The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 // clang++ -o kt-dump{,.cpp} -Wall -std=c++20
    3 #include <assert.h>
    4 #include <cstdio>
    5 #include <filesystem>
    6 #include <fstream>
    7 #include <iostream>
    8 #include <mach-o/fat.h>
    9 #include <mach-o/loader.h>
   10 #include <optional>
   11 #include <set>
   12 #include <span>
   13 #include <vector>
   15 /*
   16  * kt-dump.cpp
   17  *
   18  * Tool to dump the kalloc type information from a given Mach-O binary.
   19  * Usage:
   20  * kt-dump [-f <simple|json|struct|stats>] <mach-o>
   21  *
   22  * The tool will scan the given Mach-O to find the __kalloc_type section.
   23  * It will then walk that section using the kalloc_type_view definition
   24  * provided below, in order to dump the type names and signatures that
   25  * have been compiled into the binary.
   26  *
   27  * The output "format" can be specified with the -f option. The default
   28  * format ("simple") will output the type name and the signature,
   29  * enclosed in square brackets. The "json" format will print a JSON
   30  * dictionary for each kalloc_type_view entry, including the type name,
   31  * its size and the signature. The "struct" output format will use
   32  * __builtin_dump_struct to dump a C-like representation of the view.
   33  * Finally, if the "stats" output format is chosen, the tool will only
   34  * show overall information about the __kalloc_type section.
   35  *
   36  * The tool supports both MH_KEXT_BUNDLE and kernel cache files. If a
   37  * FAT Mach-O is provided, it must contain an arm64 slice.
   38  */
   40 /* Read in_path into out_vec */
   41 static bool read_file(std::string in_path, std::vector<uint8_t> &out_vec);
   43 /* Find a suitable arch span in a FAT file */
   44 static std::optional<std::span<uint8_t> >
   45 find_arm64_slice(const std::span<uint8_t> &contents);
   47 /* Note: these must be kept in sync with the defs in kalloc.h/zalloc.h */
   48 struct zone_view {
   49         void *zv_zone;
   50         void *zv_stats;
   51         const char *zv_name;
   52         void *zv_next;
   53 };
   55 struct kalloc_type_view {
   56         struct zone_view kt_zv;
   57         const char *kt_signature;
   58         uint32_t kt_flags;
   59         uint32_t kt_size;
   60         void *kt_site;
   61         void *unused;
   62 };
   64 template <typename T> struct macho_section {
   65         section_64 section;
   66         std::span<const T> contents;
   68         macho_section(const section_64 &sec, std::span<uint8_t> data)
   69                 : section(sec),
   70                 contents(reinterpret_cast<T *>(
   71                             data.subspan(sec.offset, sec.size / sizeof(T)).data()),
   72                     sec.size / sizeof(T))
   73         {
   74         }
   75 };
   77 int
   78 main(int argc, char const *argv[])
   79 {
   80         if (argc != 2 && argc != 4) {
   81                 std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0]
   82                           << " [-f <simple|json|struct|stats>] <mach-o>\n";
   83                 return 1;
   84         }
   86         enum class out_fmt_type {
   87                 SIMPLE,
   88                 JSON,
   89                 STRUCT,
   90                 STATS
   91         } out_fmt = out_fmt_type::SIMPLE;
   92         std::string arg_str;
   93         std::vector<uint8_t> file_contents;
   94         uint32_t file_magic = 0;
   95         std::span<uint8_t> slice_contents;
   96         mach_header_64 *hdr = NULL;
   97         std::optional<macho_section<kalloc_type_view> > sec_types;
   98         std::optional<macho_section<char> > sec_cstring;
   99         struct {
  100                 size_t uniq_structs_sz;
  101                 size_t names_sz;
  102                 size_t sig_sz;
  103         } stats = {};
  105         /* Parse command line args */
  106         for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
  107                 std::string arg(argv[i]);
  108                 if (arg == "-f") {
  109                         if (++i == argc) {
  110                                 std::cerr << "Option " << arg << " requires an argument\n";
  111                                 return 1;
  112                         }
  113                         arg = argv[i];
  114                         if (arg == "simple") {
  115                                 out_fmt = out_fmt_type::SIMPLE;
  116                         } else if (arg == "json" || arg == "JSON") {
