The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition
Now available: The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Second Edition)

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FreeBSD/Linux Kernel Cross Reference

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    1 #!/usr/local/bin/luatrace -s
    3 trace_codename = function(codename, callback)
    4         local debugid = trace.debugid(codename)
    5         if debugid ~= 0 then
    6                 trace.single(debugid,callback)
    7         else
    8                 printf("WARNING: Cannot locate debugid for '%s'\n", codename)
    9         end
   10 end
   12 initial_timestamp = 0
   13 pid_map = {};
   14 get_prefix = function(buf)
   15         if initial_timestamp == 0 then
   16                 initial_timestamp = buf.timestamp
   17         end
   18         local secs = trace.convert_timestamp_to_nanoseconds(buf.timestamp - initial_timestamp) / 1000000000
   20         local prefix
   21         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
   22                 prefix = "→"
   23         elseif trace.debugid_is_end(buf.debugid) then
   24                 prefix = "←"
   25         else
   26                 prefix = "↔"
   27         end
   29         local proc
   30         if == buf[1] then
   31                 proc = buf.command
   32                 if pid_map[buf[1]] == nil then
   33                         pid_map[buf[1]] = buf.command
   34                 end
   35         elseif pid_map[buf[1]] ~= nil then
   36                 proc = pid_map[buf[1]]
   37         else
   38                 proc = "UNKNOWN"
   39         end
   41         return string.format("%s %6.9f %-17s [%05d.%06x] %-24s",
   42                 prefix, secs, proc,, buf.threadid, buf.debugname)
   43 end
   45 parse_pthread_priority = function(pri)
   46         pri = pri & 0xffffffff
   47         if (pri & 0x02000000) == 0x02000000 then
   48                 return "Manager"
   49         end
   50         local qos = (pri & 0x00ffff00) >> 8
   51         if qos == 0x20 then
   52                 return string.format("UI[%x]", pri);
   53         elseif qos == 0x10 then
   54                 return string.format("IN[%x]", pri);
   55         elseif qos == 0x08 then
   56                 return string.format("DF[%x]", pri);
   57         elseif qos == 0x04 then
   58                 return string.format("UT[%x]", pri);
   59         elseif qos == 0x02 then
   60                 return string.format("BG[%x]", pri);
   61         elseif qos == 0x01 then
   62                 return string.format("MT[%x]", pri);
   63         elseif qos == 0x00 then
   64                 return string.format("--[%x]", pri);
   65         else
   66                 return string.format("??[%x]", pri);
   67         end
   68 end
   70 parse_thread_qos = function(pri)
   71         if pri == 7 then
   72                 return string.format("MG", pri);
   73         elseif pri == 6 then
   74                 return string.format("UI", pri);
   75         elseif pri == 5 then
   76                 return string.format("IN", pri);
   77         elseif pri == 4 then
   78                 return string.format("DF", pri);
   79         elseif pri == 3 then
   80                 return string.format("UT", pri);
   81         elseif pri == 2 then
   82                 return string.format("BG", pri);
   83         elseif pri == 1 then
   84                 return string.format("MT", pri);
   85         elseif pri == 0 then
   86                 return string.format("--", pri);
   87         else
   88                 return string.format("??[%x]", pri);
   89         end
   90 end
   92 parse_thactive_req_qos = function(pri)
   93         if pri ~= 0 then
   94                 return parse_thread_qos(pri)
   95         end
   96         return "None"
   97 end
   99 get_thactive = function(low, high)
  100         return string.format("req: %s, MG: %d, UI: %d, IN: %d, DE: %d, UT: %d, BG: %d, MT: %d",
  101                         parse_thactive_req_qos(high >> (16 * 3)), (high >> (2 * 16)) & 0xffff,
  102                         (high >> (1 * 16)) & 0xffff, (high >> (0 * 16)) & 0xffff,
  103                         (low  >> (3 * 16)) & 0xffff, (low  >> (2 * 16)) & 0xffff,
  104                         (low  >> (1 * 16)) & 0xffff, (low  >> (0 * 16)) & 0xffff)
  105 end
  107 -- workqueue lifecycle
  109 trace_codename("wq_pthread_exit", function(buf)
  110         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  111         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  112                 printf("%s\tprocess is exiting\n",prefix)
  113         else
  114                 printf("%s\tworkqueue marked as exiting and timer is complete\n",prefix)
  115         end
  116 end)
  118 trace_codename("wq_workqueue_exit", function(buf)
  119         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  120         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  121                 printf("%s\tall threads have exited, cleaning up\n",prefix)
  122         else
  123                 printf("%s\tclean up complete\n",prefix)
