The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 /* quick and dirty hack to grab all credentials in the cred hash table
    2  * from kernel via sysctl.
    3  * sysctl is only defined if xnu is built with DEBUG_CRED defined.
    4  */
    6 #include <stdio.h>
    7 #include <stdlib.h>
    8 #include <fcntl.h>
    9 #include <limits.h>
   10 #include <string.h>
   11 #include <errno.h>
   12 #include <unistd.h>
   13 #include <sys/stat.h>
   14 #include <sys/types.h>
   15 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
   16 #include <bsm/audit.h>
   18 /* bad!  this is replicated in kern_credential.c.  make sure they stay in sync!
   19  * Or better yet have commone header file?
   20  */
   21 struct debug_ucred {
   22         uint32_t        credp;
   23         uint32_t        cr_ref;                         /* reference count */
   24         uid_t           cr_uid;                         /* effective user id */
   25         uid_t           cr_ruid;                        /* real user id */
   26         uid_t           cr_svuid;                       /* saved user id */
   27         u_short         cr_ngroups;                     /* number of groups in advisory list */
   28         gid_t           cr_groups[NGROUPS];     /* advisory group list */
   29         gid_t           cr_rgid;                        /* real group id */
   30         gid_t           cr_svgid;                       /* saved group id */
   31         uid_t           cr_gmuid;                       /* UID for group membership purposes */
   32         struct auditinfo_addr cr_audit;                 /* user auditing data */
   33         uint32_t        cr_label;                       /* MACF label */
   34         int                     cr_flags;                       /* flags on credential */
   35 };
   36 typedef struct debug_ucred debug_ucred;
   38 void dump_cred_hash_table( debug_ucred * credp, size_t buf_size );
   39 void dump_cred( debug_ucred * credp );
   42 main( int argc, char *argv[] )
   43 {
   44         int                             err;
   45         size_t                  len;
   46         char                        *my_bufferp = NULL;
   48         /* get size of buffer we will need */
   49         len = 0;
   50         err = sysctlbyname( "kern.dump_creds", NULL, &len, NULL, 0 );
   51         if (err != 0) {
   52                 printf( "sysctl failed  \n" );
   53                 printf( "\terrno %d - \"%s\" \n", errno, strerror( errno ));
   54                 return;
   55         }
   57         /* get a buffer for our credentials.  need some spare room since table could have grown */
   58         my_bufferp = malloc( len );
   59         if (my_bufferp == NULL) {
   60                 printf( "malloc error %d - \"%s\" \n", errno, strerror( errno ));
   61                 return;
   62         }
   63         err = sysctlbyname( "kern.dump_creds", my_bufferp, &len, NULL, 0 );
   64         if (err != 0) {
   65                 printf( "sysctl 2 failed  \n" );
   66                 printf( "\terrno %d - \"%s\" \n", errno, strerror( errno ));
   67                 return;
   68         }
   69         dump_cred_hash_table((debug_ucred *)my_bufferp, len );
   71         return;
   72 }
   74 void
   75 dump_cred_hash_table( debug_ucred * credp, size_t buf_size )
   76 {
   77         int             i, my_count = (buf_size / sizeof(debug_ucred));
   79         printf("\n\t dumping credential hash table - total creds %d \n",
   80             my_count);
   81         for (i = 0; i < my_count; i++) {
   82                 printf("[%02d] ", i);
   83                 dump_cred( credp );
   84                 credp++;
   85         }
   86         return;
   87 }
   89 void
   90 dump_cred( debug_ucred * credp )
   91 {
   92         int             i;
   93         printf("%p ", credp->credp);
   94         printf("%lu ", credp->cr_ref);
   95         printf("%d ", credp->cr_uid);
   96         printf("%d ", credp->cr_ruid);
   97         printf("%d ", credp->cr_svuid);
   98         printf("%d g[", credp->cr_ngroups);
   99         for (i = 0; i < credp->cr_ngroups; i++) {
  100                 printf("%d", credp->cr_groups[i]);
  101                 if ((i + 1) < credp->cr_ngroups) {
  102                         printf(" ");
  103                 }
  104         }
  105         printf("] %d ", credp->cr_rgid);
  106         printf("%d ", credp->cr_svgid);
  107         printf("%d ", credp->cr_gmuid);
  108         printf("a[%d ", credp->cr_audit.ai_auid);
  109         printf("%d ", credp->cr_audit.ai_mask.am_success);
  110         printf("%d ", credp->cr_audit.ai_mask.am_failure);
  111         printf("%d ", credp->cr_audit.ai_termid.at_port);
  112         printf("%d ", credp->cr_audit.ai_termid.at_addr[0]);
  113         printf("%d ", credp->cr_audit.ai_asid);
  114         printf("] ");
  115         printf("%p ", credp->cr_label);
  116         printf("0x%08x \n", credp->cr_flags);
  117         printf("\n");
  118         return;
  119 }

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