The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

Version: -  FREEBSD  -  FREEBSD-13-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-13-0  -  FREEBSD-12-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-12-0  -  FREEBSD-11-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-11-0  -  FREEBSD-10-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-10-0  -  FREEBSD-9-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-9-0  -  FREEBSD-8-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-8-0  -  FREEBSD-7-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-7-0  -  FREEBSD-6-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-6-0  -  FREEBSD-5-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-5-0  -  FREEBSD-4-STABLE  -  FREEBSD-3-STABLE  -  FREEBSD22  -  l41  -  OPENBSD  -  linux-2.6  -  MK84  -  PLAN9  -  xnu-8792 
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    1 #!/usr/local/bin/luatrace -s
    3 trace_eventname = function(codename, callback)
    4         local debugid = trace.debugid(codename)
    5         if debugid ~= 0 then
    6                 trace.single(debugid,callback)
    7         else
    8                 printf("WARNING: Cannot locate debugid for '%s'\n", codename)
    9         end
   10 end
   12 initial_timestamp = 0
   14 function event_prefix_string(buf, workq)
   15         if initial_timestamp == 0 then
   16                 initial_timestamp = buf.timestamp
   17         end
   18         local secs = trace.convert_timestamp_to_nanoseconds(buf.timestamp - initial_timestamp) / 1000000000
   20         local type
   21         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
   22                 type = "→"
   23         elseif trace.debugid_is_end(buf.debugid) then
   24                 type = "←"
   25         else
   26                 type = "↔"
   27         end
   29         proc = buf.command
   31         local prefix = string.format("%s %6.9f %-17s [%05d.%06x] %-28s\t",
   32                 type, secs, proc,, buf.threadid, buf.debugname)
   33         if not workq then
   34                 prefix = prefix .. string.format(" 0x%16x", buf.arg1)
   35         end
   37         return prefix
   38 end
   40 function qos_string(qos)
   41         if qos == 0 then
   42                 return "--"
   43         elseif qos == 1 then
   44                 return "MT"
   45         elseif qos == 2 then
   46                 return "BG"
   47         elseif qos == 3 then
   48                 return "UT"
   49         elseif qos == 4 then
   50                 return "DF"
   51         elseif qos == 5 then
   52                 return "IN"
   53         elseif qos == 6 then
   54                 return "UI"
   55         elseif qos == 7 then
   56                 return "MG"
   57         else
   58                 return string.format("??[0x%x]", qos)
   59         end
   60 end
   62 function state_string(strings, state)
   63         local str = ''
   64         local first = true
   65         for name, bit in pairs(strings) do
   66                 if (state & bit) == bit then
   67                         if not first then
   68                                 str = str .. ' '
   69                         end
   70                         str = str .. name
   71                         first = false
   72                 end
   73         end
   74         return str
   75 end
   77 kqrequest_state_strings = {
   78         ['WAKEUP'] = 1,
   79 }
   81 kqueue_state_strings = {
   82         ['SEL'] = 0x001,
   83         ['SLEEP'] = 0x002,
   84         ['PROCWAIT'] = 0x004,
   85         ['KEV32'] = 0x008,
   86         ['KEV64'] = 0x010,
   87         ['KEV_QOS'] = 0x020,
   88         ['WORKQ'] = 0x040,
   89         ['WORKLOOP'] = 0x080,
   90         ['PROCESSING'] = 0x100,
   91         ['DRAIN'] = 0x200,
   92         ['WAKEUP'] = 0x400,
   93         ['DYNAMIC'] = 0x800,
   94         ['R2K'] = 0x1000,
   95         ['TURNSTILE'] = 0x2000,
   96 }
   98 knote_state_strings = {
   99         ['ACTIVE'] = 0x0001,
  100         ['QUEUED'] = 0x0002,
  101         ['DISABLED'] = 0x0004,
  102         ['DROPPING'] = 0x0008,
  103         ['LOCKED'] = 0x0010,
  104         ['POSTING'] = 0x0020,
  105         ['STAYACTIVE'] = 0x0040,
  106         ['DEFERDELETE'] = 0x0080,
  107         ['MERGE_QOS'] = 0x0100,
  108         ['REQVANISH'] = 0x0200,
  109         ['VANISHED'] = 0x0400,
  110         ['SUPPRESSED'] = 0x0800,
  111 }
  113 kevent_flags_strings = {
  114         ['ADD'] = 0x0001,
  115         ['DELETE'] = 0x0002,
  116         ['ENABLE'] = 0x0004,
  117         ['DISABLE'] = 0x0008,
  118         ['ONESHOT'] = 0x0010,
  119         ['CLEAR'] = 0x0020,
  120         ['RECEIPT'] = 0x0040,
