_G_LAST_SEQ   20              /* last Sequent-reserved location */
   98 #define SL_G_NONZERO55  29              /* this register should always be 55 */
   99 #define SL_G_NONZEROAA  30              /* this register should always be AA */
  100 #define SL_G_CHKSUM     31              /* checksum for slave reg PROM */
  101 #define SL_G_BERR       32              /* bus error reg */
  102 #define         SLB_IBE         0x01    /* initiated bus transfer */
  103 #define         SLB_RBE         0x02    /* received bus transfer */
  104 #define         SLB_SBE         0x04    /* saw "bus error" signal */
  105 #define         SLB_DBE         0x08    /* detected bus error */
  106 #define         SLB_ISE         0x10    /* initiated SLIC transfer */
  107 #define         SLB_RSE         0x20    /* received SLIC transfer */
  108 #define         SLB_SSE         0x40    /* saw "SLIC ERROR" signal */
  109 #define         SLB_DSE         0x80    /* detected SLIC error */
  110 #define SL_G_ACCERR     33              /* only on initiator boards */
  111 #define SL_G_ACCERR0    SL_G_ACCERR     /* Channel 0 Access Error Register */
  112 #define SL_G_ACCERR1    34              /* Channel 1 Access Error Register */
  113 #define SL_G_ACCERR2    35              /* Channel 2 Access Error Register */
  114 #define SL_G_ACCERR3    36              /* Channel 3 Access Error Register */
  115 #define         SLB_AEMSK       0x3F    /* useful bits in this reg */
  116 #define         SLB_ATMSK       0x07    /* mask for access type */
  117 #define         SLB_ACCERR      0x20    /* access error seen */
  118 #define         SLB_AEIO        0x10    /* IO response */
  119 #define         SLB_AERD        0x08    /* read response */
  120 #define         SLB_AETIMOUT    0x00    /* bus timeout (128 cycles) */
  121 #define         SLB_AEFATAL     0x03    /* fatal error */
  122 #define         SLB_AENONFAT    0x05    /* non fatal error */
  123 #define         SLB_AEOK        0x06    /* access completed OK */
  124 #define SL_G_CHAN0      37              /* Channel 0 Control Register */
  125 #define SL_G_CHAN1      38              /* Channel 1 Control Register */
  126 #define SL_G_CHAN2      39              /* Channel 2 Control Register */
  127 #define SL_G_CHAN3      40              /* Channel 3 Control Register */
  128 #define         SLB_TVAL        0x0F    /* Throttle Value */
  129 #define         SLB_TH_ENB      0x10    /* Throttle Enable */
  130 #define         SLB_AS_REQ      0x20    /* Asynchronous Request Inputs */
  131 #define         SLB_EXT_RD      0x40    /* External Read Responses */
  132 #define         SLB_RESPONDER   0x80    /* Responder Channel */
  133 #define SL_G_POLICY     41              /* Policy Register */
  134 #define         SLB_ENBERR      0x01    /* Enable Bus Error */
  135 #define         SLB_ENNFE       0x02    /* Enable Non-Fatal Error */
  136 #define         SLB_PDEPTH      0x04    /* Pipe Depth Value */
  137 #define         SLB_FIXEDPRI    0x08    /* Fixed Pri = 1, Round-robin = 0 */
  138 #define         SLB_ENBD        0x80    /* Enable Board */
  140 /* Processor Board specific registers */
  141 #define SL_P_PCCHS      34              /* proc control and cache hit status */
  142 #define         SLB_RES         0x01    /* reset processor */
  143 #define         SLB_PAUSE       0x02    /* pause processor */
  144 #define         SLB_HIT0        0x04    /* cache hit set 0 */
  145 #define         SLB_HIT1        0x08    /* cache hit set 1 */
  146 #define SL_P_CACHEPAR   35              /* cache parity error status */
  147 #define         SLB_CPARMSK     0x3F    /* useful bits in this reg */
  148 #define         SLB_B0ERR       0x01    /* byte 0 error */
  149 #define         SLB_B1ERR       0x02    /* byte 1 error */
  150 #define         SLB_B2ERR       0x04    /* byte 2 error */