  124         end
  125 end)
  127 trace_codename("wq_start_add_timer", function(buf)
  128         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  129         printf("%s\tarming timer to fire in %d us (flags: %x, reqcount: %d)\n",
  130                 prefix, buf.arg4, buf.arg3, buf.arg2)
  131 end)
  133 trace_codename("wq_add_timer", function(buf)
  134         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  135         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  136                 printf("%s\tadd_timer fired (flags: %x, nthreads: %d, thidlecount: %d)\n",
  137                         prefix, buf.arg2, buf.arg3, buf.arg4)
  138         elseif trace.debugid_is_end(buf.debugid) then
  139                 printf("%s\tadd_timer completed (start_timer: %x, nthreads: %d, thidlecount: %d)\n",
  140                         prefix, buf.arg2, buf.arg3, buf.arg4)
  141         end
  142 end)
  144 trace_codename("wq_select_threadreq", function(buf)
  145         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  146         if buf[2] == 0 then
  147                 printf("%s\tSelection failed: process exiting\n", prefix)
  148         elseif buf[2] == 1 then
  149                 printf("%s\tSelection failed: no request\n", prefix)
  150         elseif buf[2] == 2 then
  151                 printf("%s\tSelection failed: throttled\n", prefix)
  152         elseif buf[2] == 3 then
  153                 printf("%s\tSelection failed: scheduler would preempt\n", prefix)
  154         end
  155 end)
  157 trace_codename("wq_creator_select", function(buf)
  158         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  159         if buf[2] == 1 then
  160                 printf("%s\t\tcreator %x overridden at %s\n", prefix, buf[3],
  161                         parse_thread_qos(buf[4]))
  162         elseif buf[2] == 2 then
  163                 printf("%s\t\tcreator %x selected at %s\n", prefix, buf[3],
  164                         parse_thread_qos(buf[4]))
  165         elseif buf[2] == 3 then
  166                 printf("%s\t\tcreator idled (%d yields)\n", prefix, buf[4])
  167         elseif buf[2] == 4 then
  168                 printf("%s\t\tcreator removed (%d yields)\n", prefix, buf[4])
  169         end
  170 end)
  172 trace_codename("wq_creator_yield", function(buf)
  173         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  174         local reason = "unknown"
  175         if buf[2] == 1 then
  176                 reason = "fast steal rate"
  177         elseif buf[2] == 2 then
  178                 reason = "above ncpu scheduled"
  179         end
  180         printf("%s\t\tcreator yielded (%s, current:%d snapshot:%d)\n",
  181                         prefix, reason, buf[3], buf[4])
  182 end)
  184 trace_codename("wq_thread_logical_run", function(buf)
  185         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  186         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  187                 printf("%s\tthread unparking (request %x)\n", prefix, buf[2])
  188         else
  189                 printf("%s\tthread parking\n", prefix)
  190         end
  191 end)
  193 trace.enable_thread_cputime()
  194 runthread_time_map = {}
  195 runthread_cputime_map = {}
  196 trace_codename("wq_runthread", function(buf)
  197         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  198         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  199                 printf("%s\tSTART running thread\n", prefix)
  200                 runthread_time_map[buf.threadid] = buf.timestamp;
  201                 runthread_cputime_map[buf.threadid] = trace.cputime_for_thread(buf.threadid);
  202         elseif runthread_time_map[buf.threadid] then
  203                 local time = buf.timestamp - runthread_time_map[buf.threadid]
  204                 local cputime = trace.cputime_for_thread(buf.threadid) - runthread_cputime_map[buf.threadid]
  206                 local time_ms = trace.convert_timestamp_to_nanoseconds(time) / 1000000
  207                 local cputime_ms = trace.convert_timestamp_to_nanoseconds(cputime) / 1000000
  209                 printf("%s\tDONE running thread: time = %6.6f ms, cputime = %6.6f ms\n",
  210                                 prefix, time_ms, cputime_ms)
  212                 runthread_time_map[buf.threadid] = 0
  213                 runthread_cputime_map[buf.threadid] = 0
  214         elseif trace.debugid_is_end(buf.debugid) then
  215                 printf("%s\tDONE running thread\n", prefix)
  216         end
  217 end)
  219 trace_codename("wq_thactive_update", function(buf)
  220         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  221         local thactive = get_thactive(buf[2], buf[3])
  222         printf("%s\tthactive updated (%s)\n", prefix, thactive)
  223 end)
  225 trace_codename("wq_thread_block", function(buf)
  226         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  227         local req_pri = parse_thread_qos(buf[3] >> 8)
  228         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  229                 printf("%s\tthread blocked (activecount: %d, priority: %s, req_pri: %s, reqcount: %d, start_timer: %d)\n",