  121         ['DISPATCH'] = 0x0080,
  122         ['UDATA_SPECIFIC'] = 0x0100,
  123         ['VANISHED'] = 0x0200,
  124         ['FLAG0'] = 0x1000,
  125         ['FLAG1'] = 0x2000,
  126         ['EOF'] = 0x8000,
  127         ['ERROR'] = 0x4000,
  128 }
  130 function kevent_filter_string(filt)
  131         if filt == -1 then
  132                 return 'READ'
  133         elseif filt == -2 then
  134                 return 'WRITE'
  135         elseif filt == -3 then
  136                 return 'AIO'
  137         elseif filt == -4 then
  138                 return 'VNODE'
  139         elseif filt == -5 then
  140                 return 'PROC'
  141         elseif filt == -6 then
  142                 return 'SIGNAL'
  143         elseif filt == -7 then
  144                 return 'TIMER'
  145         elseif filt == -8 then
  146                 return 'MACHPORT'
  147         elseif filt == -9 then
  148                 return 'FS'
  149         elseif filt == -10 then
  150                 return 'USER'
  151         -- -11 unused
  152         elseif filt == -12 then
  153                 return 'VM'
  154         elseif filt == -13 then
  155                 return 'SOCK'
  156         elseif filt == -14 then
  157                 return 'MEMORYSTATUS'
  158         elseif filt == -15 then
  159                 return 'EXCEPT'
  160         elseif filt == -16 then
  161                 return 'NW_CHANNEL'
  162         elseif filt == -17 then
  163                 return 'WORKLOOP'
  165         elseif filt == 17 then
  166                 return 'KQREAD'
  167         elseif filt == 18 then
  168                 return 'PIPE_N'
  169         elseif filt == 19 then
  170                 return 'PIPE_R'
  171         elseif filt == 20 then
  172                 return 'PIPE_W'
  173         elseif filt == 21 then
  174                 return 'PTSD'
  175         elseif filt == 22 then
  176                 return 'SOREAD'
  177         elseif filt == 23 then
  178                 return 'SOWRITE'
  179         elseif filt == 24 then
  180                 return 'SCK'
  181         elseif filt == 25 then
  182                 return 'SOEXCEPT'
  183         elseif filt == 26 then
  184                 return 'SPEC'
  185         elseif filt == 27 then
  186                 return 'BPFREAD'
  187         elseif filt == 28 then
  188                 return 'NECP_FD'
  189         elseif filt == 29 then
  190                 return 'SKYWALK_CHANNEL_W'
  191         elseif filt == 30 then
  192                 return 'SKYWALK_CHANNEL_R'
  193         elseif filt == 31 then
  194                 return 'SKYWALK_CHANNEL_E'
  195         elseif filt == 32 then
  196                 return 'FSEVENT'
  197         elseif filt == 33 then
  198                 return 'VN'
  199         elseif filt == 34 then
  200                 return 'TTY'
  201         elseif filt == 35 then
  202                 return 'PTMX'
  203         elseif filt == 36 then
  204                 return 'DETACHED'
  205         else
  206                 return string.format('[%d]', filt)
  207         end
  208 end
  210 -- kqueue lifecycle
  212 function processing_begin(workq)
  213         return function(buf)
  214                 local prefix = event_prefix_string(buf, workq)
  215                 if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  216                         local qos
  217                         if workq then
  218                                 qos = buf.arg2
  219                         else
  220                                 qos = buf.arg3
  221                         end
  222                         printf("%s QoS = %s\n", prefix, qos_string(qos))
  223                 else
  224                         printf("%s request thread = 0x%x, kqrequest state = %s\n", prefix,
  225                                         buf.arg1, state_string(kqrequest_state_strings, buf.arg2))
  226                 end
  227         end
  228 end
  230 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kq_processing_begin", processing_begin(false))
  231 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwq_processing_begin", processing_begin(true))
  232 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_processing_begin", processing_begin(false))
  234 function processing_end(workq)
  235         return function(buf)
  236                 local qos
  237                 if workq then
  238                         qos = buf.arg2
  239                 else
  240                         qos = buf.arg3
  241                 end
  242                 printf("%s QoS = %s\n", event_prefix_string(buf, workq), qos_string(qos))
  243         end
  244 end