  151 #define         SLB_B3ERR       0x08    /* byte 3 error */
  152 #define         SLB_SET0ERR     0x10    /* set 0 error */
  153 #define         SLB_SET1ERR     0x20    /* set 1 error */
  154 #define SL_P_CLCACHE    36              /* clear cache match bits */
  155 #define SL_P_CONTROL    37              /* control bits */
  156 #define         SLB_ENB0        0x01    /* enable set 0 */
  157 #define         SLB_ENB1        0x02    /* enable set 1 */
  158 #define         SLB_INV0        0x04    /* invalidate set 0 (neg) */
  159 #define         SLB_INV1        0x08    /* invalidate set 1 (neg) */
  160 #define         SLB_E_WR_BUF    0x10    /* enable write buffer */
  161 #define         SLB_E_NMI       0x20    /* enable NMIs */
  162 #define         SLB_IGNOR_BE    0x40    /* ignore bus error */
  163 #define         SLB_DIS_BE      0x80    /* disable bus error */
  164 #define SL_P_LIGHTON    38              /* read ==> turn ON processor LED */
  165 #define SL_P_LIGHTOFF   39              /* read ==> turn OFF processor LED */
  167 /* Symmetry Series processor-specific registers (subject to change) */
  168 #define SL_P2_SPEED     4               /* clock speed in MHz */
  169 #define         SLP_16MHZ       16
  170 #define         SLP_20MHZ       20
  171 #define         SLP_25MHZ       25
  172 #define         SLP_30MHZ       30
  173 #define SL_P2_FP_TYPE   5               /* floating-pt type */
  174 #define         SLP_381         0x01    /* has ns32381 fpu */
  175 #define         SLP_387         0x01    /* has 80387 (else none) */
  176 #define         SLP_FPA         0x02    /* has Weitek FPA (else no FPA) */
  177 #define         SLP_3167        0x08    /* Wombat (3167) (else 1167) */
  178 #define SL_P2_BUS_WIDTH 6               /* bus width in bits */
  179 #define SL_P2_CACHE_SETS        7       /* no. of cache sets */
  180 #define SL_P2_SET_SIZE  8               /* size of each cache set */
  181 #define         SL_P2_SET_4K    0x03    /* 4Kbyte cache sets */
  182 #define         SL_P2_SET_8K    0x04    /* 8Kbyte cache sets */
  183 #define         SL_P2_SET_16K   0x05    /* 16Kbyte cache sets */
  184 #define         SL_P2_SET_32K   0x06    /* 32Kbyte cache sets */
  185 #define         SL_P2_SET_64K   0x07    /* 64Kbyte cache sets */
  186 #define         SL_P2_SET_128K  0x08    /* 128Kbyte cache sets */
  187 #define         SL_P2_SET_256K  0x09    /* 256Kbyte cache sets */
  188 #define SL_P2_CUSTOM    9               /* custom settings for Symmetry */
  189 #define         SL_P2_BIC_SYNC  0x01    /* force synchronous BIC */
  190 #define         SL_P2_CMC_FAST  0x02    /* force CMC fast */
  191 #define         SL_P2_CMC_SYNC  0x04    /* force CMC synchronous */
  192 #define         SL_P2_FRC_EXT   0x08    /* force extended mode in proc BIC */
  193 #define         SL_P2_SUB_BLOCK 0x30    /* sub-blocking style */
  194 #define         SL_P2_NO_SBLOCK 0x00    /* no sub-blocking */
  195 #define         SL_P2_SBLOCK_8  0x10    /* 8-byte sub-blocking */
  196 #define         SL_P2_SBLOCK_16 0x20    /* 16-byte sub-blocking */
  197 #define         SL_P2_BLOCK_32  0x40    /* 32-byte blocks */
  198 #define         SL_P2_COMPAT    0x80    /* jumper for compatibility mode */
  199 #define SL_P2_CUSTOM2   10              /* more custom settings */
  200 #define         SL_P2_MODELB    0x01    /* this is a model B processor board */
  201 #define         SL_P2_NO_Q_BD   0x02    /* old layout without Q board */
  202 #define SL_P2_INTEL_VER 11              /* version of Intel parts in board */
  203 #define SL_P2_NATNL_VER 11              /* same location for Natnl chip revs */
  205 /* chip version numbers encoded in the config prom */
  206 #define SL_P2_WEITEK_VER(slic)  (rdslave((slic), SL_P2_CUSTOM)>>4 & 0xF)
  207 #define         SL_P2_1167      0x00    /* 1163A, 1164, 1165 */
  208 #define         SL_P2_3167      0x01    /* 3167 (Wombat) */