  117                                 out_fmt = out_fmt_type::JSON;
  118                         } else if (arg == "struct") {
  119                                 out_fmt = out_fmt_type::STRUCT;
  120                         } else if (arg == "stats") {
  121                                 out_fmt = out_fmt_type::STATS;
  122                         } else {
  123                                 std::cerr << "Unknown output format: " << arg << std::endl;
  124                                 return 1;
  125                         }
  126                 } else {
  127                         /* Read the file specified as a positional arg */
  128                         if (!read_file(arg, file_contents)) {
  129                                 std::cerr << "Failed to read file: " << arg << std::endl;
  130                                 return 1;
  131                         }
  132                 }
  133         }
  135         file_magic = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(;
  136         if (file_magic == MH_MAGIC_64) {
  137                 /* Single arch Mach-O file: the slice covers the whole file */
  138                 slice_contents = std::span(file_contents);
  139         } else if (file_magic == FAT_CIGAM) {
  140                 /* FAT Mach-O: Retrieve the appropriate slice */
  141                 auto arch_span = find_arm64_slice(file_contents);
  142                 if (!arch_span) {
  143                         std::cerr << "Could not find a suitable arch\n";
  144                         return 1;
  145                 }
  146                 slice_contents = arch_span.value();
  147         } else {
  148                 std::cerr << "Unsupported file magic: 0x" << std::hex << file_magic << "\n";
  149                 return 1;
  150         }
  151         assert(slice_contents.size() > sizeof(*hdr));
  152         hdr = reinterpret_cast<mach_header_64 *>(;
  153         if (hdr->magic != MH_MAGIC_64) {
  154                 std::cerr << "Unsupported header magic: 0x" << std::hex << hdr->magic
  155                           << "\n";
  156                 return 1;
  157         }
  159         for (uint32_t cmds_offset = sizeof(*hdr); cmds_offset < hdr->sizeofcmds;) {
  160                 load_command *cmd =
  161                     reinterpret_cast<load_command *>(&slice_contents[cmds_offset]);
  162                 cmds_offset += cmd->cmdsize;
  163                 /* We only need to process LC_SEGMENT_64 */
  164                 if (cmd->cmd != LC_SEGMENT_64) {
  165                         continue;
  166                 }
  168                 segment_command_64 *seg_cmd = reinterpret_cast<segment_command_64 *>(cmd);
  169                 std::span<section_64> sections(reinterpret_cast<section_64 *>(seg_cmd + 1),
  170                     seg_cmd->nsects);
  171                 for (auto &sec : sections) {
  172                         std::string segname(sec.segname);
  173                         std::string sectname(sec.sectname);
  174                         if (sectname == "__kalloc_type") {
  175                                 assert(!sec_types && "Multiple __kalloc_type sections?");
  176                                 assert(sec.size % sizeof(kalloc_type_view) == 0 &&
  177                                     "Check the definition of kalloc_type_view");
  178                                 sec_types = macho_section<kalloc_type_view>(sec, slice_contents);
  179                         } else if (segname == "__TEXT" && sectname == "__cstring") {
  180                                 sec_cstring = macho_section<char>(sec, slice_contents);
  181                         }
  182                 }
  183         }
  185         if (!sec_types) {
  186                 std::cerr << "Could not find __kalloc_type section\n";
  187                 return 1;
  188         }
  189         if (!sec_cstring) {
  190                 std::cerr << "Could not find __TEXT,__cstring section\n";
  191                 return 1;
  192         }
  194         std::set<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > dedup_entries;
  195         std::set<uint32_t> dedup_strings;
  197         for (auto &ktv : sec_types->contents) {
  198                 uintptr_t name_p = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ktv.kt_zv.zv_name);
  199                 uintptr_t signature_p = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ktv.kt_signature);
  200                 /*
  201                  * Compute the offsets into the __cstring section.