  230                         prefix, buf[2], parse_thread_qos(buf[3] & 0xff), req_pri, buf[4] >> 1, buf[4] & 0x1)
  231         else
  232                 printf("%s\tthread unblocked (activecount: %d, priority: %s, req_pri: %s, threads_scheduled: %d)\n",
  233                         prefix, buf[2], parse_thread_qos(buf[3] & 0xff), req_pri, buf[4])
  234         end
  235 end)
  237 trace_codename("wq_thread_create_failed", function(buf)
  238         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  239         if buf[3] == 0 then
  240                 printf("%s\tfailed to create new workqueue thread, kern_return: 0x%x\n",
  241                         prefix, buf[2])
  242         elseif buf[3] == 1 then
  243                 printf("%s\tfailed to vm_map workq thread stack: 0x%x\n", prefix, buf[2])
  244         elseif buf[3] == 2 then
  245                 printf("%s\tfailed to vm_protect workq thread guardsize: 0x%x\n", prefix, buf[2])
  246         end
  247 end)
  249 trace_codename("wq_thread_create", function(buf)
  250         printf("%s\tcreated new workqueue thread\n", get_prefix(buf))
  251 end)
  253 trace_codename("wq_thread_terminate", function(buf)
  254         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  255         local what
  256         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  257                 what = "try to terminate thread"
  258         else
  259                 what = "terminated thread"
  260         end
  261         printf("%s\t%s: currently idle %d\n", prefix, what, buf[2])
  262 end)
  264 trace_codename("wq_wqops_reqthreads", function(buf)
  265         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  266         printf("%s\tlegacy thread request made for %d threads at %s\n", prefix, buf[2], parse_pthread_priority(buf[3]));
  267 end)
  269 trace_codename("wq_thread_request_initiate", function(buf)
  270         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  271         printf("%s\tthread request %x made at %s (count:%d)\n", prefix, buf[2], parse_thread_qos(buf[3]), buf[4]);
  272 end)
  274 trace_codename("wq_thread_request_modify", function(buf)
  275         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  276         printf("%s\tthread request %x priorty updated to %s\n", prefix, buf[2], parse_thread_qos(buf[3]));
  277 end)
  279 trace_codename("wq_thread_request_cancel", function(buf)
  280         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  281         printf("%s\tthread request %x canceled\n", prefix, buf[2], parse_thread_qos(buf[3]));
  282 end)
  284 trace_codename("wq_constrained_admission", function(buf)
  285         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  286         if buf[2] == 1 then
  287                 printf("fail: %s\twq_constrained_threads_scheduled=%d >= wq_max_constrained_threads=%d\n",
  288                                 prefix, buf[3], buf[4])
  289         elseif (buf[2] == 2) or (buf[2] == 3) then
  290                 local success = nil;
  291                 if buf[2] == 2 then success = "success"
  292                 else success = "fail" end
  293                 printf("%s\t%s\tthactive_count=%d + busycount=%d >= wq->wq_max_concurrency\n",
  294                                 prefix, success, buf[3], buf[4])
  295         end
  296 end)
  298 trace_codename("wq_cooperative_admission", function(buf)
  299         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  300         if (buf[4] == 1) then
  301                 printf("%s\tsuccess at qos %s\t wq_cooperative_threads_scheduled=%d >= wq_max_cooperative_threads\n",
  302                         prefix, parse_thread_qos(buf[2]), buf[1])
  303         elseif (buf[4] == 2) then
  304                 printf("%s\tsuccess at qos %s\t due to empty bucket, wq_cooperative_threads_scheduled=%d\n",
  305                         prefix, parse_thread_qos(buf[2]), buf[1])
  306         elseif (buf[4] == 3) then
  307                 success = "success"
  308                 if (buf[3] == 0) then
  309                         success = "fail"
  310                 end
  311                 printf("%s\t%s at qos %s\twq_cooperative_threads_scheduled_up_to_qos=%d\n",
  312                         prefix, success, parse_thread_qos(buf[2]), buf[1])
  313         end
  314 end)
  316 trace_codename("wq_death_call", function(buf)
  317         local prefix = get_prefix(buf)
  318         if trace.debugid_is_start(buf.debugid) then
  319                 printf("%s\tentering death call\n", prefix);
  320         elseif trace.debugid_is_end(buf.debugid) then
  321                 printf("%s\tleaving death call\n", prefix);
  322         else
  323                 printf("%s\tscheduling death call\n", prefix);
  324         end
  325 end)
  326 --
  327 -- vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet:

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This page is part of the FreeBSD/Linux Linux Kernel Cross-Reference, and was automatically generated using a modified version of the LXR engine.