  210 #define SL_P2_386_VER(slic)     (rdslave((slic),SL_P2_INTEL_VER) & 0xF)
  211 #define         SL_P2_386_B     0x00    /* B stepping of 386 */
  212 #define         SL_P2_386_D     0x01    /* D stepping of 386 */
  214 #define SL_P2_387_VER(slic)     (rdslave((slic),SL_P2_INTEL_VER)>>4 & 0xF)
  215 #define         SL_P2_387_B3    0x00    /* B3 stepping of 387 */
  216 #define         SL_P2_387_C     0x01    /* C stepping of 387 */
  218 #define SL_P2_532_VER(slic)     (rdslave((slic),SL_P2_NATNL_VER) & 0xF)
  219 #define         SL_P2_532_B3    0x00    /* B3 stepping of 532 */
  221 #define SL_P2_381_VER(slic)     (rdslave((slic),SL_P2_NATNL_VER)>>4 & 0xF)
  222 #define         SL_P2_381_B2    0x00    /* B2 stepping of 381 */
  224 /* Memory Board specific registers */
  225 #define SL_M_BSIZE      SL_G_VARIATION  /* onboard RAM size and type */
  226 #define         SLB_LTYPE       0x01    /* set == 64k technology */
  227 #define         SLB_LSIZE       0x30    /* size of onboard RAM */
  228 #define SL_M_ACPTB      4               /* accept expansion board patterns */
  229 #define SL_M_NUMACPT            8       /* number of accept registers */
  230 #define SL_M_ENABLES    33              /* board enables register */
  231 #define         SLB_MEM_ENB     0x01    /* enable memory array */
  232 #define         SLB_BE_ENB      0x02    /* bus error enable */
  233 #define         SLB_REF_ENB     0x10    /* enable memory refresh */
  234 #define         SLB_INTLV       0x20    /* interleave */
  235 #define SL_M_EXP        34              /* expansion board register */
  236 #define         SLB_R64K        0x01    /* expansion is 64k chips */
  237 #define         SLB_RTYPE       0x0F    /* type of expansion board */
  238 #define         SLB_RSIZE       0x30    /* size of memory off board */
  239 #define SL_M_ECC        35              /* ECC control register */
  240 #define         SLB_EN_UCE_LOG  0x80    /* enable ECC and UCE log */
  241 #define         SLB_UCE_OV      0x40    /* UCE overflow */
  242 #define         SLB_UCE         0x20    /* uncorrectable error */
  243 #define         SLB_REP_UCE     0x10    /* report UCEs */
  244 #define         SLB_EN_CE_LOG   0x08    /* enable ECC and CE log */
  245 #define         SLB_CE_OV       0x04    /* CE overflow */
  246 #define         SLB_CE          0x02    /* correctable error */
  247 #define         SLB_REP_CE      0x01    /* report CEs */
  248 #define SL_M_MISC       36              /* misc error register */
  249 #define         SLB_ECC_SWAP    0x80    /* swap in check bits */
  250 #define         SLB_FLIP_CYCLE  0x10    /* flip cycle type parity */
  251 #define         SLB_FLIP_B3     0x08    /* flip parity byte 0 */
  252 #define         SLB_FLIP_B2     0x04    /* flip parity byte 0 */
  253 #define         SLB_FLIP_B1     0x02    /* flip parity byte 0 */
  254 #define         SLB_FLIP_B0     0x01    /* flip parity byte 0 */
  255 #define SL_M_ADDR       37              /* base address */
  256 #define SL_M_REFRESH    38              /* refresh slot */
  257 #define         SLB_REF0        255     /* immediate refresh */
  258 #define         SLB_REFL        177     /* refresh last slot */
  259 #define SL_M_EADD_L     40              /* address of error */
  260 #define         SLB_ROW         0x3     /* row address */
  261 #define         SLB_CNTRL       0x3     /* Controller board */
  262 #define SL_M_EADD_M     41
  263 #define SL_M_EADD_H     42
  264 #define SL_M_ES         43              /* error status */
  265 #define         SLB_CT          0x07    /* cycle type */
  266 #define         SLB_BM          0xF0    /* byte marks */
  267 #define SL_M_SYNDR      44              /* error syndrome */
  269 #define REF     7
  270 #define WA8     6
  271 #define RA4     5
  272 #define RA8     4
  273 #define WA4H    3
  274 #define WA4L    2