  202                  * This works for both single kexts (MH_KEXT_BUNDLE) and kernel caches.
  203                  * For the former, the __cstring section addr is the offset of the section
  204                  * into the slice. For the latter, the __cstring section addr is the virtual
  205                  * address of the section, and the fields are pointers into such space.
  206                  */
  207                 uint32_t name_off = (name_p - sec_cstring->section.addr) & 0xffffffff;
  208                 uint32_t sig_off = (signature_p - sec_cstring->section.addr) & 0xffffffff;
  210                 /* Only output the equal entries (same name/signature) once */
  211                 if (!dedup_entries.insert(std::make_tuple(name_off, sig_off)).second) {
  212                         continue;
  213                 }
  215                 stats.uniq_structs_sz += sizeof(ktv);
  217                 const char *name = &sec_cstring->contents[name_off];
  218                 const char *signature = &sec_cstring->contents[sig_off];
  219                 if (dedup_strings.insert(name_off).second) {
  220                         stats.names_sz += strlen(name) + 1;
  221                 }
  222                 if (dedup_strings.insert(sig_off).second) {
  223                         stats.sig_sz += strlen(signature) + 1;
  224                 }
  226                 switch (out_fmt) {
  227                 case out_fmt_type::SIMPLE:
  228                         std::cout << name << " [" << signature << "]\n";
  229                         break;
  230                 case out_fmt_type::JSON:
  231                         std::cout << "{\"name\":\"" << name << "\","
  232                                   << "\"signature\":\"" << signature << "\","
  233                                   << "\"size\":" << ktv.kt_size << "}\n";
  234                         break;
  235                 case out_fmt_type::STRUCT: {
  236                         /* Make a copy and fill in the pointers to the cstring section */
  237                         kalloc_type_view printable_view = ktv;
  238                         printable_view.kt_zv.zv_name = name;
  239                         printable_view.kt_signature = signature;
  240                         __builtin_dump_struct(&printable_view, &printf);
  241                 } break;
  242                 case out_fmt_type::STATS:
  243                         break;
  244                 }
  245         }
  246         if (out_fmt == out_fmt_type::STATS) {
  247                 std::cout << "__kalloc_type:      " << sec_types->section.size << std::endl;
  248                 std::cout << "uniq structs:       " << stats.uniq_structs_sz << std::endl;
  249                 std::cout << "names strings:      " << stats.names_sz << std::endl;
  250                 std::cout << "signatures strings: " << stats.sig_sz << std::endl;
  251         }
  253         return 0;
  254 }
  256 static bool
  257 read_file(std::string in_path, std::vector<uint8_t> &out_vec)
  258 {
  259         std::filesystem::path path(in_path);
  260         std::ifstream file(path, std::ifstream::binary);
  261         size_t size(std::filesystem::file_size(path));
  262         out_vec.resize(size);
  263<char *>(, size);
  264         file.close();
  265         return true;
  266 }
  268 static std::optional<std::span<uint8_t> >
  269 find_arm64_slice(const std::span<uint8_t> &contents)
  270 {
  271         fat_header *fhdr = reinterpret_cast<fat_header *>(;
  272         std::span<fat_arch> fat_archs(
  273                 reinterpret_cast<fat_arch *>(&contents[sizeof(fat_header)]),
  274                 OSSwapInt32(fhdr->nfat_arch));
  275         std::optional<std::span<uint8_t> > chosen_span;
  276         for (auto &arch : fat_archs) {
  277                 if (OSSwapInt32(arch.cputype) == CPU_TYPE_ARM64) {
  278                         if (OSSwapInt32(arch.cpusubtype) == CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64E || !chosen_span) {
  279                                 chosen_span =
  280                 contents.subspan(OSSwapInt32(arch.offset), OSSwapInt32(arch.size));
  281                         }
  282                 }
  283         }
  284         return chosen_span;
  285 }

Cache object: e97caa58dd31470baf05709daa721e01

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.