  246 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kq_processing_end", processing_end(false))
  247 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwq_processing_end", processing_end(true))
  248 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_processing_end", processing_end(false))
  250 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwq_bind", function(buf)
  251         printf("%s thread = 0x%x, QoS = %s, kqrequest state = %s\n",
  252                         event_prefix_string(buf, true), buf.arg1, qos_string(buf.arg3),
  253                         state_string(kqrequest_state_strings, buf.arg4))
  254 end)
  256 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwq_unbind", function(buf)
  257         printf("%s thread = 0x%x, QoS = %s\n", event_prefix_string(buf, true),
  258                         buf.arg1, qos_string(buf.arg3))
  259 end)
  261 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_bind", function(buf)
  262         qos = buf.arg3 & 0xff
  263         duplicate = buf.arg3 & (1 << 8)
  264         kqr_override_qos_delta = buf.arg4 >> 8
  265         kqr_state = buf.arg4 & 0xff
  267         printf("%s thread = 0x%x, QoS = %s, override QoS delta = %d, kqrequest state = %s%s\n",
  268                         event_prefix_string(buf, false), buf.arg2, qos_string(qos),
  269                         kqr_override_qos_delta,
  270                         state_string(kqrequest_state_strings, kqr_state),
  271                         duplicate and ", duplicate" or "")
  272 end)
  274 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_unbind", function(buf)
  275         flags = buf.arg3
  276         qos = buf.arg4
  278         printf("%s thread = 0x%x, QoS = %s, flags = 0x%x\n", event_prefix_string(buf, false),
  279                         buf.arg2, qos_string(qos), flags)
  280 end)
  282 function thread_request(workq)
  283         return function(buf)
  284                 printf("%s QoS = %s, kqrequest state = %s, override QoS delta = %d\n",
  285                                 event_prefix_string(buf, workq), qos_string(buf.arg2),
  286                                 state_string(kqrequest_state_strings, buf.arg3), buf.arg3 >> 8)
  287         end
  288 end
  290 function thread_adjust(buf)
  291         tid = buf.arg2
  292         kqr_qos = buf.arg3 >> 8
  293         new_qos = buf.arg3 & 0xff
  294         kqr_qos_override = buf.arg4 >> 8
  295         kqr_state = buf.arg4 & 0xff
  297         printf("%s thread = 0x%x, old/new QoS = %s/%s, old/new override QoS delta = %d/%d, kqrequest state = %s\n",
  298                         event_prefix_string(buf, false),
  299                         tid,
  300                         qos_string(kqr_qos),
  301                         qos_string(new_qos),
  302                         kqr_qos_override,
  303                         new_qos - kqr_qos,
  304                         state_string(kqrequest_state_strings, kqr_state))
  305 end
  307 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwq_thread_request", thread_request(true))
  308 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_thread_request", thread_request(false))
  309 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_thread_adjust", thread_adjust)
  311 function kevent_register(workq)
  312         return function(buf)
  313                 printf("%s kevent udata = 0x%x, kevent filter = %s, kevent flags = %s\n",
  314                                 event_prefix_string(buf, workq), buf.arg2,
  315                                 kevent_filter_string(buf.arg4),
  316                                 state_string(kevent_flags_strings, buf.arg3))
  317         end
  318 end
  320 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kq_register", kevent_register(false))
  321 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwq_register", kevent_register(true))
  322 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_register", kevent_register(false))
  324 function kevent_process(workq)
  325         return function(buf)
  326                 printf("%s kevent ident = 0x%x, udata = 0x%x, kevent filter = %s, knote status = %s\n",
  327                                 event_prefix_string(buf, workq), buf.arg3 >> 32, buf.arg2,
  328                                 kevent_filter_string(buf.arg4),
  329                                 state_string(knote_state_strings, buf.arg3 & 0xffffffff))
  330         end
  331 end
  333 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kq_process", kevent_process(false))
  334 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwq_process", kevent_process(true))
  335 trace_eventname("KEVENT_kqwl_process", kevent_process(false))

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.