  275 #define WAPH    1
  276 #define WAPL    0
  278 /* Symmetry Series memory controller registers (subject to change) */
  279 #define SL_M2_TOTAL_MB  4               /* total size in Mbytes */
  280 #define SL_M2_BUS_WIDTH 5               /* bus width in bits */
  281 #define SL_M2_RAM       6               /* ram info */
  282 #define     SL_M2_RAM_DENS      0x01    /* ram density mask */
  283 #define         SL_M2_RAM_1MB   0x00    /* 1 Mbit chips */
  284 #define         SL_M2_RAM_4MB   0x01    /* 4 Mbit chips */
  285 #define     SL_M2_RAM_POP       0x80    /* ram population mask */
  286 #define         SL_M2_RAM_FULL  0x00    /* populated by full-banks */
  287 #define         SL_M2_RAM_HALF  0x80    /* populated by half-banks */
  288 #define SL_M2_FILLED    7               /* number of banks filled */
  289 #define SL_M2_ACPTB     8               /* first register defining good exp */
  290 #define SL_M2_LAST_ACPTB        11      /* last register defining good exp */
  291 #define SL_M2_NUMACPT   (SL_M2_LAST_ACPTB-SL_M2_ACPTB+1)
  293 #define SL_M2_ACPTB_VAL1(x)     (((x) << 4) & MEM_EXP_CHECK)
  294 #define SL_M2_ACPTB_VAL2(x)     ((x) & MEM_EXP_CHECK)
  296 /* Multibus Adaptor specific registers */
  297 #define SL_A_CSR        34
  298 #define         SLB_S0          0x01    /* select 1/4Mb range of Multibus mem */
  299 #define         SLB_S1          0x02
  300 #define         SLB_A0          0x04    /* select MB of I/O space */
  301 #define         SLB_A1          0x08
  302 #define         SLB_EN_BERR     0x10    /* disable bus errors */
  303 #define         SLB_EN_MBA      0x20    /* enable MBIF resp; no bus affect */
  305 /* SCSI/E board specific registers */
  306 #define SL_S_ETH_CRC0   4               /* LSB of Ether CRC */
  307 #define SL_S_ETH_CRC1   5               /* MSB of Ether CRC */
  308 #define SL_S_ETH_ADD0   6               /* LSB of Ether Address */
  309 #define SL_S_ETH_ADD1   7               /* 5th MSB of Ether Address */
  310 #define SL_S_ETH_ADD2   8               /* 4th MSB of Ether Address */
  311 #define SL_S_ETH_ADD3   9               /* 3rd MSB of Ether Address */
  312 #define SL_S_ETH_ADD4   10              /* 2nd MSB of Ether Address */
  313 #define SL_S_ETH_ADD5   11              /* MSB of Ether Address */
  314 #define SL_S_FLAGS      12              /* slave register of flags */
  315 #define         SLF_FUJITSU     0x01    /* Fujitsu 8795B on SCED */
  316 #define SL_S_DIAG_STAT  34              /* diagnostic status register */
  317 #define SL_S_RESET      35              /* hard reset of SCSI/Ether board */
  319 /* Clock/Arbitration board specific registers */
  320 #define SL_C_TRIG       34              /* W scope trigger */
  321 #define SL_C_FPTYPE     36              /* Front panel type */
  322 #define SL_C_DIAG_CTRL  37              /* Diagnostics and control register */
  323 #define         SLB_DCMASK      0x0F    /* Mask for useful bits */
  324 #define         SLB_EN_BE       0x01    /* Enable bus error reporting */
  325 #define         SLB_OPT_PRI     0x02    /* Use optional slot priorities */
  326 #define         SLB_EN_DIAG     0x04    /* Enable diagnostic bus requests */
  327 #define         SLB_DIAG_VGNT   0x08    /* Valid grant clock for diagnostics */
  328 #define SL_C_LOPRI_GNT  38              /* Encoded low-priority bus grant */
  329 #define         SLB_GNTMASK     0x0F    /* Mask for encoded grants */
  330 #define         SLB_UPPERGNT    0x08    /* Select upper eight grants */
  331 #define         SLB_GSEL        0x10    /* This priority's group select */
  332 #define         SLB_XPENABLE    0x20    /* This priority's enable - INVERTED! */
  333 #define         SLB_LOWERGNT    0x40    /* Select lower eight grants */
  334 #define         SLB_XPEQUAL     0x80    /* This priority's equal - INVERTED! */
  335 #define SL_C_HIPRI_GNT  39              /* Encoded high-priority bus grant */
  336                                         /* Uses same bit masks as register 38 */
  337 #define SL_C_LOPRI_REQ0 40              /* Low-priority bus requests 0-7 */
  338 #define SL_C_LOPRI_REQ1 41              /* Low-priority bus requests 8-15 */
  339 #define SL_C_HIPRI_REQ0 42              /* High-priority bus requests 0-7 */
  340 #define SL_C_HIPRI_REQ1 43              /* High-priority bus requests 8-15 */
  341 #define SL_C_DM_START0  44              /* Start data mover using table 0 */
  342 #define SL_C_DM_START1  45              /* Start data mover using table 1 */
  343 #define SL_C_DM_BA0     46              /* LSB data mover base address */
  344 #define SL_C_DM_BA1     47              /* MSB data mover base address */
  346 #define SL_C_SYSID0     56              /* LSB of system ID number */
  347 #define SL_C_SYSID1     57              /* 3rd MSB of system ID number */
  348 #define SL_C_SYSID2     58              /* 2nd MSB of system ID number */
  349 #define SL_C_SYSID3     59              /* MSB of system ID number */
  350 #define SL_C_BP55       60              /* Should always be 0x55 */
  351 #define SL_C_BPAA       61              /* Should always be 0xAA */
  352 #define SL_C_CHKSUM     62              /* 2's comp checksum of SYSID prom */
  353 /*
  354  * There are 48 leds starting at slic address SL_C_FP_LIGHT
  355  * Each pair of addresses represent 1 led. The even turns off the led.
  356  * The odd turns on the led.
  357  */
  358 #define SL_C_FP_LIGHT           128             /* Front panel led array */
  359 #define SL_C_IO_ACTIVE          229             /* I/O (disk) activity led */
  360 #define SL_C_IO_ONLINE          225             /* I/O (disk) online led */
  361 #define SL_C_IO_ERROR           227             /* I/O (disk) error led */
  363 /* ZDC board specific registers */
  364 #define SL_Z_VERSION     4              /* FW Generation */
  365 #define SL_Z_CNTRL      64              /* SLIC to HSC Control register */
  366 #define         SLB_COMM        0x0F    /* mask for comm lines */
  367 #define         SLB_UNRESET     0x10    /* 0 - reset, 1 - unreset */
  368 #define         SLB_MODEMASK    0xC0    /* HSC Mode mask */
  369 #define         SLB_STOP_EW     0x40    /* Stop, enable WREG on YBUS */
  370 #define         SLB_RUN_SP      0x80    /* Run, Stop on Pause */
  371 #define         SLB_RUN_RP      0xC0    /* Run, Run on Pause */
  372 #define SL_Z_STATUS     SL_Z_CNTRL      /* SLIC Status register */
  373 #define         SLB_ZPARERR     0x10    /* ZDC Parity Error */
  374 #define         SLB_HSCRUNNING  0x20    /* HSC Running */
  375 #define         SLB_COMM0       0x40    /* Comm0 to HSC */
  376 #define         SLB_EEREADY     0x80    /* EEPROM Ready */
  377 #define SL_Z_UPC0_3     65              /* 2910 uPC address bits 0-3 */
  378 #define SL_Z_UPC4_A     66              /* 2910 uPC address bits 4-10 */
  379 #define SL_Z_EEBANK     67              /* Most significant address bits 7-14 */
  380 #define SL_Z_WREG0_3    69              /* WREG address bits 0-3 */
  381 #define SL_Z_WREG4_A    70              /* WREG address bits 4-10 */
  382 #define SL_Z_SCANSR     96              /* SCAN Shift Register */
  383 #define SL_Z_SHADTOWCS  97              /* Shadow to WCS command */
  384 #define SL_Z_PREGTOSHAD 98              /* PREG to Shadow command */
  385 #define SL_Z_KBUSTOSHAD 99              /* KBUS to Shadow command */
  386 #define SL_Z_SHADTOPREG 101             /* Shadow to PREG command */
  387 #define SL_Z_WCSTOPREG  102             /* WCS data to PREG command */
  388 #define SL_Z_STARTHSC   103             /* Start HSC command */
  389 #define SL_Z_EEWINDOW   128             /* Base 128 byte window into EEPROM */
  391 #endif  /* _SQT_SLIREG_H_ */

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